This was posted 12 years 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Telstra ‘Thanks’ $10 Movie Ticket Offer


To thank you for being with us, you can enjoy $10 movie tickets and candy bar upgrades any day of the week (except after 5pm on Saturdays and on public holidays). Up to 10 tickets per transaction so your friends, family and team can all enjoy the savings.

Things you need to know:

$10 Movie Tickets: only available online and at Event Cinemas, Greater Union, Birch Carroll & Coyle, Village Cinemas and Moonlight Cinemas. Tickets are valid for sessions any day of the week except after 5pm on Saturdays and public holidays. Maximum of 10 tickets per single transaction. Purchase of tickets is strictly upon availability. Ticket price includes booking fee and GST. Tickets are valid for Vmax cinemas and 3D screenings with the payment of standard surcharges. Offer not valid for Gold Class cinemas. Tickets cannot be used for special events and movie marathons. Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount. When a customer ceases to hold an active account with Telstra, or ceases to be a Telstra employee or contractor working and living within Australia, they will no longer be able to access the $10 movie tickets and candybar upgrade. Telstra reserves the right in its discretion to change, cancel or suspend this offer without notice.

Candybar upgrade: Only available online with the purchase of a $10 movie ticket at Event Cinemas, Greater Union or Birch Carroll & Coyle cinemas, Telstra customers and employees who have purchased a medium popcorn and soft drink candybar combo can upgrade for free to a large popcorn and soft drink combo. Village Cinemas customers must purchase the $10 movie ticket online and present the ticket to the cinema candybar to receive free upgrade from medium popcorn and coke combo to large popcorn and coke combo only. Candybar offer is not available at Moonlight Cinemas. Offer covers standard candybar combos only. Promotional candybar combos are not included.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Judging by the page, it starts tomorrow?

  • +7

    Optus for Hoyts
    Telstra for Event
    Hurray !

    • and colgate for hoyts too [giggle]

  • +2

    Dammit.. I'll wait for the loop hole to be discovered for us Optus customers who miss Event cinemas…

    • +1

      can you still get event tickets from optus?

      • +2

        No.. now it has changed to Hoyts/Reading cinemas..

    • +3

      Buy a $2 Telstra SIM, like I bought a $2 Optus SIM

      • +7

        Or just keep trying random phone numbers until one hits ;)

        • I don't think this will work as it seems to verify names. Or did I miss something?

  • +1

    Ever since Optus' sponership with eventcinemas ended and Telstra's started I've been waiting for this.

    They took their damn sweeet time though!

  • +2

    By the way, the offer seems live now, you just need to follow the link via the FAQ below -

    Purchase instructions -

    1) surf to here -
    2) logon to your account (from the pulldown)
    3) click on the 'Thanks Movies' link on the right
    4) purchase tickets

    (the step after 3 links off to… but that will change depending upon whether you are a business user or personal I guess)

    Check out my successful attempt to purchase a movie tonight, a day before the site goes live -…

    After that page, it cross-links to the event site, and I purchased a couple of tickets.

    • I'd give The Impossible a miss frankly..

      • +1

        Yes, ended up with Lincoln, but I wanted to test properly with a movie that wasn't being discounted by OSCARS voucher.

        • +1

          Once you hit purchase nothing happens, so I don't think you buy these until tomorrow.

        • +1

          There is no purchase button to hit. There is a 'buy your tickets now' button at the very end within the event site, after you've selected your tickets. I went right through to the event website, and paid via paypal. Tickets purchased already.

          At what point does the browser display nothing?

        • Probably didn't work as I tried it on the ipad. Damn thing still has limitations.

    • +1

      The link works for all the 'mainstream' movies, but not the one-offs - rewinds such as Back to the Future and Casablanca. fyi only.

  • +2

    Not too bad, though not as splendid against Optus' 10 dollar bonus previous promo
    Hoyts Movie Tickets - $10 for 1 Adult and 1 Child (if You Are with Optus)3/1.

    Whilst I gather $10 is standard for both, Event would have the edge on locations, being that greater union is included with Telstra offer.

    • yes but the old event/optus promo made you pay a $1.10 booking fee the event/telstra promo doesn't.

  • +2

    Yay! You can't change the URL to cheat and get the special offer with this one so definitely need to be a Telstra customer.

    • Looks like they finally paid someone with experience to design the rewards system.

  • I wonder why Village Cinemas devalue the offer by attaching the candy-bar upgrade to the purchase of Coke only. Can't imagine that there is a good reason for that unless that's the drink with the highest water-down factor.

  • +1

    The RAA in South Australia are also offering cheap movie tickets with Event Cinemas, and it is also starting tomorrow.

    I don't think its a coincidence that they are both launching this tomorrow. The IT work for both is probably being done simultaneously.

    I wonder who else is launching cheap movie tickets tomorrow.

  • Ticket price includes booking fee and GST.

    When i went to buy 2 tickets it added $2.20 on for booking fee :'(

    • +1

      Should be $9 for the ticket and then another $1 for the booking fee which brings it to $10.
      That's how it was when I tested it.

      • I got a completely different result. $10 for the ticket, and $0.0 as the booking fee, all inclusive of GST. This was for event cinemas in NSW.

        • Event Cinemas Castle Hill is where i tried at, cost $10 per ticket plus had $1.10 booking fee. Why are you down voting for that?

          Actually just tried a different movie and it didnt add booking fee. Must have been unlucky with the movie i selected.

    • For Village in Victoria, it is $9 for standard ticket plus $1 per booking = $10

  • +1

    About time Telstra gave us something back in return for paying for their overpriced services.

  • Iv got like 50 Telstra numbers… Since I keep buying woollies $10 prepaid sims normally $30, to bad I throw the sims out right way once used, if there are others you could post here tour un wanted numbers instead of trashing it like I have.

    • Do the Telstra no. need to be activated?

      • It appears that you need to have a My Account registration. And to have that, an active service is required.

  • Thanks for this! It works with my Cinebuzz account too so I get the points as well.

  • +1

    I'm the happiest boy in the world.

  • +1

    Awesome deal! Been waiting for something like this… been pretty hard finding Event Cinemas deals since the rydges code stopped working.

  • Cool. Got Hoyts and Village covered now - Optus internet, Telstra landline.

    Now if they'd just release a decent movie at the cinemas..

  • So will buying a $2 Prepaid Telstra sim work? Or do we need to be on a monthly type of subscription with Telstra?

    • Yep prepaid services are fine. I have prepaid iPad and mobile.

      • +1

        How long does the $2 SIM card last for?
        I don't want to continually recharge the SIM just to get cheap movie tickets..

        • Generally it is 6 months from last recharge so I guess 6 months from activation

      • Do we need to actually buy a separate Telstra recharge credit to charge the $2 Prepaid sim? Or can we just activate the sim?

        • I think just activating the SIM should work. Like geek7899 pointed below, you could argue it is just for receiving calls ;)

        • Thanks! :)

  • Thanks OP :()

  • +1

    Am not a Telstra customer, but +1 for the deal and your username, OP :) Chicken Adobo is my favourite! (hubby is filipino :))

    • +2

      Thx for the compliment. Chicken Adobo is my favorite filipino dish.

  • +1

    Thank you! This is fantastic! I'm a Telstra customer and love to go to the movies but haven't been lately since it's so expensive. I foresee many trips to the cinema :)

    • Even with all the crap that they show these days? :P

      • +2

        Haha well when that Rydges code was working I went once a week sooo yeah. What can I say, I love the cinema.

  • Hmm has anyone had any lucky accessing this from their mobile? It works perfectly from my desktop but when I try it from my iPhone, the link for the tickets in my account isn't there.

    EDIT: Nevermind. I was just having a moment of temporary blindness.

    EDIT 2: Okay, so the link is there, but "an error has occurred, please try again later." Hrumph.

  • I'm going to have to get a Telstra home phone now Just so I'll e eligible for this $10 tickets. I was used to using my optus rewards till they changed up to Hoyt's and u had to order them

  • RAA in SA are now doing $9.50 instant event cinemas tickets.

  • +2

    Has anybody bought a $2 SIM and used it successfully to buy these discounted tickets without actually recharging it?

    • Have done so with Optus. Dont think it'd be any different with Telstra.
      Just needs to be active on their network….you could argue, its only for receiving calls :)

  • I'm glad it works for Bigpond as well and not just restricted to the phone services!

  • +3

    confirmed working with prepaid sim. takes 1 day for account to go through before you can register for myaccount.

    • Thanks for confirming this, cyrax83

  • How do the Optus Hoyts ones work? I am a Hoyts kinda guy.

  • +1

    I was also wondering if this will work with a Kogan Mobile SIM. They do use Telstra and they are giving out free SIMs. Anyone try this?

  • +1

    Confirmed, event cinemas or Telstra removed tgere $1.10 booking fee. Way better than Optus, which charged it.

  • +1

    I too am confirming a purchase of a $2 sim works. Register for MyAccount and enjoy your $10 tickets! :)

  • Nice

  • I managed to sign up with an already expired Telstra SIM.
    All you need to is the phone number and the name/DOB of the person when you bought the SIM.

    I would like to emphasis if you have no Telstra customers in your home, you can buy a Telstra SIM for $2 and there is no need to recharge to buy tickets.

    The old Optus-Greater Union promotion was my favorite promotion of all time. The web interface was flawless and the $10 tickets got me and all my friends going to the cinemas again (a lot). I hope this is the beginning of something similar with Telstra.

  • -1

    Anyone managed to use the telstra off for $10 tickets? Doesn't seem to be working last 2 days.

  • +1

    Vodaphone come on!!!!!

  • at what age for children do you need to buy ticket? or it doesnt matter what age and u still have to pay for ticket? i have a 1 and half yrs old and was wondering if you need to buy tiket for them too?

    • Under 3 is free, If you hover your mouse over the children's ticket on the purchasing page it gives you the info. Of course it would be too logical for Event to but that sort of useful information in their Help/knowledgebase I reckon moronic monkeys designed that web page it's awful :|

  • still working, just booked @ Burwood NSW , 2 tickets ($20) + a large popcorn n drink ($11) = $31!

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