This was posted 12 years 1 month 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free XBOX GOLD LIVE 25th - 29 Jan 2013 Australia Day and One Month of FOXTEL Free


Njoi this long weekend with free XBOX live gold

Have a great Australia day mates!!!

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Free foxtel on xbox too.

    • Cheers will add that too!!

  • -7

    its a shame that i have ps3 only.

    • +24

      thanks for letting us know.

      • +3

        why bother posting in an xbox 360 thread?

        go troll or something please…

  • If I download some demo games during the weekend, can I play them later without a gold account?

    • yes u can…becoz they get saved on your HDD

    • You can download demo games (and play them) any time even if you don't have a Gold subscription. I do it all the time, and I haven't been on Gold for months!

  • +9
    • New Australian residential users with an Xbox LIVE Gold subscription only.
    • Free first month of Live TV and Catch Up offering only.
    • Additional charges apply for Foxtel On Demand titles.
    • A refundable $10 pre-authorisation fee is required upon registration.
    • Ongoing Foxtel on Xbox 360 subscription fees reflective of your package apply unless you cancel your subscription.
    • Once you have registered for this offer you cannot add any channel packs to your subscription during the first free month.
    • Broadband Internet connection and Xbox 360 console with hard drive or 256 MB Memory Unit or greater required. ISP charges may apply.
    • +5

      I knew there'd be a catch or some annoying terms and conditions!

    • +1

      That's the Foxtel part of the deal. The free Xbox Gold doesn't require any subscriptions.

    • -1

      Damn, that isn't good.

    • +1

      how easy is it to cancel??

      • +1

        easy to cancel, the hard part is getting foxtel website to cooperate (work).

        • how to go to the cancellation page ?? please help

        • I remember doing this last time they offered this deal like 2 years ago. It was easy to cancel all on the site no phone call. Also I remember they sent the xbox live 1month code 1 week before the free period.

  • if i add on packages such as sport.. will they be free for the first month?

    • I did a month for free another time they had a deal and it allows you to add all the packages for the free trial. The sport through Foxtel on Xbox is not the same as the regular service though. It was missing the live NRL games for example. Terms and conditions above seem to suggest this has now changed.

  • +2

    Bah, xbox foxtel can barely cope with evening demand as it is, let alone a promotion like this.

    • I thought they would've improved it by now. I tried it out the last time they had the 1 month trial and it was unwatchable most of the time. Not a good way to attract the people testing it out!

  • +5

    My friends, I've just set it up with all packages (free for the month), then logged into the account on the website and went to "Cancel my xbox subscription" at which point they offer you a free 1 month of xbox Live, which I accepted and have redeemed, and now I've cancelled the service, which remains active until 28/02/12 as its 'already paid for'.


    • thank you very much for the info, didn't want to go all the way through the process until I knew exactly what would happen.

  • I was just about to sign up when I saw:
    "*New residential users only. Free first month of Live TV/Catch Up only. Broadband Internet connection and Xbox Live Gold subscription required. ISP charges may apply."

    is Live TV just the free to air channels?

    • You think free-to-air is the only form of Live TV?

    • No, that means the channels they are streaming to everyone at the same time. It is excluding the on-demand content like movies.

  • thanks - just signed up. it looks like you can get all the channels for free for the first month. Need to remember to cancel before I get the $74 charge….

    • Just cancel straight away. It works until 28/2/12.

  • Picture quality is a little average. I wish they had HD options, but 1 month free is pretty great!

    • The quality varies depending on your internet speed. My connection is actually pretty good, I'm not sure if it's HD but it's not bad.

      • +1

        Watch some NBA then compare to foxtel, you won't be saying it's "not bad".

  • +1

    Is anybody else getting "401 access denied" when trying to access the foxtel page to cancel the subscription?

    • +1

      yeah I'm getting that too. Might try again tomorrow, or maybe that's how they get their money :(

  • Anyone know if it's unrated usage for bigpond?

    • looks like it. From the FAQ:

      How will Foxtel on Xbox 360 affect my internet charges?
      Foxtel on Xbox 360 Live TV channels, Catch Up TV content and Foxtel On Demand services are unmetered to Telstra Residential BigPond Broadband customers*.

      *BigPond content is unmetered for Residential BigPond Broadband plans except dial-up, satellite and hourly plans.

      • Sweet, guess I'll give it a try then.

        • i'm using a telstra sim card i received with the Y201 and am using it for free Foxtel streaming =D WINWIN!

  • When I try to move through to cancel I get a 404 error. How did everyone else get to the cancellation screen? I'm trying on the PC, not the xbox itself.

    • Same problem here.. hopefully I can get it to cancel at some point!

  • So what happens then if we sign up for the 1 month free Foxtel, and then use this free weekend gold subscription.. once that's over and we go back to normal silver accounts then we can't use the Foxtel? I'm guessing that would be it..

    • +1

      Last time they did a free month of foxtel it came with a free month of gold. Looks like this time it's not much use unless you already have a gold membership.

    • +2

      Tip: Go to cancel your Foxtel subscription and it'll come up with a box offering you a free 1 month gold code if you stay. Click I'll stay and away you go. You can still cancel straight after that if you want.

      • Oh really? Ah well there you go. Be handy if the Foxtel cancel page actually worked on their website and didn't just 404 :-/ or can you do it on the Xbox itself?

        Watched a bit of Foxtel, the catch up TV sucks hard, barely anything seems to be on it. But with my free trial of NBA League Pass till Sunday it'll be a happy weekend for me being on call for work :-)

      • +1 Went to cancel and they gave me a code for 1 month gold :)

        edit: successfully cancelled my foxtel, I can use it until 28th February 2013.

        • Yeah I just did it too, kept 404'ing on my computer but on my iPad it worked fine. Will enter in the code after Tuesday and cancel the Foxtel on Wednesday :-)

  • I went to the cancellation page, and said it would remain active until 14/02/13. that's less than 3 weeks. :-(

  • Protip, don't do what I did and register foxtel on your extra xbox. I did and now its locked to my crappy old white one in the bedroom and not accessible in the living room.

    The hopeless website of course does not let me reset the ID either..

    • +1

      mackaxx have you tried to reset your Xbox Device ID? Goto… and it has a section to reset the Xbox Device ID. It basically let's you swap what Xbox you get Foxtel on. You can only do it once per 30 days though.

      • Thanks, I'd checked that and it was greyed out. A quick email to support resulted in it getting fixed up though.

  • im newbie, can someone tell me the steps…

    i still have silver, should i go and upgrade?
    and then how about foxtel thingy? which subscription i should choose? pay by the month or pay per view?
    and " someone mentioned installing all packages" ?

  • As the previous poster says, is there a code to redeem to get the 4 days free? I cannot see how to sign up for 4 days. If I download gold exclusives, and go back to silver, I keep the access to the games, demos etc. I see MGR - Revengeance as a gold exclusive, would like to download this and then hopefully keep it :)

    • It's automatically applied. I didn't have to do anything and get access to all the Gold perks.

      • Hmmm so you logged onto the pc and says you are a gold member? Or you can access the gold facilities without the change of account type? When I try to access GOLD games …says…"This offer is only available to Xbox LIVE Gold members".

        • Well I'm only using it on my Xbox at the moment, and the Foxtel on 360 and NBA League Pass are both working for me fine, and they're Gold only normally.

        • So you signed up for Foxtel? Im not really after foxtel just want gold for the games and demos.

        • Yep, worked fine. I don't really see many of the Gold exclusives of demo's and all that so can't help you with that.

    • I would like to know how to redeem this 4 days xbl gold for australia day as well as I can't see how to sign up for it as dazzza has pointed out.

      • u dont have sign up is already activated for 4 just sign on profile and you are good to go..

  • How do I get the free month of Gold when cancelling the sub via screen cap? thanks

  • Awesome.. Already have Xbox Live but I will have a go with the Foxtel =)

    • Can anyone please explain how to get the Foxtel 1 Month Free to work?

      I already have Xbox Live Gold but when I go into Foxtel it wants me to login…

      I created an account on the Foxtel Xbox website but when I try log in on the Xbox it says..

      "You need to register for Foxtel on your Xbox 360 using your Foxtel online profile. Visit

      Error Code: 305"

      • Register using the link then add the packages you want then a month later cancel and for free. They take $10 out of your CC during the month but you get it back once you cancel.

  • Oh crap I just added minimum package of foxtel only…now I can't add the rest of the channels!

    Will have to call tomorrow dang! Pretty good picture though

  • -3

    OP please provide instructions….

  • +1


  • do i cancel foxtel subscription on (account login —-> disconnect xbox services) or via to get the free month code

    • +1

      disregard got it. for those struggling its the disconnect xbox services button

  • +10

    here is, someone kind enough to provide guides. OP should do this, part of proper listing a deal at ozb.
    but its alright i assumed he was busy watching Fereder like many :)

    Go here:
    Click on "No - Join Now" and fill out the form. When you get to it choose pay by the month, and then just tick all the packages you want. It'll still appear as the normal price but don't worry about that. You'll need to have a credit card number to put in because it charges $10 that gets refunded.
    Once you've registered remember to cancel the subscription so you don't keep getting charged for it here:…
    If you want a free month of gold when you go to cancel a box will come up saying if you stay they'll give you a code for 1 month of gold. After that refresh the page and cancel again.
    As for your current xbox status you don't have to do anything to get access to the gold features. They'll automatically work for the next few days.
    Do it all above on the website.

    Then on the Xbox open the Foxtel app and sign in with your Foxtel username and password.

    end result, you should have foxtel till 28 Feb, and 1 month GOLD membership status :)

    • nice work erwinsie i had gathered all that a bit by trial and error myself but very helpful write up for ozb members who may have had some questions. Out if interest does it really continue for a month if you cancel after sign up for& redeeming free 1 month xbx gold im referring to foxtel

      • yes i got this email:
        Your FOXTEL on Xbox 360 subscription has been cancelled.

        Your service will remain active until your previous subscription expires on 28 February 2013. You can reactivate your FOXTEL on Xbox 360 subscription anytime after this date.

        • Mine says 14 February. But whatever…

        • 14 feb also good, its valentine day

    • Thanks erwinsie. Is the cancellation page not working for anyone else?

    • I get a message saying 'service will remain active till 6th February'(1 week away) any idea why?

      • I get the same date. I didn't cancel. I'll cancel it in 29 days.

  • +2

    Tried to download the demo of Dead Space 3 only to get a message saying it's only available to Gold members. So, thanks for nothing M$.

  • how long does it take to get the $10 back? I got debited $10 and I cancelled.

  • *New Australian residential users with an Xbox LIVE Gold subscription only. Free first month of Live TV and Catch Up offering only. Additional charges apply for Foxtel On Demand titles. A refundable $10 pre-authorisation fee is required upon registration. Ongoing Foxtel on Xbox 360 subscription fees reflective of your package apply unless you cancel your subscription. Once you have registered for this offer you cannot add any channel packs to your subscription during the first free month. Broadband Internet connection and Xbox 360 console with hard drive or 256 MB Memory Unit or greater required. ISP charges may apply. Offer ends 23.02.13.

  • dammit forgot to click free month after cancellation does it give you code? anyone willing to give me there code or is it linked to your account

  • so if you had foxtel before on xbox then you cant get the free month now seeing its only for New Australian residential users ?

  • Good lord their web site is awful. Can't get through the process in chrome, firefox or IE8.

    Just woeful…

    • I'm stumped, upgraded to IE9 and I still can't make it do anything.

      What do I do after I enter my birth date? It just sits there….

  • Is it possible to remove the CC information from the Foxtel website?

  • +1

    Got my one month foxtel and free 1 month xbox live subscription and then cancelled straight away :). will be good to have foxtel in my room for a while.

  • +1

    ANyone got any tips how to cancel the subscription, signed up easy, keep getting 401 error trying to cancel it. That would be right, suck you in and then u cant get out … hahaha…

    • +1

      I just kept refreshing the page and eventually got through

      • Yeh, eventually it did for me too, they should spend some more time on their website.

  • Can't cancel…. I get when I click Disconnect Xbox Service

    Error - We were unable to obtain current subscription information about your Xbox subscription. Please try again, or call 131 999 for assistance.
    Please try again later or alternatively, you can call our customer contact centre on 131 999 for further assistance.

    Technical Details (for use by support personnel)

  • Has anyone who got this in the previous deal try this again and getting it for free?

  • I have tried everything above, and got the free one month voucher for Xbox live (from cancelling foxtel), however when the confirmation Window appears it tells me I only have until the 6th (7 days from now) till my service will be cut off - any ideas why?

    • looks like they're doing it to stop people cancelling straight away.

  • anybody know how long till you get your $10 back? usually it be instant?

  • Signed up and everything

    Worked until a couple days ago…says I dont have xbox live subscription (obviously ended 29 Jan)

    So even with free Foxtel for 1 month, you cant watch unless you have xbox live gold.

    • This was fixable by a method above - 'fake cancelling' the Foxtel would give you a 1 month extra for XBL Gold

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