EVENT CINEMAS - $1 Small Popcorn - Django Unchained Mistake - Redeem: Swipe Your Cinebuzz

Moved to Forum: Original Link(eventcinemas.com.au)

Hey Guys!

Looks like Event cinemas had a bit of a stuff up - quoting the opening session of Django at $10/ticket.

So to make up for it, if you swipe your cinebuzz at your next visit - within 30 days, you can purchase a $1 popcorn. Who doesn't love cinema popcorn? (and i dont mean who doesn't love cinema popcorn RRP)

Email copied below:

Hi ####,

We just told you that you could get a Django Unchained ticket for $10. We are sorry, we made a mistake, tickets are actually full price for this event.

As a CineBuzz member you still get the benefit of seeing this fantastic film first though!

To say sorry for our error, we've added a $1 small popcorn on your account, simply swipe your card next time you are in cinema. This is valid for 30 days - so enjoy it next time you come in.

First time poster :) - feedback welcome!


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Event Cinemas
Event Cinemas


  • +7

    Well not really a bargain as its only to people who got the email and those people got the email so already know about it.

  • +3

    Who doesn't love cinema popcorn?

    Me. It's oily and nasty.

    A good deal for those who do like their popcorn though :)

  • To say sorry for our error, we've added a $1 small popcorn on your account, simply swipe your card next time you are in cinema.

    it's not in all accounts.

  • +1

    I got the email.. didn't even read through it properly to see I had the free popcorn. Thanks! Going to the movies on Sunday and who doesn't love a freebie due to error?

    • +1

      $1 freebie no

      • I won't say no to a $1 freebie.. it's no effort on my part.. I'm going anyway!

    • +2

      didn't even read through it properly to see I had the free popcorn.

      Still haven't apparently ;)

      • I'd just gotten home… still in car (parked) saw the email.. but then had to bring the kids in.. so didn't delete it (like I usually do).. then came onto OzBargain as priority before going back to email..

  • all its worth..

  • It's only available to Cinebuzz members who got the email as its been credited to your account - no deal here

  • Anyone who got the email see it (the $1 popcorn) as a purchase online option by any chance?

  • No deal, as discussed only credited to accounts which received the email. Move to forum if not just delete for waste of space.

  • I deleted the email without reading it, thanks for posting it here! Where do I swipe my cinebuzz card at the cinema?

    • +1

      go to candy bar and have them check before ordering popcorn.

      • Cheers for that!

  • I'm a VIP member and everytime I go to event, if I remember t do so, I go to the candy bar and have them swipe both my card and my daughters regular card. Often there are some reasonaably good deals I was not aware of.

  • +1

    No codes, no event cinemas for me.

    HOYTS all the way with Optus Reward :D

    • +1

      Yep. Hoyts is much better actually, even if it means I have to drive a bit further

      • Yep totally agree with you…Hoyts is much better even if i have to drive 20 mins rather than walk to event next to my house

  • Already seen it. Yawn. Cinemas should hurry up and die. Dinosaurs.

  • What is the benefit of cinema buzz?

    are the tickets cheaper?

    • It's a rewards program. Earn points when you see movies, then spend those points on free movies. Each week, there's also a $10 movie of the week — most major releases become MOTW once they've been out a few weeks.

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