Preowned, but come with 3 months exchange warranty from any EBgame store
Online and in store
Also bought New Starcraft1 + expansion pack there at $9.00
Preowned, but come with 3 months exchange warranty from any EBgame store
Online and in store
Also bought New Starcraft1 + expansion pack there at $9.00
Isn't it RROD? YLOD is PS3
Otherwise it's a fairly decent price, if it lasts
The odds are that these will never YLOD.
They may however RROD :) .
If you get one make sure it's a Jasper.
Yeah RROD, lol… move along :p
Sweet, been waiting for these to come back in stock. Ebay price is about $130-150 for the same thing so its a good deal.
Wouldn't touch EB preowned with a 10ft pole.
Had a PS3 that had YLOD just outside of the 3 month warranty period… garbage.
Yep they are just pawning off these special Lord of the (red) rings editions.
Wii preowned I have is running super fine, though an XBox or Playstation 3 version wouldn't appeal.
I got one of these last time when the deal was $99 for one of these, had it for probably 7-8 months now, still going along just fine. Came with a 1 year warranty though.
I had a falcon xbox (20GB just like this)
I bought it in 2008 pre-owned
and its never RROD, absolute bargain here.
However new xbox is around the corner, unvailing on june 11th (hot off the press bargainers)
Do these older one's have built in wifi?
nope need an adapter, or use Ethernet cable.
No, sorry but an add on card is available.
Do they cost much or hard to install?
add on card is a like a usb dongle, cost around $60 so it better just to buy a brand new slim console
FYI, you can also get the 60Gb model for $99.…
Honestly, I think that $9 for SC1+BW is the better deal in this post. Especially if it's the "Battle Chest" box.
I stand corrected.
Does anyone know if these consoles comes with HDMI support?
Don't think that the 20Gb model comes with one. 60Gb does.
The one I got has HDMI
Definitely don't, they're also loud as fark.
20gb does come with hdmi !!
actually it depends on manufacture year, earlier does NOT have hdmi but later yes.
"Yes and No. The original ones didn't have HDMI. The newer 20 gb has HDMI. Just look on the box. It will say whether or not it has HDMI out. The 60 gb replaced the 20 gb, and all the 60 gb has HDMI output."
"It depends on when the 20GB version was made. The early ones did not have HDMI. It was added later, about the same time as the falcon chip."
Damn… These kinda prices are annoyingly cheap. The closest I've been to console gaming in years. Watered down gaming should be this cheap!
To ask what may be a stupid question - if the RROD is so common, why do people bother buying an xbox?
It's a problem with really old consoles. Jasper onwards has no chance of RROD (there have been no reported cases, for which the consumer was not at fault)
I would highly suggest to avoid this deal unless you find a jasper (look up exactly what that means, you will need to look at power requirements or manufacture date to decide if a console is a jasper)
Not true jasper still rrod even the. Slims rrod
I have a jasper and a trinity
And both going good
Just so you know jaspers run at about 60 to 70 degree's
But yes if ur going to buy a fat xbox get a jasper as they were the least likely to rrod 2009 models
Xbox live has the better online gaming experience, but it's a subscription service, so there is a catch
Just got one :)
Thx OP!
This one is an antique, no wifi, add on card cost a boat load. 20GB space seem more like 10. You better off fork out another $70 and buy a brand new slim one.
where is brand new slim for $148?
So, where is the best deal for xbox with hdmi and kinetic?(hdd size i dont care)
Looks to me both the 20gb & 60gb are out of stock. Pickup only
Okay… looks like selling my old one isn't going to work out too well…
Seems a solid price, but what are the oods of these going YLOD within three months of purchase?