Hi All,
I am planning to buy my first car (5 seater) with approx $3k. I am looking for automatic car.
So question is how much old car i can get with 3k? What is brand that i should look for.
Since i do not have much experience with automobiles, i thought to get your advise.
Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
From 25 years of previous experience, don't do it.
The car you buy, will have problems. ie if it was a good car, the previous owner wouldn't of
sold it, traded it in. Yes there maybe exceptions but these are few and far between.
Cars can got big dollars to repairs ie timing belts replaced, transmission repairs, wheel bearings etc etc.
I spent $3,000 in one year on a $4000 car, never again.
My advice, increase the budget and buy a nice car, with interest rates this low, you should be able to afford it.
I just bought a 2 year old kia cerato, 5 years unlimited warranty, it drives well, and I'm pretty sure I'll get many years out of it.
There is no point saving $7,000 on a car initially, and then spending $7,000 in repairs in the years to follow.