Bargain priced Bravia from Costco.
there were about 20 left at 6pm.
46" model was $629.99
sorry no time for specs etc, posting from my phone
Bargain priced Bravia from Costco.
there were about 20 left at 6pm.
46" model was $629.99
sorry no time for specs etc, posting from my phone
HX750 will be on sale at Costco from Monday. I am putting the prices up on Loaded Trolley…will be done in an hour or so.
What a great site / blog!
Good effort :)
This is cheap
Bought the HX750 just before Christmas. Love it. But it's an excellent price for HX650 if you don't need wifi and 200Hz tv.
How are you finding the HX750? Deciding between that and the Samsung 6200
HX750 is awesome. I also bought from Costco for $1170. of course better than 6200.
Was tossing up between the two as well prior to that but ended up getting the sony. If you are looking for nice stylist looking tv, 6200 is to go for. For pic quality, definitely hx750
Cheap. Got the 46" for 698 at Dickie's. Excellent tv too, btw
What on earth is motionflow?
Non left at Canberra Costco when I was there today at 6pm
So is that the price with or without the $100 voucher?
It would be with.
With. As shown in photo link.
Any chance of price matching costco with another store?
I called DSE first and asked… flat out said no way they could match $439. they said 538 was "the best they could do". might have luck elsewhere though?
Just waiting for some to mention how you've got to factor in a $60 membership fee and how it's no bargain. Ohh wait even with the membership fee you're still in front….damn what will the naysayers come up with now???
They vented thier anger in the other Costco post. Can bet none will be silly enough to downvote this bargain
why would someone downvote a comment which answered someone's question and quoted the facts? strange.
Though no need to show the coupon in store. $100 is automatically taken off.
Next best I've seen is at DSE who have this at $538 (including 10% off today only it seems). Seems to be a great price OP…
Edit: sorry stonedewok didn't see your comment too.
Unfortunately, I want one of these but this will be OzBargained before I get to CostCo. Damn you fellow bargain hunters - actually, damn you stores that can not satisfy the demand of OzBargainers!
Did you happen to notice the price they had on the 46''?
Read the title again!
ahh thanks, 14 pages open means I forgot to read the discription
Looks like WA is a country of its own doesn't have any Costco, 7-Eleven etc stores and a lot of deals "EXCEPT for or NOT available in WA". I seriously consider moving to another state that is part of Australia.
No Costco in QLD as well, plenty of 7-11 though.
I ain't got nothing up here in Cairns! WAHHH!!!
I feel the same way about SA, apparently Costco is coming in March (ill believe when i see it). At least WA has progressed in the last 20 years. Adelaide hasn't moved a bees dick forward since 1965 :(
South Australians just shop at foodland!
I work for a large online retailer and WA is basically considered a whole other country. Shipping times are terribad.
Maybe you should start up
It doesn't list what file formats it can play. Sony website also doesn't list it strangely enough. But looks like a quality tv.
I know it doesnt play MKV.
I thought the Sony's did do MKV. Anyone confirm? Or do the Sony bluray players but not the TVs?
Quick google suggest MKV is an issue on these TVs, and people have had to use a work around, not ideal……
The biggest issue is it WON"T play off NTFS formatted hard drive, I tried with mine last night, bummer!
Anyone knows how much the seagate 1 TB portable hard drive ?
Here $69 in WA only!!! Good luck begging OW for a price beat. Finally I feel lucky to be in WA.
Make sure you calibrate your Sony. Although Sonys tend to be better out of the box than most other brands, 30 mins of your time can make it picture perfect. I personally like the guide here:…
Thanks for sharing jman123
anyone know what stock levels are like in Auburn? OP? Any help?
Or Docklands?
There were about 10 left when I got there at 830 last night. Best be quick and get in early at 10am today.
My mistake
Good price
Say hi to the kid who brought a 32" 720p LED Panasonic from Dick Smith 3/4 months ago for $404
hi jakiejake
when will there be a costco in perth damit!
I took the last one from Auburn.
Auburn 7pm. 40" sold out. 46" around 20 units left.
Docklands sold out, more stock in coming on the 29th. Get there early!!!
At Docklands now they have no 40 and three 46".
Grrr was so excited for wireless lan on my tv, only to realise i need one of these.
anyone know where i can get one cheap?
picked up a 40inch today in Canberra. They had four 40 inches and two 46 inches left for the day.
This is depressing for me considering I bought one for $598 earlier this year :[. The remote died on me on the first day but managed to get it replaced but Otherwise, it's a nice TV.
Anyone know how we can get JB HIFI to match this offer?
They do price matching dont they ?
If they were to price match it would be that price, plus $60 as Costco has yearly fees.. Anyway, highly doubt they would price match.
Doubt they would. Yesterday JB HiFi in Sydney City refused to pricematch with Costco. But you can always try your luck at another store.
Looks like Costco are updating to the HX750 series.
40" $699.99
46" $1379.99
55" $1579.99
And the HX850. 55" $1849.99
Where did you hear/see that? Are those Costco prices? if so they are not very competitive.
Yes, they are the prices when I was there last night. so i picked up a 46 inch ex650 while still more than 10 left . great price for a great TV. love it.
Yep. Costco Melbourne last night. Indecently, I noticed the fine print in the physical copy of coupon book they handed out at the store that it said they take rain checks. May be work checking out for any one interested in the EX650 deals.
I already told you, new stock is coming in on the 29th. I had asked the store manager. They are getting heaps of stock of both 40" and 46" TVs.
probably not any more. Nice big red sign where they use to be saying the 40inch will no longer be available at auburn.
Just picked up the last 46EX650 at Cotsco Docklands.
Couldn't wait for the 29th. I want to see the ball in HD at the Aussie Open finals!
for getting the extra 6 inches, I am glad to pay for the extra $190. Its all depend on your need.
six years ago, it costs an extra $1000 to upsize from a 32" to a 40" so $190 sure is reasonable.
apparently sony 40" is old stock and they will not have it anymore for those who raincheck
and they offered samsung 40" es5500 for the same price.
Is it better/worse than sony ?
Never buy a Samsung! Their QC is crap
I have the Sony and it won't play any content from a NTFS formatted HDD, which is a real pain as all my hard rives are NTFS formatted. I also have a Samsung and Panasonic in other rooms and they play off the hard drive fine, although the Samsung has the best user interface of all three.
Sony 40" all gone. Costco is offering an equivalent 40" Samsung for the same price though (store price is $630).
Those of you who want the 46" Bravia, stock is expected so Costco are taking rainchecks.
I saw a panasonic 55" passive 3D led for $1199 and seemed like a great deal.
So there are or are not 40" HX750 in stock at docklands??
Last week there were no HX650, but they had the HX750.
Fantastic, i'm after the HX750 in 40" :)
Thank you
FYI, HX750 40" was $699.99 when i was at Docklands last week.
Good price, but these are not good TVs. I've had one for a year and it almost instantly got relegated to spare room status. Dull image, huge light bleed and they just look cheap. I'm actually getting that little $200 Dick Smith one from the other post to replace the HX750 (speaking of looking cheap).
I had the same impression when I bought the 46inch HX650 from costco last week, however a little tweaking has significantly changed my impression of it.
Make sure that the picture mode is 'vivid' not standard, also go to the TV settings from home menu and turn off the light sensor under ECO settings. The light sensor automatically adjusts the TV brightness based on ambient light.
After these little tweaks I am extremely happy with the quality of this TV.
Shame they dont sell the HX750 in 40 inch