Lodge Cast Iron Combo Cooker 26cm 3L $149.95 Delivered ($127.46 with 15% off Code) @ Kitchen Warehouse

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Kitchen Warehouse are having a mid-season sale with up to 50% off RRP.

They have a bunch of cast iron stuff:


I have my eyes on the 26cm combo cooker:


I've never used cast iron stuff before, so would appreciate any advice as to what's the best to get!

PREZ15-VKRO03 - 15% off Minimum $75 Order

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Kitchen Warehouse


  • +2

    combo cooker is excellent for baking sourdough bread if you're into that!

    • Good to know!

      Have you used it for any other cooking? Do you use cast iron for e.g. dinners?

      • +1

        I originally bought these for sourdough, they're fantastic. Since then though, I've now thrown all my old non-stick type pans away and use these exclusively as they're better for your health. The main downside is that they are heavy so you need strong wrists. I use them for all cooking - steaks, scrambled eggs, sauces, curries etc they'll last a lifetime

        • Awesome. I've read that you shouldn't do e.g. soups or stews in some of these. Is that true?

          • +1

            @grain-farmer: Nah. Literally treat them as workhorses. Don't get caught up with complex seasoning techniques and babying them.

            Let the pan heat up properly (takes a while) on medium. Add a fat and swish it around (should be runny). Get cooking.

            Wipe after or wash with detergent. Only thing to remember is to make sure you dry it after and don't leave water sitting in it.

            Seasoning will accumulate just from use. If you do cook something like a pasta sauce and it's stripped the seasoning, just chuck it back on the stove, heat it up and add a bit of oil before putting it away.

            You can use a cast iron from day one just following the above. The real key is temperature control. Get a fish spatula and it'll pretty much become your default pan over night.

            • @BergzBargz: I appreciate the advice, thank you!

              Why the fish spatula?

              • +1

                @grain-farmer: It's great spatula to use. Thin and helps lift off food. It has a sharpish edge, so you can use if for cleaning at the end of the cook.

          • +1

            @grain-farmer: they don't recommend cooking acidy type stews (so tomatoey based) as the high acid can wear down the seasoning. You're better using an enamel cast iron pot but you can still use the cast iron if you don't have one.

            Saying that, it doesn't ruin the pan, as the seasoning will continue to build up if a little bit is taken off.

            I have 7 or so cast iron items (along with carbon steel pans) and we've only got one non-stick pan that I never use (the misso likes it).

    • Send location, for sourdough research purposes.

    • Ah, yep, $5 cheaper.

      The Yellowstone ones are $40 cheaper, but I'm not sure what the difference is between those and the regular Lodge ones in the KW link?

      • Yellowstone probably more of a premium priced one cause of the design also the cabin one too. The 3l used to sell for like $40 a few years back.

        • 08/12/2018

      • +1

        Ah, yep, $5 cheaper.

        not anymore - deal updated:

        Lodge Cast Iron Combo Cooker 26cm 3L $149.95 Delivered ($127.46 with 15% off Code) @ Kitchen Warehouse

        but also:

        (i would’ve pm’d you, but you have messaging turned off)

        • Oh, is that the PREZ15-VKRO03 one? I thought it wouldn't work because of this clause:

          Excludes gift cards, workshops, clearance and appliances and attachments.

          Good to know!

          $95.05 - Used: Very Good(amazon.com.au) - 1 left

          I wonder what the return policy is like for used stuff? I've never bought used from Amazon.

          (i would’ve pm’d you, but you have messaging turned off)

          Thank you for letting me know! I didn't know it defaulted to that.

          • +1


            I wonder what the return policy is like for used stuff? I've never bought used from Amazon.

            same as always :)

      • it's just the print on the bottom. but pretty much the same as the entry.

        BlackLok is the premium Lodge version (thinner gauge metal so lighter).

  • www.amazon.com.au/Lodge-Yellowstone-Cooker-Bucking-Bronco/dp…

    As mentioned above, get the Lodge Yellowstone version delivered next day for $109. Same lodge quality, but they’ve got some heft about them. Not for the limp wristed…

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