• expired

Free Birthday Ice Cream Voucher & BOGOF Voucher & $10 off Birthday Cake Voucher @ Cold Rock


Just sign up to the Cold Rock VIP Club and get all of this for nothing!

  • Receive a Buy One Get One Free for Subscribing Voucher (BOGOFS), entitling the recipient to receive a free Cold Rock Ice Cream.
  • Free Birthday Ice Cream Voucher (FBI) on their birthday.
  • Birthday Cake Voucher (BCV), allowing a discount of $10 off their birthday cake

Here's the T&c's - By joining the Cold Rock VIP Club you agree to receive ongoing Cold Rock promotional material.

Buy One Get One Free for Subscribing Voucher (BOGOFS)
Entrants to the VIP Club will receive a BOGOFS voucher, which entitles the recipient, on presentation of the voucher, to receive a free Cold Rock Ice Cream, up to the same value, when purchasing any Regular or Large Cold Rock Ice Cream at the relevant store's normal selling price. This excludes all Mix Ins.

The redemption offer is available at all Cold Rock stores.

To redeem the BOGOFS voucher, the emailed voucher must be printed and presented to the Cold Rock store.

Only one transaction per email voucher may be used.

Stores may request identification to confirm that the presenter is the correct person listed on the email voucher.

Free Birthday Ice Cream Voucher (FBI)
The FBI entitles the birthday person to get 1 kiddies size (4oz) Cold Rock Ice Cream with 1 Mix In for free.

To receive a FBI, the customer’s details must be registered with CRM at least 21 days prior to their birthday.

The FBI will be provided by email, at least 7 days before the birth-date and will be valid on the actual birthday date only.

Stores may request Identification to confirm that the presenter is the correct person and that their birthday is on the day of redemption.

If a Cold Rock store is closed due to a public holiday, the FBI may be used the day before or the day after the public holiday.

Birthday Cake Voucher (BCV)
The BCV entitles the birthday person to get $10 off the purchase of any Cold Rock Cake, provided the purchase of the Cold Rock Cake is $30 or above.

To receive a BCV, the customer’s details must be registered with CRM at least 35 days prior to their birthday.

The BCV will be provided by email, at least 28 days before the birth-date and will be valid up to 7 days after the actual birthday only.

Stores may request Identification to confirm that the presenter is the correct person and that their birthday is not more than 28 days prior to their birth-date and not more than 7 days after their birth-date.

Related Stores

Cold Rock Ice Creamery
Cold Rock Ice Creamery

closed Comments

  • Probably should be in ze forums

  • +3
    • The BOGOF offer is just for signing up though, not for your birthday. Great page though, didn't know it existed. Thanks

      • That basis, but there is a Free scoop attached here :)

  • +2

    'Stores may request Identification to confirm that the presenter is the correct person and that their birthday is not more than 28 days prior to their birth-date and not more than 7 days after their birth-date.'

    Pretty sure my birthday falls within those parameters of my birth date?!?

  • +1

    All of the Cold Rock stores I knew of in SA closed down ..

    • How about the one in Norwood and North Adelaide down O'connell? Im sure ive seen them still open recently?

      • That I know of ;) Elizabeth, Marion and Rundle St are gone, I think TTP is too. Those ones might be the handful that are left, although I wouldn't be surprised if the O'connell one was gone too

  • Anyone born on Australia Day?
    Free Cheesburger, free Vegemite scroll, free muffin, free Subway, and now free ice-cream!!!

  • can anyone confirm they got a Free Birthday Ice Cream Voucher (FBI) on their birthday? i signed up a while ago and never got one only bogof.

    • You have to sign up at least 21 days prior to your birthday to receive the free ice cream.

  • +1

    It's 23 days till mine! However I'm getting a

    404 Not Found
    The resource requested could not be found on this server!

    when I try to sign up my details, actually it's all over their website too. Your link is the one and only thing working on it!

  • Is there an expirey on the BOGOF? As I dont want to then subscribe till i know when i will be near a cold rock. There arent many around sydney, at least not around me.

  • yeah 404 FAILFEST for me

    edit: but the joining confirmation email came through, so….. who knows

    i'll wait til 7 days before my bday to see if i get the voucher

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