Try 3 Orders, Snag 3 Discounts.
Get 30% off (up to $20) on your first orders from a grocer or bottle shop, a national chain or a local favourite.
New DoorDash users only. Expires 7 days from user's first order on DoorDash, or until maximum redemptions are met prior. Receive 30% off your first 3 different orders on DoorDash by using the applicable promo code at checkout: Use promo code THIRTYGROCERY for your first grocery or bottle shop order, THIRTYLOCAL for your first order from a local merchant, or THIRTYNATIONAL for your first order from a national chain. Max discount using a promo code per order is $20 (excluding fees). Users can only redeem one promo code on each order. 1 redemption per user per promo code. Delivery and service fees apply.
Deliveries subject to availability. Must be 18yo+ for alcohol purchases. Must have or create a valid DoorDash account with a valid form of accepted payment on file. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Cannot be exchanged, redeemed or substituted for cash or other currency. Non-transferable. Subject to applicable laws, DoorDash may vary, update or cancel this offer at any time.