Well… Don't ask me what this is for. But this is Ozbargain and this item is only $0.08, so I'm guessing it counts as a deal!
Here's what wiki says about tape data cartridges: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_tape_data_storage
Well… Don't ask me what this is for. But this is Ozbargain and this item is only $0.08, so I'm guessing it counts as a deal!
Here's what wiki says about tape data cartridges: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_tape_data_storage
Says in stock for me…
I am not worried about the negs, but when I follow the link provided by the OP, I get "Out of stock"
Even if it was in stock, why to waste 8 cents on something that hardly anyone has use for or knows what it is.
Here's the proof that I am getting "Out of stock" message:
seems like you are worried about the negs?
Oh wow, ahaha. This is certainly a different find!
In stock for me too!
Interesting find =)How do you use it?
You buy 100 of them in one box and put it in front of a door that refuses to stay open. Great conversation opener.
For $0.08??
i would buy some for 8c, never know what the future holds might become a tourist resort or a mine resource in the future and the inheritence could end up making my family rich long after im gone lol.
If you can produce a legal title to the property… I'm keen too!!!
Almost bought one for fun, but then the shipping cost $26! Dang.
30 of these will give you the same storage as 1 blank DVD-R; no deal, unless you've got some other use for the plastic case.
Tape drives are more appropriate for archiving data
I would much rather archive data on DVD-Rs than 30 tapes. It's an extreme example of course as normally people wouldn't use 150Mb tapes, but you could buy 10 high quality DVD-Rs, burn them, and leave them in different physical locations. Or have 30 tapes and hope every tape works.
I have 15 year old CDRs that I can still read today. Good quality discs last a long time. I have also had discs with such reputable brands as 'Mr Data' fail within a year. Moral of the story, don't buy rubbish to store important data.
CDR's are known to store data for longer than DVD-R's
Ofcourse it depends on the size of the tape. There are tapes out there that can store > 1TB these days. Google and every other company out there uses them for back-up and archival.
Taken from Wiki: As of 2011, the highest capacity tape cartridges (T10000C) can store 5 TB of uncompressed data.
His first post please be kind and gentle like a kleenex
so tell me again how you plan on using this?
maybe go resell them at $0.09? Woot that's 12.5% profit!! (excluding tax and watnots)
We'll see a bargain for 1.44MB 51/4" floppy disks next…
I thought 5 1/4" disks went up to 1.2Mb only. It was the 3.5" that went to 1.44Mb from memory…
Damn. I feel old now…
Don't think I can help with the 5¼"s anymore, but I've still got a few new boxes of 3½s"!!!
Im sure I have some at my parents house as well
I still have some used & a box or two new 5¼"s
also the 5¼"s drives, pretty sure they still work!
Those are worth it just for the nostalgia hit. I found a 5 inch floppy with spellicopter for the Apple II on it the other day. Memories.
What about the 8in ones?
Unboxing an 8in wang compatible floppy here: http://geekadelphia.com/2008/07/08/geek-artifacts-unboxing-8…
My dad kept some from ages ago, they have early computer typesetting fonts on them.
A place i worked at about 12 years ago still sold them to a hospital in Melbourne. Apparently used in the neurology dept of all places.
Taking out a floppy 8in wang you say……
No thanks Jeff.
Hehe.. don't know why you got negg'd. I chuckled. + for you
The Wang VS still has a foothold in some businesses, remarkably enough. There is a lot of legacy software that a few institutions still use. Whenever I walk past a Wang, I always pause for a second to pay my respects.
SLR backup tape, used to backup Unix servers with these in, ummmmmmmmm…. 1990-something, maybe 2000-something, seems like a long time ago. :)
This may be worth something one day
This is my dad's attitude exactly. And no, it won't be! lol
My dad bought two, brand new in packet, 15MB hard drives. Still have one around here somewhere, I still doubt it will be worth anything :)
Edit: Apparently they are worth something! http://www.brokerscreen.com/manufacturer/IM/pn/5018H.htm
$0.53 per gigabyte…. Almost as expensive as SSDs! :)
will this work in my 8-track ;)
this will go well with my…actually no, not even that.
Saves Time: Formatted cartridges save valuable time - up to nearly 3 hours per cartridge!
Format: Unformatted
Thanks, been looking at these for a long time now, didn't know officeworks sold these, but 8cents is still a little pricey.
Might wait for another price reduction.
Wow. These puppies will go for a fortune on eBay. Rare as hens teeth. ;)
just right for my new operating system "Dos 6.2 "
I'm still holding out for Dos 7.0
just because its cheap doesnt make it a bargain. if i sold a rock for $0.05, does it make it a bargain? youll get more use out of a rock. you can use it as a paper weight, door stopper, smash cars or even as a murder weapon. what are you going to do with a magnet tape?
"if i sold a rock for $0.05, does it make it a bargain? "
Does the $0.05 include shipping?
no. but neither does this deal according to krabboss.
i can send it to you for $26 depending on where
delete… wrong reply…
does this rock keep away tigers?
people do actually buy rocks. so yes 5c for a rock is probably a bargain depending on quality, quantity, size and type.
Yes, I've bought plenty of rocks over the years.
But I've never bought a pet rock… I just don't think I can make the commitment of what it takes to look after one!!!
if the rock you sell is one of the diamond ,amber,emerald or ruby, :)
If you bought a dollars worth, I'm sure it'd be strong enough to strangle someone with? :p
How much is the drive to make this work?
Lol, this actually reminds me of the game Goldeneye007 back in the n64 days, where you had to infiltrate the silo and pick one of these (a "dat") up from the scientists. Good times!
I need one of these now you said that.
The smallest DAT (DDS) drive is 10 times bigger than this!
This will go well with my $299 netbook!
You got ripped off on your netbook mate.
Who cares when I've saved so much money on these 150MB Data Cartridges!
Out of stock!
My Uni still uses tape drives for backup. Might be a decent deal for any businesses that are too lazy to upgrade I guess?
Wow, what uni is that, frostee?
Chances are those are high capacity tapes in robot loaders, not 150MB cartridges. The only use for this would be for sites that have machines that cannot be replaced because they are running specialised software, e.g. Sparcstations for process control, and cannot have modern tape drives attached.
crack em over and instead of toilet papering someones house, data tape someones house.
are they 4mm or 8mm, need some for my SCSI Drive.
Damn!! I remember using these things, but yes, they do still own at data backup
Wow these are ancient I still got two drives in storage somewhere. Lolll
there's a lot of knobs on here nowadays.
edit: i don't mean the poster, i mean the smart ass comments… it almost makes you not want to post.
sticks and stones will break my bones……..oh SH*T!
I have no idea what I would use this for, but it is a good deal, so I have to vote it up.
You can break them open and use the tape to tie someone up 50 shades style BUT with that extra hot geeky element.
Plus you can keep the tape in your pocket without any problems - ever tried going on a date with 30m of rope in your pocket?
Well not in my pocket, more like pants.
But she sure was surprised at the answer after asking "Is that 30m of rope in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"
Buy them in 2's so you pay $0.15, saves you another 1 cent! That's 12.5% off the sale price!
You would actually get more of a saving this way than using your ING Direct card.
There seem to be a lot of childish posts from people who have been using computers for less than 10 years. FYI, computers have been around a lot longer than that and there are still people using "vintage" computers for the challenge or nostalgia, with their own clubs and user groups, just like people own and operate vintage cars. I'm sorry I missed out on this deal, I could have still used them on a legacy system I own. Just because you can't plug them into your iPhone doesn't mean they are worthless; a quick look on ebay sees QIC-150 tapes starting at $25 each!
We still use DAT tapes at work… DDS1, DDS2 and DDS3 DAT tapes :(
EDIT - My post was meant to be a reply to montorola's comment about the N64 game goldeneye and the DAT tape. Whoops.
Dam I thought this was going to be a perfect replacement for some 3M DC 6150 tapes I have from 1990… sold out :(
handy to hold onto the tape then throw the cassette out the car window along a highway
This is gonna encourage teens to buy these and play around with the tape all over powerlines out the streets.
lol these are popping up on ebay now!
I'm 21…I used tapes for music in my childhood…I'm just amazed how many young Ozbargainers there are who don't seem to know what a cassette tape is!
I'm aware that this isn't an audio cassette tape and am also aware that tape is intended for long-term back ups of data given the masses of information that can be stored.
A younger friend of mine has a policy about taking girls home. If they don't know what a cassette tape is they're too young :)