This was posted 12 years 1 month 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

BABYBJORN Baby Carrier Active for A $86 Shipped from Amazon

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Selling for $199 in Australia

With its revolutionary design, the Baby Bjorn® Active Carrier features increased back and shoulder support for both you and your child letting you carry your baby longer with greater comfort. The unique design allows breast feeding without removing baby. Multi-adjustable buckle keeps things comfortable as baby grows. Machine washable. Ages birth and up to 10 mos. and 8 to 25 lbs. Black/Silver.

Make sure you Add to Cart the ones from Amazon on the right under "More Buying Choices" and they will ship when stock is in.

Order summary
Items: $77.84
Shipping & Handling: $13.09
Total before tax: $90.93
Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
Order Total: $90.93

Please use my affiliate link if possible.…

If you prefer something lighter and more compact they also have BABYBJORN Baby Carrier Air (Black Blue) for A$70 shipped.…

Affiliate link :…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +17

    A lot of the baby stuff is way cheaper on Amazon US, and can be shipped to Oz. Strollers, portacots, baby chairs, etc. Comes to show how much we are being ripped off in Australia.

    • Plus 1000.

    • +2

      Yup. I've been buying baby gear from Amazon for about 2yrs since my first child was born. The only thing that I buy for my kids in Australia is Nappies n wipes.

      • My colleague even buys nappies from Japan. Apparently the quality of Huggies nappies in Japan is a lot better…

        • mind to give some tips where in japan?
          i bought like $22 each packet in WW or coles, really bloody expensive…

        • every 6 months huggies nappies are half price
          source: ex-coles staff

        • please send link and source! needs deals like this…

        • Where? I haven't seen any half price nappies!

        • Japan? Can you order online?

        • +1

          Since when? In the 2 years that I've been purchasing Huggies nappies for my kids I have never seen them sell for half price anywhere. Coles & WW normally sell the jumbo packs for around $30. Toysrus sometimes have them for $27 a box if you buy $20 worth of stuff instore.

        • Gotta call BS on that, best I've seen in the last 12 months is $27 a box at Big W

        • I'm sure buying online to get it shipped from japan would be more expensive. Jp shipping is as expensive as australia. I wonder if daiso or other similar jp stores in aus would hv nappies.

        • Sorry, I was wrong, it was $30 after discussed with wife. I can't believe it was more expensive than I thought!

        • +1

          The only thing is that the Japan radiation disaster is far from over.

          I'd be more careful with Japanese products…

        • +2

          i think we must organise a collective group buy for these crap.

        • Sorry, my bad. The nappies aren't Huggies - my mate just said that they were better than Huggies.

          They buy the Goo!n brand. Not particularly cheap but better quality.

          Soz if I had gotten anybody's hopes up.

      • +2

        Nappies and wives

    • -2

      Nah because the US has over 300 million people compared to our 20 has nothing to do with it.

      If you want cheaper stuff, move to the states.

      • Are you saying the US has 180 million adults that are potential customers of baby stuff? Cause they have a much larger population than 180 million.

        Edit: Ah he changed that figure from 180 to 300 ;)

      • +1

        Buying power has something to do with it, but come on, a factor 3-5 difference? Speakers are a third to a fifth of the Australian price. Strollers are half. Small electronics often a third. Baby articles a third.

        Look at how much Australian retailers can discount by when they want to. Try to walk into Myer without there being some insane sale on, yet any article there can be had cheaper elsewhere (even at 50% off, e.g. cutlery). Often same for Harvey Norman (with some exceptions).

        We pay more here because most people put up with it.

        • -1

          Buying power has alot to do with it, combined with wholesalers and middlemen adding to it as well. Its not the end business that makes the huge markups its them. And with them trying to make exclusive agreements and restrict international sales (Gopro are one that pops to my head)

          Need to keep in mind the vast difference in median wages of Aus vs US, not to mention quality of living and so on.

        • I do agree that the importers are to blame to a substantial degree. Yet if Amazon can deliver something to my door for a certain price, then others ought to be able to as well (Fishpond isn't bad in matching Amazon's prices, but they are much slower).

          One could argue that quality of living is a result of being able to buy things at lower prices, rather than enabling people to buy at lower prices. My quality of living would certainly improve if my local shopping centre had US prices :)

        • According to your theory, products in China should be the cheapest. Why do so many Chinese go to US or other countries, including Australia, for shopping?

        • -1

          Quality of product perhaps?

        • Half price strollers?

          What about the Bugaboo Cameleon 3? Let me know if you've seen any good deals…

        • Nothing to do with quality. Same brand, same quality, the price is even doubled or tripled in China. It is much cheaper in US and other countries.

  • Thanks, just what I need

  • Or for carrying around small girlfriends?

    • -1

      redefining cradle snatching…

      • Sorry Slowmo :( I was scrolling down on my iPhone with my fat fingers when I accidentally pressed the neg button :(

        • no worries mate, no skin off my nose. ;)

  • +4

    Great price, but I really prefer Ergobaby

    • +1

      I prefer the ergo as well. Better support for the baby and they can be carrier for much longer and also on hip and back.

    • Yes apparently the Ergo is better on your back than the Bjorn.

  • I've got one of these… great for carrying around the baby

  • BABYBJORN carriers tend to be really bad for the hip health of babys.
    The babys legs should wrap around the adults body, not dangle limply. these ones are great for the more natural form.
    (not a rep - just strongly encourage good health choices)

    • +1

      I read on a web forum that baby carriers can cause hip dysplasia. Is that correct?

      No, that is not correct. Your child cannot develop hip dysplasia or hip luxation by being carried in a baby carrier. Hip dysplasia, or hip luxation, is a congenital condition diagnosed through a medical examination. The notion that baby carriers can cause hip dysplasia is a misunderstanding and has no scientific foundation. This is confirmed by leading child orthopedists.…

      • ". BabyBjörn Baby Carriers also hold babies’ hips in the optimal position — the abducted position (or spread legs)."…

        They are spread but not wrapping. Think about when you carry a baby, would you hold it flat against you with its legs dangling? The vast majority of babys will wrap to around the adult koala style.

        If you look at babybjorn carriers out and about the babys always look slumped, dangly.
        I have had good experience with ergo's, they are are carrier as well,not agaist carriers, just the posture of the babybjorn ones looks unnatural.

      • @bockers… taking statements from medical professionals on the manufacturers website isn't exactly confirming something doesn't occur.

        That said, i had a quick read of the info at, and it would read that there is a potential issue (though again, what/who are I'm inclined to believe that if you have a family history of hip issues, then you should probably do everything in your power to avoid things that "could" stress the hips. This doesn't mean everyone in the general population has to avoid the product.

        For the record, I've 2 healthy children, both carried around in a Babybjorn, no hip problems. I have many friends who did the same.

        • IMHO its personal preference, there's no doubt the price for these carriers is excellent and thats why I +ve it but personally I dont like this brand of carrier for no other reason than personal preference

        • @braddsey I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just showing there's always 2 sides to the discussion. It's always up to the parents to make informed choices.

      • Been using my babybjorn since our now 3 yo was 4 months. No problems at all from our experience. She loved it and now our new 4months old loves it.

    • Ergobaby ones get really hot and sweaty for parent and baby, You couldn't pay me to use one during an Australian summer.

      The BabyBjorn AIR are the ones you want in this climate.

      • That's the one I purchased from Amazon ages ago.

  • +5

    ozbargain becomes so educative now!

  • This was one of the best things we ever bought… I had my doubts at first, but it became very useful, going through an airport with one of these is so much easier than a pram (in particular when you have a transit stop or something) and in my experience the babies loves it.

  • +12345 so cheap i paid $165 5 months back

  • The BabyBjorn AIR is actually better and cheaper then the original…

    $74 Shipped —->>…

    • Yes I already mentioned that in my post.

      • +3

        I know that. But the link that you posted shows the Grey colour which is around $86shipped. My link is for the Black air which is $74 Shipped.

        PS. The Sandy colour one is approx $80 shipped.

        • I find it funny how different colours often have vastly different prices, and how some colours can be shipped overseas while others can't.

        • Yup. There is a huge price difference when it comes to different colours for the KitchenAid mixers…

          I guess it comes to supply and demand when it comes to colour.

        • Thanks. I couldn't get the link to default on the black one however I tried.

  • +1

    Gonna buy this for myself to carry food on me.

    • Planning to become a Sherpa?

  • +1

    We just bought the Babybjorn Carrier Miracle which is different to this one, the Miracle is a slightly better version. I'm not saying it's worth the $199 we paid but the OP is comparing apples to oranges slightly. I can see how the mistake was made as they are very similar.

    I'm trying to find out what the Carrier Active sells for locally, it will be less than $199.

    UPDATE: I stand corrected, despite being a slightly lower model it appears to retail for the same $199'ish price as the Miracle. We've only owned our Miracle for a few days, might return it and buy this instead :)

  • +1

    BabyBjorn: the Swedish version of that little doll that eats and poops all by itself.

  • I've been searching around for a good deal on a baby carrier for my 7 week old, and I've been tossing up between Babybjorn and Ergo. Any other parents reading this who can give me advice on choosing between the two? I want to be able to carry my baby on my chest facing me and facing outwards, I live in QLD so I don't want either of us to overheat, plus I'd like to use it for more than a few weeks so nothing that will be outgrown really quickly.

    • +2

      We have the ergo, am pretty sure you can't have them facing out. Also, i find it nearly impossible to put on without a helping hand. However, my sister thinks the bjorn hurts her back more then the ergo.

      • You can't use an ergo with baby facing out. I find using my ergo quite easy on my front and my back. I'm usually on my own and put it on and put my daughter in it and strap it up completely on my own, once you get the hang of it its quite easy.

    • using my husbands account to be all babywearing nerdy here
      Have you considered a manduca? They are thinner and have an inbuilt part for new babies (unlike the ergo which you have to purchase separately and are very thick, adding to the discomfort for parent and child). They also have an adjustable panel, you simply unzip it as your child grows to extend the usage of your carrier.
      Babybjorn are known as a less the optimal carrier as it doesnt place babies legs in an m shape, mimicking the way your child naturally sits and supporting their hips. Forward facing is not considered ideal, I wear my babies facing me until they are bigger and then carry them on my back so they can see over my shoulder. Manducas also have an excellent resale value unlike Ergo as there are fake ergos being sold of inferior quality (something to consider if you buy secondhand).

      • will be considered if there is a good deal.. in the spirit of ozbargaining.

  • +2

    We've had three kids use the ergo and the baby bjorn (but not at the same time). My wife preferred the ergo - it was a more snug fit. I preferred the bjorn because it didn't feel so claustrophobic. I reckon the ergo cleaned up better in the washing machine and could pack away smaller (bit less padding). I am sure that you could put the baby/small person into the bjorn more quickly and smoothly than the ergo. Hope that helps. Oh, and the 1st born had hip dysplasia (operation, stinky cast, child dragging herself around like a dog with no hind legs) and I don't believe that baby carriers had anything to do with the issue.

  • Thank you for the post, just bought one too :)

  • I honestly have to put my 2 cents worth in here, many people are for and against baby bjorn style carriers (myself included in the against). I would honestly recommend a wrap that disperses the weight of your child around your torso and supports baby really well, though these can be fiddly to put on and can have alot of fabric. Or an ergobaby carrier (which I use) or a manduca because these carriers do not pull on your shoulders the way baby bjorns do, instead most of the weight is carried on your hips with the belt. It also supports baby in an M sitting position so their legs and hips are supported rather than their legs dangling from their hips. Also Ergo's, wraps & manduca carriers are mostly made with 100% cotton and often organic cotton. Each to their own, but honestly I'd go with what is better and more comfortable for mum/dad and baby.

    edit: I have 2 small children, I used slings for my first daughter now 5, and used slings for my 2nd daughter for 6 months and now use an organic ergobaby carrier. She is 18 months old and 13kg and can be worn in the ergo for hours comfortably.

    • Then you have cases like this, where 1 death is a death too many.…

      like you said, go for what's more comfortable for the parent and kid. (I wouldn't go as far to say which is better, as i prefer to be neutral and skeptic about everything.)

      bjorn, sling, or the good old pair of arms, each have their own risks.

      • +1

        Why any parent would wear a sling with a newborn baby (or any baby or child) in it under their clothing is beyond me. Of course it would cause a suffocation risk

  • It looks very good as I am going to have a baby in two months. While i tried to buy and Amazon said not able to delivery to my address. Just wondering how you guys get it delievery to Australia?

  • The Active is sold out.

    • it shown 3 left but when i proceed to checkout it said not able to delivery to Sydney

      • Make sure you Add to Cart the ones from Amazon on the right under "More Buying Choices" and they will ship when stock is in.

        • thanks, now i know why

  • $94 now, please mark as expired

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