discovered these just before i was going to ask masters to 10% price beat officeworks
aldi is still somewhat cheaper
discovered these just before i was going to ask masters to 10% price beat officeworks
aldi is still somewhat cheaper
besides aldi's being an assorted pack, ikea always has much more in stock than them :)
Aldi one is a good deal got a new battery for the car remote then the next week I had a battery for the other remote which also decided to die. Plus an assortment of batteries for whatever other odd thing decides to die next.
Now if you think an Ikea deal on batteries is good consider the fact that there are a grand total of 7 Ikea stores nationally.
And on another note you want to get them price beaten, what identical item have you found to be price beaten?
Why did you post this? Did you just feel like spamming? Feeling lonely? Need some attention?
Now if you think an Ikea deal on batteries is good consider the fact that there are a grand total of 7 Ikea stores nationally.
and so…?
And on another note you want to get them price beaten
Why did you post this?
why did you post your comment?
Did you just feel like spamming?
is this spam?
Feeling lonely? Need some attention?
do you?
If you don't need them urgently they're always cheaper on eBay (10 for $1.80).
quality? link?
I bought a bulk tray from dx a while back. Most didn't work, the rest died quickly.
Can be a gamble I guess. I've bought quite a few from them of various types and only have had a handful of duds. Given the low price inc delivery, I figure it's worth the risk. On the flip side I bought some 'genuine' alkalines from a big brand store a couple of months ago and they were all bad.
Well if you're in a rush, you wouldn't go to Ikea either. Ebay is the way, I got 10 for $2 & they were sent locally, i had them in 2 days. Ikea takes a week to get through & somehow the missus has managed to grab $2k worth of crap that'll take you 6mths to assemble
15 CR2032 Lithium Batteries delivered for $3.95
Someone should test these generic batteries. As I mentioned above, the generic tray of batteries I bought either didn't work or didn't last very long.…
15 CR2032 Lithium Batteries delivered for $3.95
Someone should test these generic batteries. As I mentioned above, the generic tray of batteries I bought either didn't work or didn't last very long.
So what's the difference, you are comparing generics with generics and trying to imply that somehow your generics are better than the other generics..
Wake up.
The only time you are reasonably certain to get good batteries is when you purchase Australian stock of reliable brands.
Going cheap on batteries is just as hit and miss whether it's Duracell/Energizer parallel imports or Chinese/Jap/Fairyland generics.
So what's the difference, you are comparing generics with generics and trying to imply that somehow your generics are better than the other generics..
no, eug said that generic batteries, including your ebay ones and the dx that weren't very good, should be tested
The only time you are reasonably certain to get good batteries is when you purchase Australian stock of reliable brands.
such as ikea's :)
Going cheap on batteries is just as hit and miss whether it's Duracell/Energizer parallel imports or Chinese/Jap/Fairyland generics.
surely you're not suggesting that branded parallel imports are similar to unbranded generics?
Going cheap on batteries is just as hit and miss whether it's Duracell/Energizer parallel imports or Chinese/Jap/Fairyland generics.
Not true at all. You have a much higher chance of getting dud batteries if you randomly buy generic cheap batteries from unknown sources.
I have never had a dud branded battery ever. Ever. Meanwhile, I bought three trays of generic lithium cells (2016, 2025, 2032) from DX and all three easily had massive failure rate. Some didn't work at all, some had little charge, a few seemed ok.
Nowadays I buy branded ones on ebay. They're way cheaper than retail. Maybe I should start testing lithium cells too.
Yeah I got mine from DX there cheap great for my electronic scales that's all I need them for. Not the best battery I'm sure but for the price can't complain.
'SOLVINDEN' are Ikea's in house brand, chances are these are just rebadged China batteries. I doubt the quality of these will be any better than those linked to above. Even the local 2$ shop will have CR2032's, probably at a better price and possibly even a brand ie Sony, Maxell etc.
Also, take a look at the picture on wiki's page of an 'Unbranded CR2032 lithium cell' looks a hella lot like the Ikea ones.
People suspect Ikea's AA and AAA batteries are made by Varta. I'm inclined to believe so as my test results are very similar.
Also, I remember the Ikea ones were made in Germany, just like Varta. A few years ago Varta switched to being made in China, and at around the same time, the Ikea ones switched to China as well. A year or two ago Varta switched back to Germany, and if I remember right, Ikea is back to Germany as well.
Dunno about the lithium cells, but it's definitely possible it's from a generic manufacturer. The difference is you know they're new and not rejects. Some could be pulls from old devices, or just rejects or low-quality ones like the tray of DX ones I've bought. Ikea do have a reputation to uphold.
Warning, these batteries are in a build-it-yourself kit ;)
"This product requires assembly"
But seriously, where is the deal? $4.99 for 8 when you even say you can get 10 for $2.99 @ Aldi and that's their normal prices. Wouldn't we expect less than 30c per battery to make this a bargain?