This was posted 12 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Adobe Programs Free Downloads PC/ Mac (CS2, Photoshop CS2, Acrobat 7/8/Pro, Premier, and More)


MOD: See the discussion in this thread on Adobe Community Forum. Adobe might not be giving away free, and downloading & installing CS2 might not be legal if you are not already a valid licensee.

Update: Adobe released a statement via their blog:

Effective December 13, Adobe disabled the activation server for CS2 products and Acrobat 7 because of a technical glitch. These products were released over 7 years ago and do not run on many modern operating systems. But to ensure that any customers activating those old versions can continue to use their software, we issued a serial number directly to those customers. While this might be interpreted as Adobe giving away software for free, we did it to help our customers.

Adobe is giving away free programs with full access
Not sure how long it will last
Must register for FREE to access page
After you sign in, the page will show the download links with the serial number for each product

Products to be given away are:

Creative Suite 2
Acrobat 3D 1.0
Acrobat Standard 7.0
Acrobat Pro 8.0
Audition 3.0
GoLive CS2
Illustrator CS2
InCopy CS2
InDesign CS2
Photoshop CS2
Photoshop Elements 4.0/5.0
Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0

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closed Comments

  • -3

    sounds like you are downloading the trial version only.

    • nope, after you sign in, you'll find the download link and next to it the serial number for it

  • +2

    WOW got InDesign CS2 & Photoshop as well ! SO happy Cheers !!!

    • So, under -which- Windows operating system do these applications run?


      • Since a majority seem to beof 2005 vintage, they would be targetted to mostly Windows 2000 / XP
        Probably can run under newer OS's as long as compatibility mode is enabled.

      • +1

        InDesign working on W7

  • thanks OP.

  • Haha nice find.. Shame that they're sooooooooo old but free is free :) cheers

    • +2

      old but free
      most work on windows 8

      • I'm not complaining at all.. :)

        Even tho I now have the keys to CS2, it's useless to me as a lot of the newer functions aren't there and I can't load in newer files into an older version..

        Free photoshop is still awesome tho :)

      • Most dont work on Windows 7, let alone 8.
        Read the forums and it will say "use Compatibility mode" (ALA Virtual Machine XP). Why bother then?

      • +7

        Here is the official Microsoft Compatibility list for Windows 7 (Windows 8 being even worse for compatibility):

        Acrobat 7 - Paid Upgrade required (ie Later version)
        Acrobat 8 - Paid Upgrade required (ie Later version)
        Creative Suite 2 - Paid Upgrade required (ie Later version)
        Audition 3 - Compatible (32/64bit)
        Go Live CS2 - Free Upgrade required (ie Later version)
        Illustrator CS2 - Compatible (32/64bit)
        Photoshop CS2 - Paid Upgrade required (ie Later version)

        The others arent on the list either not tested or not compatible.

        • +1

          I've successfully installed Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat 8 on Windows 7 x64.
          As far as I can tell there are no problems (apart from Illustrator not being compatible with Aero).

          I did have some issues with installing Acrobat 8 which was because the executable was trying to unpack (not install) to a protected folder. Plus there's a known issue with some dll you have to manually unpack. I've written up the details - in case it's useful to anyone else:

          Also, make sure you install any patches, since the software is just the base version.

    • Well, any newer and they'd qualify for upgrade pricing, and Adobe aren't that generous :)

  • works ok sweet, but looks like all are older version.

    • +32

      you can always pay the $100+ price tag for new version , but hey … this is ozbargain and we are all professionals :D

      • -1

        and our favourite music is 'Thrift Shop'?

        • damn r u saying its not 99 cents?

  • +3

    Great for learning on, the fundamentals haven't changed all THAT much.

  • Yep.. Very Old!
    But Thx

  • +3

    Is their plan to try and upsell you later down the track? Don't care anyway, thanks for this one!

  • +9

    Don't get too good with these programs guys…otherwise I will lose my job

  • +1

    are the serials unique? Just wondering if this would work for multiple installs?

    When I sign in the acrobat pro serial ends in 2927-7040
    Same for everyone?

    • +1

      I signed up twice - same for everyone.
      So no point in signing up multiple times.

    • no, not unique

    • Yep, same serial. Seems like these are common serials.

    • yes, same (acrobat pro for Mac ending with 2927-7470)

  • +1

    Most of the apps arent even supported to work with Windows 7 let alone anything newer.

    Great if you are still running 32bit XP.

    • other forums have reported that CS2, Acrobat 8, Audition 3.0 work with windows 8
      not sure about the others but google's is your freind

      • +2

        Acrobat 7 does not Acrobat 8 is not supported either on anything past XP. CS2 you need to go through hoops to get that working. I know because I just did a corporate SOE project that included compatibility to these applications.

      • For the record Acrobat 9 Pro works fine on Win8 64-bit. I actually use Photoshop 7 on Win7 32-bit without issues too.

  • +2

    Adobe CS2 was the last of ImageReady!!

  • Are we allowed to install the same software on different computers with the SAME serial no.?

    • +3

      yep, serials are NOT unique

      • Maybe we can just get someone listing the serials so we don't have to sign up?

        ok scrolled down and someone has

  • +1

    Free and it downloads at 20mb/s :D w00t love it!

    • What internet do you have to download at that speed? 200 Mbs/s ?

      • -1

        20 dude.

        Edit: which is still an awesome DL rate, but you might have misread.

        Mine's like 4 on a good day.

        • Mine's 1.5 MB/s on a really good day…

  • +8

    hey - free / legit copy of Acrobat Pro… print to PDF FTW!

    Big + from me!

    • +1

      For printing to PDF I moved from paid program to the Bullzip free one ( Works great and is free.

      • +1

        I use CutePDF which is also free. Like other apps, it installs a print driver so you can "Print to PDF".

        Most of the free apps (and a LOT of the dodgy paid ones) are just based off Ghostscript which is open-source, they just make it easier to configure.

        • +1

          The PDF created by Cute PDF is not as sharp and the file size is like 4 times larger

        • Ms Office even supports this now

        • For a PDF Printer, I've used Bullzip, Cute, Adobe and other random ones.

          MS Office 2007 Save as PDF is good but it could not handle gradients from vector files output by their own Visio?? In any case you may not always be printing an Office document.

          Acrobat Pro is by far the best being clearer/sharper and handles PDFs pretty much flawlessly compared to the free or low cost alternatives. It had always just cost more which shouldn't be an issue now?

        • PDFcreator is another one. Also free (it's on sourceforge)

  • -1

    too old. thanks anyway.

  • Awesome, thanks OP!

  • Adobe here we come…, what download speeds are you guys getting ?

    • i was downloading 1 of them at 40mb/s :D love Adobe servers

      • +3

        cached locally probably. I'm only getting 200 KB/s on Telstra Cable (100MB+ connection), or maybe it's getting hammered now thanks to 5000 OzBargainers

        • I hit 13MB/s, then averaged out at 2-3MB/s… :(

        • Haha the rush must be over, I'm getting 900 kb/s (TPG) at the moment for Adobe Pro (Windows).

    • Their CDN is doing all the heavy lifting :)

  • +1

    The Mac versions are for the most part useless.

    They only support PowerPC, not Intel processors.

    • +1

      Yep. Useless.

    • +1

      To be clear, they will probably run on Snow Leopard but not Lion.
      Snow Leopard was the last version of OSX to support Rosetta.

  • +71

    Since the keys are all the same here they are :D -

    Creative Suite 2 Mac - 1130-0412-8377-1896-9751-5759
    Creative Suite 2 Win - 1130-1414-7569-4457-6613-5551

    Acrobat 3D 1.0 for Windows - 1159-1414-7569-3493-5006-5653

    Acrobat Standard 7.0 Mac - 1016-0414-2428-7157-5404-6669
    Acrobat Standard 7.0 Win - 1016-1415-6379-6184-1333-2468

    Acrobat Pro 8.0 Mac - 1118-0416-1130-3724-2927-7040
    Acrobat Pro 8.0 Win - 1118-1414-1955-8737-8172-0350

    Audition 3.0 Win - 1137-1004-8571-6848-7845-8029

    GoLive CS2 Mac - 1033-0415-6162-2671-3431-0993
    GoLive CS2 Win - 1033-1418-1610-5696-5209-0095

    Illustrator CS2 Mac - 1034-0416-0740-0527-2887-2375
    Illustrator CS2 Win - 1034-1415-6230-2341-2884-9398

    InCopy CS2 Mac - 1036-0414-4367-5110-5897-2432
    InCopy CS2 Win - 1036-1419-3531-6378-2148-9313

    InDesign CS2 Mac - 1037-0413-9961-4063-8457-1098
    InDesign CS2 Win - 1037-1412-5094-8316-6812-7982

    Photoshop CS2 Mac - 1045-0410-5403-3188-5429-0639
    Photoshop CS2 Win - 1045-1412-5685-1654-6343-1431

    Photoshop Elements 4.0/5.0 Mac - 1057-0410-8218-6295-1699-9560
    Photoshop Elements 4.0/5.0 Win - 1057-1414-3729-7573-7352-1206

    Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Win - 1132-1280-4900-7476-5108-8019

    • Thanks. How did you know all were the same??

      • +3

        From the comments above and I also made 2 accounts just to check.

        • +4

          I don't believe the full back story has been provided here (I read it somewhere, but I don't believe it was on OzBargain)

          Adobe has just turned off the licence servers for these products which means anyone who legally bought any of these products will no longer be able to activate them.
          To overcome this, Adobe released special versions of the product which do not communicate with the licence server, than just activate locally with a predefined key, so it is my understanding the keys listed by froz3nflam3s are the only keys which could work with these downloads.

          I must admit, I am a tad surprised by Adobe making this move, but I guess they figure it will get more people using their software, and hopefully upgrading to the latest version…

      • +4

        Some how I don't think adobe will come after you for their money.

        • -4

          If it's ok by the fuzz, then it's ok by me ;-)

          I expected I would get negged for my comment, but was just trying to lookout for a fellow ozbargainer.

        • +1

          They actually publish the serial next to the download link, so no harm done at all

        • -8

          Yes I know. Which requires an account login to see, thus not public like this. I don't see your point?

          I guess I'm barking up the wrong tree as nobody in here seems to have any ethics, at least when hiding behind the internet.

          I didn't think those who run OzB want their site to be known as a warez & serialz site… or do they?

        • It's not yet been verified officially by Adobe the status of the situation. I already had an Adobe ID, so didn't have the drag of signing up. An Adobe ID is free for anybody to get, particularly for using forums and getting support for existing (purchased) software.

          I'm sure if Adobe come out and verify the state of play as not Public Domain, OzB admins will remove the thread, but until then it's legitimate.

          I get your point, but at the moment it's Public Domain provided you have an Adobe ID.

        • +2
        • +2

          As far as I'm concerned (which probably doesn't mean anything to you) - if all that is between a member of the public obtaining these keys is a sign up screen, then these serial keys are publicly available. There is less barrier between the general public and these keys than other public information. I.e. A title search through the property registry costs you money. This is free. It hardly think froz3nflam3s' comment brings the entire site down into the category of a "warez" site. Far out, man.

        • +2

          Yep. When in the history of OzBargain have we been shy about exploiting pricing errors and other such mistakes? Hehe…

    • If the keys are the same, do you think there is a time-limit for registering? Or will these always be free for everyone?

    • Legend!! And thanks heaps OP.

  • Cheers, I'll give Acrobat Pro a go. I can't believe the download is 480mb, much bigger than the free version it seems!

    Photoshop might also be a good one to try :)

    • +1

      The Pro version is for creating PDFs I think, where as the free one is just a viewer.

    • I'm just DL-ing photoshop. I currently use Photoshop Elements which is a great program. Curious to see what this one is like (although I use a much modern-er version).

  • -1

    Hi guys, my friend already had an account. But when we sign in cant see any product downloads except the latest software.

    • still working perfectly, just checked
      The webpage is slow due to it getting ozbargained

  • Cool, thank you very much OP!

  • I've got CS6 for Windows, wanted CS2 for Mac but I'd have to downgrade from Mountain Lion.
    Workaround: Mac running Ubuntu VM running Photoshop in WINE.

    • +2

      Why not just run wine in OS X natively?

  • Thanks a bunch! Hopefully one day Adobe will offer free After Effects too haha :)

  • +1

    Adobe Photoshop CS2 is pretty retro (2005!) but I'll gladly take a free legit copy. It works in Windows 8 at least although its theme doesn't match at all

  • Is this for real? Awesome, getting them immediately.

    • +1

      <Puts on Captain Obvious Hat> No this is fake. Please ignore it and conserve your bandwidth to allow other Ozbargainers to download it instead..</Takes off Captain Obvious Hat>

      • +2

        Do I need to explain this to you? The point I was raising was that most large software companies never give their past products out for free, for example, imagine Microsoft giving out Microsoft Office 2003 for free.

        Where as Adobe is now giving out Adobe CS2 (released 2005) for free.

  • +1

    never thought i'd see this happen :D

  • CS2 is old, but for free its great. How did the OP find this. Imagine the future, where we will be able to get Adobe CS5 for free.

  • even Adobe can't handle ozbers…website crashed can't get into login page..

    • Someone should post the adobe 2005 mega pack torrent

  • holy shut such a good freebie

  • Free for commercial use?

  • Anyone managed to register within the Adobe ID, doesn't seem to be accepting mine and i don't really want to download and install because i already have a legitimate version of CS6 installed D:

    • Yep, I just did. You should be able to run them side-by-side, but do check. Else you can use a virtual PC for it.

  • +1

    How outdated is Photoshop CS2?

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