Purchase Kingston 16GB USB Flash Drive from www.ShoppingSquare.com.au and apply able coupon code to get $1 Postage Australia
Purchase Kingston 16GB USB Flash Drive from www.ShoppingSquare.com.au and apply able coupon code to get $1 Postage Australia
oops, it's 2009 already…
no worries
Already $49 at MSY. Good for those who don't live near MSY I guess.
What' MSY?
MSY is a low-price computer store chain with branches in all states except Tasmania. Customer service is usually average at best but it is popular because of its prices.
You can see the movement of the Kingston 16GB USB drive's price on the MSY scraper (the $45 price was probably a mistake as it was reversed after 11 minutes).
Hah, didn't realize Perth has an MSY now until you mentioned it! If only I could give you a :D
Too bad they didn't have the opening special sales over here. :(
+ve as cheap delivery from shoppingsquare should be encouraged, especially when the price of the item being sold is competitive.
Great! I will give it a try…. Thanks.
Good price for shopping square, while the drive is ok if you mainly need storage, but it is slow if you intend to move medium to large files often. Make sure to format in NTFS to support 4GB+ files while the storage available will be just under 15GB actual.
Can they be formatted in NTFS? My Kingston USB2 drive didn't seem to have NTFS as an option when I formatted it.
Well this guy on amazon reckons it can be http://www.amazon.com/review/RZK9EHQOC62OA/ref=cm_cr_rdp_per…
How many gigs is your one? It would be pretty bad if you can't load files over 4GB on it…
8GB DT. Still don't seem to be able to format it in NTFS.
The 4GB file limit is not that big an issue for me, but NTFS is preferable for other reasons as well.
I have a 4gb version of this. SLOWEST WRITE SPEED EVER. Hopefully they fixed this issue with this higher capacity stick otherwise have fun writing 16gigs @ approx 2meg a second.
I had an 8GB generic that was so slow I never used it. replaced with an 8GB corsair which was decent, then got the 32GB corsair which is slower than the 8GB model
Well for example, Corsair reckons their Voyager GT (fastest model) flash drives which are over 8GB (only 16GBs so far for GT models) use different memory chips and are slower, even slower then the same capacity they used in the past.
This is due to Samsung running shifting to 50nm process and shifting manufacturing emphasis from SLC to MLC memory which is half the price & size, though slower. Largest SLC flash drive in standard form factor can be made up of two 4GB SLC chips (largest available for SLC), see question 19 of their faq http://www.corsairmicro.com/faq/default.aspx#Q19 which directs you to http://www.asktheramguy.com/v3/showthread.php?t=67674
OW has dropped the A-Data stick to $49.95, so if you are near, you could also pick one up, previous OzBargain post has good reviews about this stick. sorry since the stick is just under $50, shipping is not free.
like gabbyh, +ve from me to encourage cheap shipping from SSQ.
[ :- { )
is MSY anygood?
Good in what way?
Good, as in "not evil"
Don't quit your day job …
@JPOWER: Generally covered by my previous comment but teaearlgrey has also given a good reply.
MSY carries a range of brands from expensive to generic - it wouldn't be popular if it only sold junk, no matter how low-priced.
Customer service (including answering phones and replying to emails) is usually average at best but varies from store to store. I have seen plenty of people leave because it was taking too long to get to the front of the queue, even on quiet days.
MSY has very good prices.
They carry both "good" brand names, & "cheap" brands.
Do your own research and once you've decided what you want and are ready to purchase, then look at MSY's price.
I've found the guys at the Morningside (Brisbane) store to be quite friendly enough, but the stores are often very busy.
Don't expect to get instore service/advise and you won't be disappointed.
For that matter, the same can be said for uMart or GameDude.
Oh and BTW, OW does price match (-5%) against MSY!!!
Live Long and Prosper.
[ :- { )
danilochan, would it be possible to
1. get the 8GB Corsair Mini ie this unit http://www.shoppingsquare.com.au/p_4910_Corsair_4GB_Voyager_… in 8GB and
2. run a postage special on that?
Kingston are of good quality but in terms of speed they can leave a bit to be desired.
You need Voyager GT for fast write, Voyager Mini is not known for performance.
Am aware of that however should probably explain. Have got one of these Kingston's in 8GB and while built quality is good the speed leaves a bit to be desired, especially when compared to some Corsair Voyager and Sandisk units.
Have read a couple of reviews of the Voyager Mini and it appears to be faster than this Kingston unit while of course having a particularly attractive form factor, hence my question of danilochan.
What is the best performance 32Gb thumb drive around $100 ?
oh well, it expired…A YEAR AGO.