I saw these batteries today at dicksmith bankstown ,I am big fan of eneloop and I thought this deal will help some of you guys .
8x Sanyo Eneloop AA Batteries $19.99 @DickSmith (In-Store only) 50% off

Last edited 09/02/2013 - 14:26 by 1 other user
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Hmm with a title like that, what so special about them? you do know there should be a price in the title?
price in title
sorry , fixed
like magic ;)
thanks Steptoe
he had help from his son
Alright so i have a LED lenser torch which i quite like. It takes AAA batteries. Are eneloops really that good and is it worth investing in an AAA set? Slightly off topic and i apologise.
Eneloops made in japan and they hold the charge for long time .
Eneloops are good rechargeable batteries. I doubted the 'hype' at first, but now, I'm glad I bought them. I did have to buy a few sets, so I could have matching sparkly colours…
Every few months, DSE has a sale on these batteries.They come into their own with shelf-life. You can store them out of the charger for months and they will still be pretty much fully charged. That's pretty much the only difference I can see.
They don't power any particular type of electronics longer or shorter than, say, their Energizer rechargeable counterparts.
I assume you wouldn't use your torch often, so these might be the batteries for you. For me, I don't find them all that special as I use rechargeables on things I use often (which is what rechargeables are for) such as Xbox controller which is used if not daily, then weekly, TV remote etc etc.
I don't think they're as revolutionary as people say - energizers from Kmart will last as long (when used often) as these, but in this case the price is pretty much the same (~$20).
Actually i use it quite frequently. A lot of night walks and i also live on a property. Comes in useful. Might wait for a AAA deal.
Amazon have the 8-pack AAA for $15.99
yes, im also waiting for a AAA set deal
Nonsense! The Energizers I bought at Kmart lasted about 35 charges and then would not charge anymore and they would not sit on the shelf charged for more than 1 week. All now thrown in the bin and replaced with Eneloops. So far, 42 charges later on my oldest Eneloops and working fine.
My energizers went strong for almost 3 years. I always slow charge my batteries.
Would anybody actually pay $39.95 for these batteries ? You would just wait, right, until the price went down to $19.95. Which it always does.
Yeah no one pays $40. They are very good batteries.
They are meant to hold a charge for 2 years +
Who counts their charges?
Mine are fine after a year of near daily use; I am charging them about every 2 weeks.
My Energizers were garbage - lose their charge after a few weeks (camera flash), LSD's only from now on and Eneloops are very good!
They will keep their charge for long rather than self-discharge like regular Ni-MH batteries do.
But you must keep them cool. Ignore Sanyo's wild claims of charge storage after x years. For most people it will be way less than what they claim. To minimise self-discharge, keep them cool.
I was also wondering when AAA eneloops are going to be on sale..
8-Pack AAA for $15.99 on Amazon.
How do these compare?
$6 shipping for 10I don't know that brand unfortunately. I trust the Eneloop batteries. I usually buy other stuff from Amazon so I get the batteries from there as well so it's all shipped together. Compared to local prices, the Eneloops from Amazon are much cheaper except when DickSmith has this deal (which happens quite frequently).
How do these compare?
Quite well, actually.
Eneloop aren't the be all and end all and there are cheaper and equally or better performing alternatives. Of course it's no bad thing that they've brought LSD goodness to the mainstream.
I did test Turnigy AAA comparing it with a brand new AA Eneloop using my MAHA MH-C9000 Charger-Analyzer.
But I took one of each batteries only. And I did it once only. So… you can do it better if you like. :)I did one charge-discharge cycle first for each battery.
Then I charged the battery and discharged it at 200 mA measuring the capacity.
Turnigy gave me 921 mAh.
Eneloop - 793 mAh.
I called it 100%.I charged them and store them for a week.
Then I discharged them at 500 mA measuring the capacity.
Turnigy - 855 mAh (92.8%)
Eneloop - 728 mAh (91.8%)I charged them and store them for two weeks.
Then I discharged them at 200 mA measuring the capacity.
Turnigy - 854 mAh (92.7%)
Eneloop - 738 mAh (93.0%)So I can say in a couple of weeks time interval Turnigy is definitely comparable to Eneloop.
The life span might be different though.
I am using a lot of Eneloops. I started to buy them over 4 or 5 years ago - I can't even remember when I bought the first set. And none of them is dead.
But they are losing the capacity over the time like any other batteries.
So my 2 years old AAA Eneloop gives me 659 mAh (compared to 793 mAh from the new one). Probably I can improve the old one doing some charge-discharge cycles. But I never tested it.Wish can + 1 more for your nick name. LOL
i may be wrong, but torches need high voltage batteries.
I think you are wrong. All of my torches run better on Eneloops than on non-rechargeable batteris
Different voltage (1.2V vs 1.5V?)
NiMH have very low internal resistance.
When a battery is providing electrical current, the internal resistance causes voltage drop (V = I * R). So a battery with high internal resistance will actually provide significantly lower voltage in practice, when used in a high-power device. Many peoples' experience will tell you that a NiMH will drive something like a Luxeon torch better than an internally-resistive alkaline battery, despite the difference in chemistry voltage.
Also consider that battery voltage reduces as it discharges… and again, NiMH is better than a typical alkaline battery.
So, if you have a half-dead alkaline battery pumping out high current, it will actually provide lower voltage than a half-dead NiMH in the same application.
my nightcore specifies NOT to use lithium.
Yep, you're wrong.
If they aren't 3rd generation do you know if they are the first or second generation Eneloops?
Listing says "Model #: 8HR3UTG2"
and 1500 recharge life max.
So this is 2nd generationtraditional NiMH battery HR-3UG 1000
eneloop 1st generation HR-3UTG 1000
eneloop 2nd generation HR-3UTGA 1500
eneloop 3rd generation HR-3UTGB 1800
Why don't the Eneloop AAA ever go on special?
haha brilliant. This is almost normal price now. I have over 40 of these batteries from these bloody deals on OzB that seem to come up every other week. So far have used 4 of them…
40 and used only 4 of them?
what a OzBargainer!!!
Just want to say other countries are selling the new model Eneloop can recharge up to 1800 times for over a year already. Why in Australia still selling the old stock old model ?
Is going to buy one then put on hold after reading your comment :p
the 1800-cycle Sanyo eneloop batteries are relatively new, not anywhere close to "over a year already" availability; it's barely crept out in shops recently.
They were announced on 12th September 2012. By the time they get available is often some months after announcement in most stores; they have existing stock to move, after all.
Australia is often slow, but don't exaggerate please.
Nobody will reach 1800 cycles anyway; it's all marketing fluff under ideal conditions of charging and discharging and storage. Lab projections.
If you charge them correctly you might get real close to that.
Announced on September 2012 ? Your link to the News & Press Area in Europe only display "no news_id given"
Have a look at the image from the link below. More images like these can found on Google image site.
http://hard-off-toyota.up.seesaa.net/image/IMGP0108_R.JPGIf you eyes are good you can see "2011 09" on the top edge of the package. So I said "…over a year already." it true. Cause I have a few packs of these at home.
Here is another one
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7069/6879825001_f2df1d5cfe_z.j…Production Date "2011 10" on the top edge.
Sorry for the bad link. Try that.Top news item is still the announcement of the 1800-cycle eneloop as I write this.
I couldn't find any indication that the pics you linked to are what you claim (1800-cycle eneloop batteries).
The 1800-cycle eneloop batteries clearly state 1800 on the packet. You can't miss it.
I just checked up on the 1800 eneloops again.
You are right that the 1800-cycle versions were released earlier, but only for the Japan market.
Which I just found out.
So you are right that they have been out for longer (2011).
But you can't expect Australian retailers to stock them without official release outside of Japan from the parent company.
So we'll get them soon. Which makes sense since it has been a few months since the announcement.
And also 2400mAh-as the cap I want, as distinct from what -16%(2000mAh) in local; And yes, I have purchased these 2000mAh ones DSE repeatedly has offered.
They had the 1800 cycle model at Dick Smith in Toowoomba. They weren't on special though.
Does the extra 300 cycles make a huge different?
Good 'ol tbar "leading the technology front for Aus"
where can i get charge for these?
Always great to get the Eneloop batteries at this price. If anyone needs them and Dick Smith has no sale, you can always get them from Amazon for $19 bucks. Shipping is around $8 bucks however, making it $27. Still, considerably cheaper than paying the regular $39.99.
Cheers, got some.
Can anyone recomend a good (bargain) caharger to get?
Maha Powerex MH-C9000
I paid $60 delivered from the US almost 12 months ago. Worth every cent IMO.
I've never used rechargeables was thinking of swapping but didn't realise that the charges were so pricey any other cheap but good options? I don't have a gazillion gadgets to fill with batteries just remotes, mice, torch and doorbell currently do seem to chew few quite a few disposables though.
search for this on amazon:
eneloop NEW 2000mAh Typical, 1900mAh Minimum, 1500 cycle, 4 Pack AA, Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries with 4 Position ChargerAll you'll need is a US-to-AU travel adaptor to run it here ($1 or so on ebay).
About $27 delivered for 4xAA eneloop batteries and a charger is cheap.
There are better chargers but it will get you started just fine without spending much. You can add another pack or two of AAs to cover all your devices.
Thanks mate, sounds awesome, but a little more than I wanted to spend. Any other ideas? How about this:
I've been waiting on a deal on the Maha Powerex MH-C9000 hasn't been one for a while.
Bought my La-Crosse on eBay about a year. Very happy.
… Dick Smith Closed…
Will this offer still be there tomorrow?
Actually, when are the new eneloops coming?
5 years.
Hmm.. Guess I'll hold off until the new ones come in.
try 5 years? :P
It comes often now and then. bought mine few weeks ago. Good Luck. can call shop first before visit.
can an expert confirm what the date on the top of packing means - is it production date or use by date?
Must not buy… already have 4 sets at home from previous orders… must not buy, but they're so pretty :P
Similar value on http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/4-x-Sanyo-Eneloop-AA-1800-charge-… when you count for the life of cycles (1800 / 1500)* 2.50 = $3 for the "new and improved 1800 recharge version (third generation) of Sanyo's Eneloop AA NiMH Rechargeable". $12.10 is a 4pack.
Extra $0.1 for delivered most likely worth it considering fuel, time &/or store closed.
These are staying at $20 for a few weeks, stores are clearing them out to make way for the new 8 pack coloured sets from Sanyo (Eneloop Rouge and Uomo) which are of the 1800 cycle variety (these are at the $39.99 RRP at the moment).
Could someone please suggest a reasonably priced charger that is appropriate for these batteries?
http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/68037 here but good luck finding it.
Some people said it will stop when batteries are fully charged. I have been using it for months the batteries don't get hot even in summer after charged.
Anyone know where I can pick up a charger for cheap?
you can buy the eneloop USB charger with 2 batteries for $14 at Dicks. Not on the website but did see it in store today. same as that linked by wtfnodeal above.
Just popped into the Ashfield store right before closing time. They weren't even tagged and that's probably why the shelves were loaded with stock. Very nice casing haha, feels like premium batteries. Got one, I'll probably buy another just so that I can match the colours up.
Thanks OP. Just grabbed 3 more packs.. to add to the 4 or 5 I already had. :) Manufactured October 2012.
Shelf label said on sale until 25/02/13. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the last of them.. they're limited edition and DSE have been flogging them for a year already.
Is it the manufacturing date or expiry date? If Oct 2012 is the manufacturing date, that means the batteries are only 4 to 5 months young - from manufacturing, to shipping to Australia, to shelves. These batteries are limited edition on market for over a year.
I guess there is different definitions for "Limited Edition".
Another definition could be that they are temporarily on their product line and is not a permanent product. e.g. they may bring them out for 2-3 years then stop.
I think they are finally trying to phase them out though, so they can bring in the new colored ones which are full price.
Eneloop Tones Rouge & Uomo
Bought. Thank you!
Anyone seen Eneloop storage cases in Australia like the following or similar:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008OC043Y/ref=ox_sc_act_ti…Something like this?
Can store 4 x AA (vertical) or 4 x AAA (horizontal)
price has gone back to normal. please mark as expired.
Just letting anyone still interested know that they're still advertised at $19.99 until 25/02/13 from what I see in store. The cashier said that it scans at full price but still charged me $19.99 only. Moonee Ponds (VIC) store by the way.
Whats so special about "8x Sanyo Eneloop AA Batteries @DickSmith"
Price please in title. Pick up ? Delivered ?