• expired

$10 off 1st Order with OzSale (Use for Free Hanes Underwear + Free Delivery)

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

As the title says, new customers will get $10 voucher when signing up with Ozsale.

Buyinvite's referral link to activate the voucher is here - http://www.ozsale.com.au/signup.aspx?image=generic&referredb…

The voucher will instantly appear in the 'my vouchers' section of your account.

This can be used either straight away for 5 pairs of mens socks with free delivery - (EDIT These have now completely sold out) or wait for an upcoming sale until you find something you like.

Hanes Underwear sale have plenty of items for less than $10 and some briefs/trunks for $12 which I can vouch for being decent quality. All these items should come with free delivery.
Just looking back through my previous orders, I purchased 2 pairs of trunks for $12, which would be well worth paying the extra $2 for.

Just make sure to click the link above or the link in the pic to get the voucher as any other method will result in no voucher. URL should have BIVJAN13 in it.

Here is a screen pic of how to select your voucher on the checkout screen http://i.imgur.com/E8loHVA.png (thanks to ninjastar)

Looks like the voucher is vaild for sign ups until 31st Jan too.

sorry for the confusion on the previous deal. Used the wrong link. This has now been tried and tested and is working fine! It was an email form their sister company buyinvite and requires a click via their referral link.

Referral Links

Referral: random (87)

The referrer will receive a $20 voucher (min spend $40), once the invited friend has made their first purchase of $20 or more.
No benefit to the referee.

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closed Comments

  • +2


    • -4

      Learn to read

    • all, working this time.

  • +6

    "You do not currently have any vouchers."

    i dont see any $10 voucher

    • Try signing up using the referral link, worked for me.

      • +1

        Not for me…..

        • +1

          it worked when i used buyinvites referral link as Melon said. Had to sign up with another account though

      • +1

        worked for you, yet you give no +?

    • Tried signing up with Gmail and Hotmail on my phone, didn't work. Tried with Yahoo on the computer and it worked.

    • +6

      Because I wasn't sure how long it would take to figure out the problem. No point having a deal that didn't work just sitting there..

  • Works this time :)

  • Yay. Thanks. :P

  • works at checkout need to select voucher

    • where do you select voucher?
      do you have to type in your credit card details?

      • No cc details
        Just at checkout
        Please check pic link in description

  • +1

    Yay. Free socks.

  • +3

    What am I doing wrong

    All I get is invite someone get $10 when the do their first order?

    • +2


      Looking at the URL; OP has placed referral(BuyInvites) in the URL box

    • Same I can't seem to get the voucher after signing up to the link?

  • +1

    OZ Bargain time. They dont check yr email. Time to send socks to the whole family

    • +4

      Time to send unsolicited socks to random people in the white pages..

  • Thanks OP….just used the voucher to get free socks

  • r we allowed to use referral links? I do not know what the rules are.

    • The referral is by OzSale, you can see in the voucher section

    • It's not OP's referral but a referral from their sister site(BuyInvite)

  • +2

    I didn't get a voucher.

    • me too

      • +2

        Check the voucher section of your account, NOT the 'gift voucher' section.

        • Voucher section says. 'You do not currently have any vouchers'.

  • +1

    Some stuff here is $9 with free ship, or you can get 2 door hangers Some more stuff for less than 10
    Also some kids shirts from $2
    And some hand towels and face washer towels

    • +1

      All these are with delivery of $9+ ?

      • +1

        And i've stufed up.

        • +1

          it's annoying how they dont tell you how much shipping is before adding to cart

        • I know, I read the bit about the shipping it said this, so I assumed it was free shipping

          Enjoy FREE SHIPPING on selected orders you make within an hour.
          Your order will arrive within 7 - 21 days from the end of the sale.
          Orders are dispatched from one of our warehouses in Europe, the US and Asia Pacific.

        • +1

          I think it is only free shipping if you spend $30 or more on the second purchase within the hour

  • Awesome! Just ordered! Thanks!

  • got some socks thanks

  • +1

    no voucher for me??

  • +1

    I still have no voucher?????
    Edit. Yep , account then vouchers

  • -1

    You do not currently have any vouchers.

    • +1

      click vouchers NOT Gift vouchers.. It works

      • Still doesn't work for me.

        • +1

          try using a different email . it worked for me

        • Make sure you sign up using the referral link above. If you clicked on the link to get to the socks, you will get a non-referral signup page, and you will not get a $10 voucher. Simply change your email address to something silly, sign out, then sign up again with the original email address.

        • Yep, problem was I didn't use that referral link. Cheers OP.

  • How to you use the voucher??

    • It will show in your account and there is a small box appeared at the check out.

      • i just signed up again and got it. The first time i signed up, the voucher wasn't activated…weird

  • signed up using link and with two different email addresses, still no voucher for me????

    • when you checkout, on the left side click the arrow use your voucher, then it will show $10

  • +3

    Thanks Gooddealmate. You're a good mate:)

    • nvm

  • Worked for me thank you

  • +2

    http://i.imgur.com/E8loHVA.png How to apply the $10 discount

  • Too easy! Thanks op!

  • Guys,

    Using hotmail and live email addresses, the voucher didn't appear for me.

    Used my work email and it worked!

    • Have you already made an account with the same IP address before?

      • yep they all from same IPs

        • Thats probably why it didn't work.

  • got me some free socks lol

  • +9

    Can't wait to eat those socks.

    • +1

      I got nothing

  • Do we need to put a real phone number? Also is it okay to send 2 separate orders to the same address? My brother wants to get some socks as well.

    • +1

      Just give him some of yours. Surely you cant use all 5 prs at once

      • They might get mixed up in the wash. Not as bad as mixing up undies, I guess…

        • or reused rubbers..oh whoops..

  • Works great

  • Done. 5 pairs of socks (completely free) on the way (to me)!

    I felt a bit of pressure to hurry up as the socks seemed to be disappearing at a rapid rate!

    Thanks OP :)

  • Yippee free socks!

  • not working for me?

    • OK looking at #jiakz post . hotmail and live accounts dont work.
      seems my gmail account worked .

      • I used hotmail and it was fine.

  • +1

    The socks are running out fast!

    • Almost all the patterned ones are gone now, but still options in the solid colours.

  • worked fine, thanks - using gmail

    • +7

      And risk the potential of everyone else not receiving their well deserved 5 pairs of socks! Selfish

      • +4

        Maybe because of Broden? Selfish people

        • +4

          This is called greediness.

    • +19

      I bet you get more negs than socks :P

    • The only positive thing I can say is that will get our items faster.

    • +2

      They will cancel all your orders. Sorry mate!

    • +1

      if every a-hole did this then no one would get bargains and OzBargain wouldn't even exist..

    • we are professional!!! don't ruin the system please……..

    • -1

      Thanks, now 40 other Ozbargainers are gonna miss out because you just HAD to hoard all those socks.

  • Good deal mate.

  • ์Nice post. Scored some socks today.


    • My first try did not work but it worked fine after that.
      my hotmail works!

      • I can confirm @live.com works.


    • MY BAD. not sure why it didn't work the first time then :(

  • Just wandering Does the OP get $10 for every referral purchase cause if it was weel he's one rich block 1280 clicks = $$$$$ ;)

    • No, we are using OzSale's sister web's referral link.

      • i was just kidding..:}
        btw was OzSale's sister web's referral link.

  • Free socks. Can't argue with that.

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