SodaStream Terra White Sparkling Water Maker $76 (Was $109) @ Coles


Coles online or instore: Sodastream Terra White Sparkling Water Maker (Normal $109; Now 30% OFF @$76)

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  • +13

    Sodastream <- Nah!

  • +7

    This factsheet outlines the boycott campaign against the Israeli company SodaStream due to its historical operations in the occupied West Bank and subsequent relocation to the Naqab desert. It details SodaStream's exploitation of Palestinian labor, complicity in settlement expansion, and continued violations of Palestinian human rights, prompting ongoing BDS efforts. Despite the closure of its factory in the occupied West Bank, the boycott persists as SodaStream's practices perpetuate Israeli occupation and discrimination against its Palestinian workers.

      • +16

        Its good to know where our money is going.

        • -6

          To Coles if you buy one?

          • @CityLoOK: not that hard. and its not just the specific origin of a product. That's like saying, I still buy from this clothing brand, i know they use sweatshop and child labour below minimum wage, but i don't know for sure that the clothing i am buying from them was made by the kids in those sweatshops.

      • Also wasn't going to before. Now definitely will given the rant above.

      • -1

        Maybe you can share some drinks with the crew of the USS Liberty

    • +1

      No matte what your opinion is, at least the information is here so that people can make an informed decision.
      Thanks @Bolt Upright

  • +7

    I have one. It’s pretty good. 5 squirts for the right fizz

    • +2

      I'm lucky to get one squirt out these days..

  • +7

    Sodaking people

    • +2

      If you don't have a 6kg bottle you aren't living

    • +11

      Sodaking is sofaking good, and an Aussie company. Their clearance models are currently $49.95 + shipping.

      • Is this the best option if I plan on connecting a co2 cylinder with a hose ?

    • What makes these better than sodastream? I have a sodastream already, is there any benefit in changing to sodaking?

      • +1

        Cheaper to get into in the first place plus the gas refills are cheaper on average..
        Sodastream make nicer units if you spend more but I'd rather buy from an Aussie company

  • Nope. Not supporting them.

    • -3

      Cry cry. Leave your political stuff out of a deal

  • +3

    Part of the spotlight foundation

  • It's still a bargain. This is not OzBoycott. Should we boycott SodaKing for Australia's role in Aboriginal genocide? Or boycott USA products for genocide as well as slavery. Maybe the genocide needs to be successful for everyone to forget and forgive. Leave politics out of OzBargain.

    • +1

      If you genuinely wanted to leave politics out of OZB, you would have just said "leave politics out of OZB" and left it at that.
      Instead you had your own political rant.
      You don't get to throw your two cents in and tell everyone else to stay silent.

      I appreciate the info presented. It helps me make an informed decision

      • -1

        I'm just being hypocritical like the US government. 😉

  • +1

    Bloody awesome thing love ours we got on the awesome $88 Black Friday Deal.

    If don't need right now maybe wait to see if they do that deal again.

  • Get one secondhand off marketplace, get an adapter from kegland and a big co2 canister and enjoy hugely cheaper soda water with the added bonus of not funding ethnic cleansing, genocide, and apartheid

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