Looking for Reccomendations for Chicken Shop Salt

So here's the kicker. I don't mean "chicken salt" that comes in yellow and green or whatever it is from fish and chip shops.
God do I hate that stuff.

BUT, every chicken and chips place that thrives on quarter chicken and chips combos, has some variant of amazing salt on their chips.
Red Rooster, Legs and Breasts here in Tas, a thousand little charcoal chicken places throughout every country town.

Is there a name for this stuff?
I've tried a bunch of different "chicken salt" things and they're all gross.
So… chicken shop salt?


  • +2

    bought some from costco. Has been pretty good so far.


    Looks like that.

    • -7

      Reccomendations for Chicken Shop Salt
      bought some from ccostcco


      • some people have no taste for subtle humour…. or just love to neg JV

        • Yes.

      • +2

        Mmm… Chicken cake

    • -4

      This is mostly salt, sugar, msg, with some mystery spices and a mystery ingredient "Nature Identical Flavour" added.

      • +11

        if you're implying msg is bad, it's not……..

      • +3

        mostly flavour, flavour, flavour, with mystery flavour and another mystery flavour

      • +4

        As opposed to what, some organic all natural chicken salt?

        • +1

          Yes.. chicken salt made by sun dried chicken feet and beaks then grounding it to perfection.

    • +1

      Also sold in Coles. The 'flavour enhancer 621' is what makes this stuff, basically MSG.


    • this is the best supermarket chicken salt i've found

  • +3

    Tried many of the years, this is the best of that we have tried! Krio Krush


    • 3kg? You must really like your chicken salt. And have hardened arteries…

      • Split the 3kg with Friends and family

        • +2

          Good plan, only I'd need friends for that.

          • +1

            @Shoocat: I read this as “I’d only” and thought “oooh look at mr popular over here’”

      • +1

        Many health professionals recommended hardened arteries these days because the harder they get the stronger they are.

        People need to update their science fakts!

        • +1

          Wow i read this on the internet, must be true fakts! I must immediately go out and consumer 3kg of chicken salt. Thanks for the tip!

      • I wonder if it goes hard in humidity like garlic salt.

        I got the Ozbargain recommended chicken-shop gravy in a giant bucket and it's lasted for years…. just about time to renew.

    • Yeah tried many also, if you're after the classic takeaway shop flavour then Krio Krush is the one.Just grab the 800g shaker.

  • +12

    nothing beats making your own!
    grab some sea water and some chickens and give them a bath in it
    then dry it and get chicken salt

    cant go back after you have tried it

    • +4

      I thought you had to put the chickens on small treadmills, get them exercising, capture their sweat, and then dry it out.

      Well, at least that's my family recipe.

    • +1

      A better way to do it; dry chicken shit in an oven then add salt and MSG.

      Welcome to flavour country!

    • my chickens complained when the salt water got in their eyes.

  • +5

    Ask Gus Fring

    • Blue crystal salt?

  • +2

    Check out Shaynez Jerkyz & Spicez: https://www.shanez.com.au/search?q=chicken

    They have heaps of different ones, including KFC salt.

  • +8

    Look for one that contains MSG.

      • We've been through this before and you've done nothing to confirm your "allergy" only your confirmation bias.

        • +1

          Don't know if jv has epilepsy or not, but msg can trigger seizures in people with epilepsy, as for me, i love the stuff

          • @Qazxswec: Care to cite that? All I can find is:

            there's no conclusive evidence

            • +1

              @shkippy: It happened to someone i know, they tested it with their doctor, these days, they dont eat msg, seizures are basically gone, i believe there are some studies, google "reflex epilepsy", i dont really know about it to be honest but i do know the person wasnt lying

              • -1

                @Qazxswec: Very few people are lying about their belief in MSG reactions. The only thing is there have been numerous studies about it (it's one of the most studied food additives, because of the "Chinese restaurant syndrome" phenomenon) and none concluded that MSG is to blame. Often the cause is another ingredient or it's psychosomatic/nocebo.

                The main reason is because glutamate is found naturally in many many foods like tomatoes, mushrooms & Parmesan cheese. From food authority NSW:

                The human body treats MSG the same as natural glutamate found in food. For instance, the body does not distinguish between free glutamate from tomatoes, cheese or mushrooms and the glutamate from MSG added to foods. Glutamate is glutamate, whether naturally present or from MSG.

                Now I'm not saying your friend's seizures are not caused by glutamate but if they eat any of the other food high in glutamate, it does make it suspicious that it isn't something else along with the lack of conclusive evidence in studies as opposed to anecdotal evidence.

      • wtfc

      • I thought it was just me!

        It's there a community or group where we can share our experiences?

    • +3

      Lol fight for loss of earnings, then go out and work full-time… yeah well done

    • +1

      Ms Pringle ???

  • You could try making your own? There’s loads of recipes out there. My tip is to also add some paprika to the mix

    • Nothing says North Shore Yummy Mummy quite like this

  • This is the closest thing from fish n chips shops from taste and colour. I love it!

    Get it at coles: Nice N' Tasty Seasoning Chicken Salt | 400g

  • Maggi Maridor

  • It's usually salt, chicken stock, paprika, onion powder, and MSG. Sometimes it also includes oregano and garlic.

  • +1

    Speaking from some experience from around 25+ odd years ago.. we use to mix the 'yellow' salt (no idea on brand) with around 1 to 3 ratio with regular salt. Mainly because it kept the salt granular when dispensing (i.e. yellow salt only would stick to itself and be flaky). The 'yellow' salt came in a large 10kg container. We would only mix one large salt shaker at a time as needed..

    The chippys stuff is the closest i can relate to.. havent tries some of the other brands mentioned above.
    I dont rate and of these other 'chicken salts' that are more brown in colour - they seem more seasonings.

    • Yeah I can relate to the fish & chip chicken salt clumping up very quickly and becoming unusable (even if you put rice in the shaker with it to absorb any moisture).

      The best and closest thing I've found is magic sarap (it's the same weird yellow colour & I'm surprised that Coles sold it at some stage). But is basically available at most Asian groceries.

      It comes in multiple little 8g packs, as it will clump up like OG chicken salt, but is formed into small granules to try prevent this. If you need to use it in powder form, like on chips, simply crush it up. But I now use this in much of my cooking (Asian or western) and prefer it over plain regular MSG. As the name suggests, in filipino, sarap = delicious.

  • I bought this one from my local IGA and it comes pretty close.
    Although if you want the full MSG experience, Krio Krush flavon is where it's at.

  • -5

    There is something seriously wrong with the taste buds of anyone who needs chicken salt, and thinks it improves the flavour of anything. And I say that not as a gourmet, quite the opposite, but as someone who grew up before American fast food and the need it seems to create for cheese on burgers, and dips and sides, and a huge heavily promoted logo and brand name on the store, to provide the flavour, not the actual food itself.

    • +2

      Do season your food with anything? Salt, pepper maybe? I think you're missing the point. Chicken salt is a type of seasoning, as it enhances the flavour of food, same as salt & pepper. If you don't like chicken salt, fine, everyone has different tastes. But without seasonings "the actual food itself" would be very bland indeed. I just happen to prefer chicken salt over regular salt in some (not all) foods.

    • +3

      but as someone who grew up before American fast food.

      Chicken salt is uniquely Australian.

    • If you prefer bland food, no one is going to judge you, but it doesn't make everyone one else wrong.

  • -1

    Nice n Tasty is the one!!!

    TRUST ME!!!

    That's the one - go buy it and report back!

  • Just ask ur local shop what they use, or if they would sell you a small batch, as they would probably buy in bulk.

  • Each place prob has their own Seasoning various mixture of Salt, Onion, Garlic, Celery Salt, Paprika etc.

    Some probably just chicken salt + some other ingredients, or potentially a toss through some Lime / Vinegar prior to salting to add some additional flavours.

    If theres ones you like, ask the shop, many sell little containers of them directly (most of our local non chain style chicken shops have their salt on the counter for sale), just don't expect them to last months as they often clump together pretty quickly.

  • Massive chicken salt fan here. Tried chippys but I found it doesn't stick to the chips well and definitely doesn't taste like chicken shop chips or KFC etc. After all the recommendations for Nice n' tasty chicken salt, I just picked up some from Coles and will try it out tonight and report back!

  • For another take on seasoning and cutting down on waste, don't throw out your onion and garlic skins/peel. Make some roast onion & garlic salt!

    Simply roast your leftover skins/peel in an oven then with a food processor or mortar & pestle grind into a powder with some salt. Adds great flavour and helps eliminate waste!

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