Lots more on sale
- Nintendo DSi $79 ( save $120)
- Nitendo DSi XL ( Save $150)
- Pokemon DSi case $0.98 …
Toy R Us Chadston VIC Clearance Nintendo DSi XL $99 (Save $150)

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I wonder if this applies to other stores too.
Yep, myself and someone else posted this last week. Nationwide. $150 for XBox Kinect and PS3 too. This is a dupe.
My local ToysRUs store in Belconnen, ACT, had a few on these on clearance during the week. The DSi XL's sold quickly, and as of yesterday, they only had 2-3 DSi's left, but they were selling them for $99.98 and not $79.98. Bear in mind, all the stock at my store was ex-display models and all the packages had been opened. (I don't think their display models are used by customers though, as they were always stored in a glass cabinet).
Plenty DSi XL, only few DSi . My kids got 2 DSi yesterday :D
What color DSi XLs are available?
$99 is a bargain for any color if you can get one.
My wife bought a Pink 3DS from DSE for $83 on Wednesday.
Which DSE was it? Any stock left? Looking to pick up a 3DS sometime before the new Pokemon comes out ;)
Blue red and burgundy colours left. Dsi xl.
Sounds like 3 left…
They had 2 DSI XL and a couple of DSI's at Hurstville store (Westfield) yesterday afternoon
One DSi Black at Garden City, QLD. Had it in my hand then decided that I don't really need a DSi.
Happy playing to whomever gets it!
I went to garden city around 1pm and all i could find was 3ds xlnt for 249 :(
Plenty of DSi and XL DSi at TRU Erina NSW
Thanks for the heads up dude, just went across to Erina and picked up one for our daughter who has been wanting one for a while now :) They still had about 4 XLs left and probably 6 DSi.
Plenty at innaloo toys r us. DSE have 3DS for $119.
Some DSE have them for $99 now if you look around. They can be bartered now as well.
I don't have it. Wife tucks them away in case of warranty and apparently DSE will not match other DSE.
My DSE will match other DSE so long as its not under cost price.
You also negated your own comment when you said you dont have it and then wife put it away. That means you do have it??I never had the receipt Sherlock, read the first post again. Congratulations on your skills of deduction though champ.
DSE staff always says its under cost. No deal.
So you not speak to your wife? Do you even know who she is? If my wife tucked something away I would say.. hey honey can I have this for a minute please.
Why dont you just say.. "No I am not going to help you." as that seems more honest
I post my own receipts on here quite often, I simply gave people a heads up. I won't be asking her for her receipt especially if it was to the benefit of you. Why don't you just accept the polite refusal and move on champ?
Really? Show me one time you posted a receipt? I mean you do it "quite often"
But wait you dont have it. and you wife has put it away. Call people Sherlock that ask for clarification. Where exactly were you polite?
Just drop it champ. We all got you message now..There you go again Sherlock.
Is that clear enough for you? I can find more if you really like but that would be the latest.Also the polite response was made to the guy who asked for the receipt before you came. I simply mentioned that people can find 3DS even cheaper than these if they try DSE.
So now that you're done cross questioning me may I ask what you have brought to this thread apart from accusations and negativeness? Also I don't believe your statement about your DSE matching other DSE stores, I call BS http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/93421#comment-1246510
As for getting the message, it took you a while, I thought I made it clear in my first reply to you? Oh well, it takes all kinds. Have a nice day champ.
You just dont stop do you? What a piece of work you are.. So once is quite often.. Yer okay whatever.
What is so polite about "I don't have it". English not your maiden language? Try "Sorry, I don't have it" that's polite and still a lie.I came to the tread to look for bargains. Why you want to know that for? I am not negative. Look at the voting. You are the only one getting negative votes.
Like I said DS will match prices so long as its not under cost. I said that at the start and I stand by it. Those clearance things they are selling under cost. So they wont match the price. Do you understand this or need further clarification!!!
Took me a while to get what message? That you lied when you contradicted yourself saying I dont have it. My wife has it? Now you are confused thinking I finally worked something out. You are a piece of work. My thoughts exactly about all kinds.. Champ!!
Didn't you ask for one receipt? I'm pretty sure that you asked me for one? Did you ask me for one receipt? *Checks previous post by forgetful - yes, you definitely did ask for one receipt, which I posted just a week ago and others pointed out in that thread that it would not help them as DSE wouldn't price match other DSE stores.
English is my language, funny you should ask considering your bad grammar so far.I have not lied here at all, I have not contradicted myself - I shall explain this one last time for you as you are obviously not able to keep up.
1/ Wife bought 3DS for $83 from DSE in Orange.
2/ Wife packs her receipts away to avoid loss or deterioration of receipt for warranty purposes.
3/ I have not got the receipt nor did I want to retrieve the receipt and post it on the internet, it wasn't mine, it would have needed editing to remove wife's cc details - I couldn't be bothered doing that this time around as I was told previously that DSE won't price match the clearance stock.
4/ Misguided and poorly informed person decides to take out a persistently harass me for making a decision for myself. Aforementioned person believes he is right because some neg sheep who wanted a receipt back him up? I actually haven't bothered negging you as I thought (and still do think) that you are perhaps a 10 year old kid.Finally the $99 3DS (which was bartered down to $83) is a clearance item therefore you are clearly contradicting your whole silly little arguement and validating my decision not to post the receipt on here. You'd laugh at this point if you understood irony.
I'm not interested in what you say or stand by, I won't waste more time with you as you're a little too small minded to actually get a sensible reply from, you're not worth my time champ, bye bye.Lol you make me laugh.. Sorry I could not read all your dribble. Its so inaccurate and misguided and I simply gave up.
Can you please tell me where I did not ask for more than 1 receipt? You repeated yourself 3 times and I agree.. I did only ask for 1 receipt. So why repeat yourself? Memory lapse I guess.
However you claimed I post my receipts on here quite often. Thats what you said.. not me.
You showed us 1 receipt (yes I know you probably forgot thats all I asked for). That however does not prove you posted here quite often. Frankly I dont care for your proof any more. You showed you lie and contradict yourself.Thats like you saying I dont have my car keys any more when you put them on a bench. Or I dont have any money when you put your wallet down. If you wife filed away your receipt then you still have it!!!
Now we dont know that $83 DS you supposibly got is a clearance. You never said so and you didn't prove it even existed. I think its total BS in the first place - but thats just my opinion.
Hey you didn't even sound like you know when Dick Smith will match prices. You said flat out that they wont. We all corrected you and told you that they will unless its under cost. So dont claim this is why I didn't post my receipt.
Its either
- Your full of it
- You cant be bothered helping
So which is it Champ!!
can you BOTH shut up now!
Did you go in today (Saturday)?
I just came back from there, they have 2 or 3 blue, 6+ burgandy and black, and 12+ yellow of the dsixl, probably about 6+ of the dsi black and blue ones.
And nothing at the cannington toysrus.
Highpoint (maribyrnong) (VIC) store.
No DSi XL.
Only DSi.2 left at last check (sitting in glass cabinet at counter). Broken seal on one (black). Double pair of seals (2x2) on the white DSi model.
The round seals are the standard transparent circle Nintendo stickers that you have to cut or remove to open the box, which pretty much indicates to me whether it's been opened. Seems like the white model was sealed with 4 stickers (double pair) and the black model left was opened already (obvious tear).
Rather unclean external appearance of boxes with large special "79.98" price tags affixed with shoddily-applied sticky tape.
My god those are cheap prices
heaps of DSi colours at gepps cross sa. Didn't notice the xl's
omg I want one so bad :(
Sorry but why do you guys still want this? Isn't this like trying very hard to get a PS2 when the PS3 is already well established (well almost replaced) and no new games are made for it…
- in your example, PS3 doesn't play PS2 games (initially it had some backward compatibility though). Therefore, a PS3 cannot completely replace a PS2; they aren't the same.
- Games come out on one system that don't on the other.
- can get so many second-hand games for cheap with older systems
- classic games are classic games, and they are best played on the hardware they were designed for (and often (but not always) can only be played back on the systems they were designed for)
- sometimes newer hardware comes with higher-res screens and attempts to play older games and the look and feel is not quite the same.
- older DSi units have better battery life than the 3DS models (DSi XL has both better speakers and battery life)
- feel and size can and do differ between units; since you're holding them for long hours, some people prefer the size/shape/layout of older designs over the new ones, or other characteristics regarding the physical design.
- $80/$100 is dirt-cheap for what you get
- people try to re-live their fun with older games with emulators: forget that, this is the real deal. In 10 years you may appreciate the older games more than you do now; it's great to have the actual hardware rather than mess with emulators (or more modern versions of the consoles with backward compatibility that doesn't quite feel the same).
Ya wanna buy my old Sega Mega_Drive and Super Nintendo?
Damn nice, wish they had more stock in ACT though!
Hurstville NSW also has a few Playstation Move chargers for 98 cents each. There was 5 left when I bought 1 (approx. 1PM Saturday).
anyone know where there are any dsi XL in Melbourne?
I went down to Toys R Us Chadston, all DSI XL are sold out. There were 2 DSI (normal size) for $80 left.
Still some DSi (3) at toys r us in Canberra for $79
Sigh I'm working today so I won't be able to get this bargain, and and I bet they will sell out quick