• expired

DSE Games Clearance $20 FIFA 13 Vita, Loz Skyward Sword Wii in-Store Only


I just grabbed FIFA 13 and case for Vita $25 together.
I saw following

  • $20
    FIFA 13
    Unit 13
    Rayman Origins
  • $15
    Smart As
  • $20
    Transformer FoC
    Street Fighter x Tekken
    Modern Warfare 3
    Borderlands 2
  • $15
    Battlefield 3
    NFS The Run
  • $10
  • $20
    LoZ Ocarina of Time
  • $15
    Cooking Mama 4
    Kid Icarus
  • $10
    Rayman Origins
  • $20
    LoZ Skyward Sword
Xbox 360
  • $20
    Modern Warfare 3
    Borderlands 2

Sorry, I never looked at 360 long and so I advise taking a quick trip down for some bargains.

Added pic link


Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • all stores?

    • I would check prices out online first… not all stores 'advertise' the promoted prices…but when you head to store and scan item out…you will pay the price it states online (unless of course its an online only promotion)

      • these games dont seem to be listed online though

        • Read title please ;)

        • +1

          i know ;) i was just telling maestrok that you can't check these prices online because they're not listed online, not even as 'in store only'.

  • +4

    Damn it! I paid $30 for Battlefield 3 on PS3 2 weeks ago at DSE!

    Surely this must be the definition of hell for any OzBargainer..

    • 28 degress with GE insurance policy = you would have got $15 back from GE money.

  • what store did you go to beakeroo? i called my local ds and they had loz 3ds for $40 instead of $20.

    • Orange NSW

  • +1

    it's probably only at the OP's store

    Borderlands 2 on 360 is still $50 online

    • Perhaps though guy in store said it is not online.

    • yeah but he also looked at borderlands 2 on ps3, which isn't listed online. most of these games seem to be in store only.

  • Trying to upload a pic from phone but bad upload speed and 1080p not helping…

  • going to check after 12 dse wetherill park…

  • Could a mod change the url link over with my pic I finally uploaded? Can't do it myself.

  • +5

    Receipt if anyone wants to price match FIFA 13


  • +1

    Not on sale at Miranda nsw store

  • +1

    Lowest price I've seen on Skyward Sword and 3DS Ocarina of Time…but when I went to DSE yesterday, it wasn't in the clearance bin. Saw PS3 LOTR: War in the North for $20 though.

    Wonder how much store credit you could get from JB or EB with these titles…

  • +1

    Not at robina :(

  • +1

    Haha, brighton had a "clearance" with barely any games alll at high prices.

    Damn it, i wanted borderlands 2 for 20 bucks.

  • +1

    not at Penrith store. Street Fighter x Tekken was $50.

  • top ryde didn't have the clearance sale going, but i did show them the receipt of fifa 13 for $15… although they couldn't do it for $15 they did say i can get it for $20.

  • not at wetherill park…

  • +4

    Chirnside Park (vic) had Catherine for PS3 marked at $20 but when at the counter they wanted $40. Tried arguing but in the end just walked out.

    • +2

      Thanks for saving me the trip. :)

  • If anyone purchases Transformers FoC PS3 please post up the receipt.
    At work all today and I doubt there will be any tomorrow :(

  • Not at Hoppers Crossing, I couldent find anything at a decent price there

  • ah the new Dick smith game sale policy in operation. Managers now have permission to clear old clearance games at reduced prices, lower than system prices, meaning that staff mark down what game stuff they want when they want, but have to wait until 24 hours after the markdown date before taking them home.

    New owners appear to think increased local clearance discretion is a good idea ……… duh …. on the notion that people will go in to a chain store to look for local prices … Homer there's a big job opening at the new Dick smith head office for you!

    Good post though - very amusing when investigated…. dick smith don't do deals that match other dick smiths or even apparently their own marked prices - see above - why bother with clowns?

    • +1

      it's ridiculous

    • +2

      What do you mean 'now'? When I worked at Dick Smith this policy was already in place and mostly unregulated. Once stock goes to 'discontinued' some managers would mark it down pretty well. From 'discontinued' it then goes to 'quit stock'… Once it's quit, it's free to mark down to next to nothing or even write off.

      I'd say these games would all be discontinued (at Dick Smith at least), and the manager doesn't give a hoot about them so is trying to clear them out to make his next stocktake a bit easier.

      • I think the FIFA 13 (VITA) addition to the sale is a mistake, they had FIFA in there as well and the cases are almost identical.

        • Yeah that's a pretty common mistake for people stickering stuff they don't know much about. I remember having to fix many Limited Edition pricing because the case looked pretty much the same. I'm looking at you Need for Speed and Medal of Honour!

      • -1

        Yeah your'e a day before the sale sticker remover at David jones for nearly a year now right? DSE changed hands since - still suppose you got nothing better to do than run your vendetta's online - next up your little facebook crew to neg,neg whatever. The point is dse posts in this forum now usually have no link or receipts posted, only pictures of local reductions stickers without codes, designed to draw people into stores for gear that ain't there or not at that price.

        • Wow, they're out to get you aren't they?

        • You sound like you don't have much love in your life. I feel sorry for you.

  • +1

    No Borderlands 2 left at brisbane CBD store :(

  • +2

    I just got -

    FIFA Soccer Vita
    FIFA 13 Vita
    Smart As…. Brain Training Vita
    FIFA 12 360

    For $10 each ;)

    • which store?

    • Nice. I wanted smart as but $10 was my limit.

      • QLD Elanora

  • +1

    No specials at Parramatta.

    • you need to ask.

      • +1

        My GF went in. Gave the list to them that I wanted. They got the games out and scanned them and they were not on special.

        • Maybe your GF isn't hot enough or she spoke to a female shop assistant. JK, don't take it seriously.

  • +1

    i came back from top ryde shopping centre. found fifa13 vita there. they checked the price and told me $40. i asked "you sure it is not $20"? he hesitated for one second, and said ok, i'll do it for you.

    deal! and smile!

    just saw twisty got same game for $10. he did even better!

  • +1

    No plus vote even though you guys got cheap games?

  • anyone who got it for top ryde can they poat the invoice ? i will going again to ask them to give me discount

  • +1

    I went to the Westfield Doncaster store today and they had sent ALL GAMES to Fountain Gate, except for Wii U, PC and LBP Vita.

    If you're in Narre Warren I'd be checking out Dick Smith Fountain Gate. Let me know what you get!

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