Just saw this on youtube. Thought some may find it useful. In short, it's a very powerful device which is no good in battery life(only lasts 4 hrs) and no good as a laptop replacement plus it costs $900 in US which is the cheapest model.
MS Surface Pro Review by The Verge on Youtube

$900 == way too much to pay for a tablet these days.
Also, the Surface just can't make up its mind on what it wants to be. Is it a tablet, or is it a convertible ultraportable?
1. It's too thick as tablet — 13.1mm would be considered borderline obese for a tablet.
2. Battery too short lived as an ultraportable — most bargain bin laptops would outlast this premium device.
3. $900 will get you an ultraportable notebook that's only slightly heavier but also gives you 8hr battery life versus 4 and a heck of a lot more storage.I agree, too expensive… You can get some i7s at $550 including 128GB SSD, 8 GB RAM, list list list.
I think JB or Dick or Harvey were selling them earlier this week, or yesterday.
I'll leave this review I happened to read just then:
sounds like it could be useful for artists on the go since it can measure pressure levels or whatever it's called, which could be a bit advantage over other tablets if your profession needs that sort of thing.
I wouldn't say no good as a laptop replacement, but not worth it for the price.