iPhone worth the money?

My daughter is saving up to buy an iphone 4 or 5.
I don't really know much about mobile phones to be honest.
Are they really worth the money?
If not, how can I convince her not to buy one?
Please help!


        • Couldn't agree no more, as long as you put in some time and do some research on the Chinese devices, you might land yourself a bargain! People end up with shabby devices because they did not know what they're getting (while still expecting the same quality from an iDevice).

    • The learning curve for an Android phone is huge

      Uh, no it's not. There's a lot more features/customizations that you can use if you want. But it as simple as pressing the app drawer button and pressing an app.

      • If someone is not tech savvy, moving from an iOS device to an Android requires a lil bit of relearning. You have to find out where certain settings are, and getting to those settings on an Android device isn't as intuitive as the iOS.

        Have to unlearn the old "habits" and relearn new ways of customising the Android. Have to learn what a drawer is, what a launcher is, where to add widgets, how to get rid of them, what the extra buttons do, what rooting is, what the file and folder structure are like. Some of those things are not necessary, but knowing them unleashes the true power of owning an Android device. Takes up to 2 weeks of re-programming your mind to get used to an Android device.

        • I assume most of us has had an old Nokia brick phone (or other branded brick phone) with none of these apps, drawer buttons, touch screens, wifi data etc smart phone stuff.
          Im pretty sure people will survive going from iOS to Android quickly… unless they're a little slow.
          For someone who just wants to do basic stuff like facebook, texting, web browsing etc, wont give a fish about learning all that 'programming' stuff like rooting, file and folder structure.

        • If someone is not tech savvy, moving from an iOS device to an Android requires a lil bit of relearning.

          Same can be said for moving from iOS to Android. Last Apple device I had was the ipod classic. Even back then I used copytrans to get music onto it. I don't know how to use itunes. Android users would also have to "break" old habit and learn how to do things that's so easily done on android.

        • +2

          i think whatever user-friendly interface ios touts is counterbalanced by the cumbersome-ness of itunes.
          i loved the smoothness and honed app support of ios but to put up with the restrictions of ios and the nightmare of itunes is just too much

  • you said it yourself, that youre not a tech head…. therefore IMO - get a iphone.. youll have less headaches from her asking how to do this and that. with iphone she already knows the way. :)

    • +5

      Mate, it's a poor argument. She'd still have to learn because she does not have an iPhone currently.

      Seriously with the Android, the Applications are kept in a folder called "Applications" which is accessible on the main screen, and then you'll be at the equivalent to the iPhone main screen.

      Does this sound particularly hard?

      I'm all for her just buying what she wants, but the whole "Androids are super complex compared to iPhones" argument is just silly.

  • +1

    I have both s3, s2 and iphone 3gs and 5
    She should go around the jbhifi stores and hve a play with it.
    iphones are much more intuitive but restricted in what you can do in terms of playing different media files.
    I like iphone more because its straight forward, the touch is less responsive (it is good thing because s3 screen is too big and you will mistakenly click elsewhere).
    Although pricing is $200 more, it is more protected than a s3 in terms of security too, in a sense that the more u can do, the higher someone else can tap into. the less the better sometimes. maybe I should stick with my nokias… and I do actually.
    With Iphone it is faster as ios takes less memory. s3 drains more battery, ive tested, iphone lasts a whole day, s3 doesnt. but non-smart phone are king, my nokia lasts 4days without charging (albeit not using it).

  • Not sure if OP managed to sway their daughter, but saw in AusPost Catalogue tonight iPhone 4 8gb models for $429 I think it was… might not be a bad option if she's set on being an iClone?

  • +1

    My 14 yr old is terrific at saving and makes good money with part time work. we agreed that I would pay for half of a new laptop. After using Mac and Windows at school he decided on a MacBook Pro as he preferred the OS and recognised the better build quality. Seven months later he had his new laptop and he loves it. Now he's saving for an iPhone because he knows that he will have a well designed phone that has excellent support, the best selection of apps and integrates very well with his laptop.

    You don't have to be older to chose a premium brand. Yes a Hyundai is a good car for the price but an Audi is a great car for the price. It all comes down to your priorities in life and what you are willing/able to spend.

    To answer the original question, iMessage and FaceTime alone make an iPhone very worthwhile if your friends also have iPhones. No reason to choose a 5 over a 4 though as the only notable differences are the later Bluetooth standard (only relevant if you have Bluetooth in your car) and higher res camera.

    • +1

      The quality of a MacBook is hardly any more better then any other laptop. Its all the same stuff inside.

      Some people would probably disagree about the Audi also.

      • +1

        The quality of a MacBook is hardly any better than any other high end laptop.

        Fixed that for you (language and fact).

      • But they have a unibody aluminium design! They must be better!

  • +2

    The Fanboyism is strong in this thread

    • Fandroids v iSheep!!

      • +1

        I thought it was normal people vs iSheep?

  • Apple played a nasty game by suing Samsung and US court went in favour of them by applying Samsung huge penalty for breaking the Copy right law. Thus Apple wanted to establish itself as a market leader. That's why I HATE Apple. Apple wanted to create Monopoly in the smart phone market, which in turn would damage consumer right.
    iPhone sale has already dropped and very soon Google phone is coming in the market to drop iphone sale further. iPhone with present price will no longer survive. There are many other better phones in the market with cheaper price than Apple. What is special about iPhone? high Price! nothing else.

    • saw the news about iphone 5S release in july. same old story, no design change - just whack a faster processor and some other gimmicks like better camera and make up a fancy name for a new function. it's funny apple prides itself on innovation because all the innovation at the moment is happening in android and WP land

  • +2

    If you want your daughter to become a mindless consumer, then go for the iPhone otherwise…

    There is more to life than acquiring short lived gadgets…

  • +1
  • Both of my daughters got phones when they were teenagers; suspecting they [the phones] would have a short life, I took out insurance on each [which I did end up making claims for]. ;-(
    Now they are in their mid-20's and protect their phones more; one went iPhone, the other stayed with Symbian [which she says is indestructible]. Personally I prefer Android, as you can buy them outright for $160. ;-)

    • i've seen too many shattered iphones after a big night out so i would advise everyone go have a nokia brick as a "out and drinking" phone or at least a cheap android you don't mind losing :s

  • If by value for money you mean whether the cost of manufacturing plus a reasonable profit margin = the price you you pay, then no it is not value for money. But if you mean whether it is worth paying the money for an iPhone then that comes down to individual preference.

    Sidenote, I'm an Android fan

  • -3

    Just while people r discussing Iphone… In case you decide to buy one, you can get from me.
    Sealed/Boxed packed , brand new, unlocked
    iPhone 5, 16gb, black in color
    Comes with 1 yr warranty..Bought in mid dec so more than 10 months of warranty remaining.
    Retain price $799, will sell for $750 - you save $49
    Pick up Melbourne CBD
    PM me if interested… Cheers

  • Sure, it's a waste of money - but it's her waste of her money…

  • for a 14 year old on $100 a week
    i think a second hand iPhone 4 16GB for around $300, on a TPG $17.99 a month plan would be ideal

    in terms of "saving up" my parents always used to get me to save up half, and they would pay the other half :)

  • Suggest her to go online and watch youtube reviews on variety of phone brands and models, then have a price comparison and go for ones that suits her the most. Iphone 5 is definitely one of the best phones in the market but it is bit over priced and there are rumors that iphone 5s is coming out in June and same as GS3. So it is really upto her but you should give her some advices on saving money for other stuffs later on since you are the adult.

    It's her first phone so it doesn't matter what she has for the phone in my opinion ( not sure if that is true :( not married yet :S)

    Good luck and hope my opinion helped :)

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