Looking for a reasonable entry drone or RC car for my kids.
Any decent aliexpress recommendations?
Budget circa $100.
Looking for a reasonable entry drone or RC car for my kids.
Any decent aliexpress recommendations?
Budget circa $100.
For cars I recommend the flyhal fc600. Can be slowed down for kids. Has ludicrous mode for adults. Great fun.
What’s a good price and place to buy these from these days? Haven’t seen a deal post about this in years…
Likewise. They might not even exist anymore. I purchased from banggood a few years ago for $130ish with spare battery. Still running like a champ but the outer shell is faaaaarked.
That’s a shame - was looking to upgrade now my two are older - , I got my two a monster jam megaladon and a grave digger rc truck, and other than being able to drive on water these monster jam trucks are actually pretty trash - especially the megaladon with a piss poor battery.
@Jimothy Wongingtons: I just searched on banggood. Looks like only spare parts now for that model. There's probably an equivalent modern reinterpretation but I have no reason to get another at this stage.
@Jimothy Wongingtons: Do you want to see my Wild Willy? LOL
The kids up the road love it, but I had to explain to their parents, that it's my R'C car (in advance). The father is an R'C freak, so he knew what I was talking about.
Seriously, I have the original, from the mid 80s that I have upgraded. Here is a random YT Video . You can buy them pre assembled, and 'pre-painted' etc, but the fun is building it which is easier than the original. Lot's of upgrades available online.
@BewareOfThe Dog: Any recommendations for something pretty much ready to roll out of the box? I don’t mind spending up to $250 if it’s going to last
@Jimothy Wongingtons: I think the prices on the WW2 have gone up. One of the issues with quite a few items is they are usuually slower than expected.
I have 4 HK tanks, which are ready to go out of the box, but I have spent a bit of time/money looking realistic. They are quite quick, and shoot pellets (if loaded), otherwise they have IR shooting. There are extras you can 'snap on'. They also blow 'smoke', and make noises.
seems Flyhal were a rebadged hbx 16890a (and similar to hbx 16889a pro).
reviews of the 16889/16890 says they take a beating, which is consistent with your findings.
do they all have cameras that can pan and zoom?
asking for a friend
MJX HyperGo 16207
So much fun.
Thanks all. Will scope out a Flyhal fc600. Cant seem to find the model people are talking about. Has the model changed as per battler's comments?
Now a HBX 16890a pro?
Got my kid an RC car at Xmas
Same range as this but a 16210. Fits the budget, especially if you line it up with a AliExpress cashback deal.
Thanks all. Ended up buying a HBX 16890a pro.
wltoys rc’s are good