Qantas Rtn to Vancouver: SYD fr $1357, BNE $1341, MEL $1342 (May-Nov 2025, 32kg Bag, IFE, Meals Incl) @ flightfinderau


Destination: Vancouver
Airline: Qantas
Valid Departure Dates: May to November 2025
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out

  • Direct flights from Sydney (one stop from elsewhere)
  • 32kg checked luggage, entertainment & meals included
  • Wide variety of dates available (including Spring, Summer & Autumn dates)
  • 32kg checked luggage, meals, entertainment included
  • Credit status and points earned to Qantas Frequent Flyer

Sydney to Vancouver Flights from $1357 Return.

05/May - 19/May $1357
05/May - 26/May $1357
12/May - 26/May $1357
12/May - 02/Jun $1357
14/May - 02/Jun $1357
14/May - 04/Jun $1357
19/May - 02/Jun $1357
26/May - 11/Jun $1357
04/Jun - 23/Jun $1357
09/Jun - 23/Jun $1357

Brisbane to Vancouver Flights from $1341 Return.

23/Apr - 12/May $1341
28/Apr - 12/May $1363
28/Apr - 14/May $1341
07/May - 26/May $1341
14/May - 28/May $1341
21/May - 09/Jun $1341
09/Jun - 23/Jun $1341
01/Sep - 22/Sep $1341
24/Sep - 22/Oct $1341
01/Oct - 28/Oct $1363

Melbourne to Vancouver Flights from $1342 Return.

23/Apr - 07/May $1369
28/Apr - 12/May $1375
19/May - 02/Jun $1375
21/May - 04/Jun $1342
26/May - 09/Jun $1375
28/May - 11/Jun $1342
03/Jun - 18/Jun $1369
09/Jun - 23/Jun $1369
18/Jun - 02/Jul $1375
28/Jan - 11/Feb $1375


  • Please take into account any vaccine/covid test/insurance requirements when traveling
  • Based in Canberra, Flightfinderau is an aggregator of flight prices (like Skyscanner). With any online purchases, do your due diligence!

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  • +6

    đź’– Canada đź’–

    • Is Canada part of EU now?

      • -6

        No it's the 51st now

    • Really?

      Stanley park would disagree.

    • Yeah hard disagree from me, we loved it. Although have only been in summer, I imagine winter is maybe not quite as good.

    • Were you there in summer or winter? Actually I’ve been there for both and it was great.

      Where did you stay? There’s some “dodgy” parts with a large homeless problem. It didn’t bother me but I could understand if that’s the only part of Vancouver you saw, you’d describe it as a dump.

    • I take it you booked a cheap airbnb down eastside?

      Vancouver is a mixbag. There are sketchy parts (eastside, it's such a weird divide that you can walk a few blocks from gastown or robson and wind up in druggie central). There are amazing parts, granville island, north bits of the city, south is nicer.

      You do need an idea of where you're going, drugs have hit the city hard. But classifying the whole city as a dump just means you had no idea where you going.

  • +5

    Jesus Murphy, this a pretty good deal, eh?
    Might be time to pack my spare Canadian loonie's and toonie's, my toque, and go visit the Canucks in Raincouver, Bud.

    • I'm not your buddy, pal!

    • Holy Jumpin'!!!

    • Go get yourself some poutine, follow that up with a beaver tail and wash it down with some Molsons.

      Wheel, snipe, celly boys…

    • +1

      This is a lie Moe, Victoria is the drug capital of the west. Dont ask me how I know.

      • How do you know?

      • Moe is also the unsolved baby murder capital of Australia

    • I was there 9 months ago and don't recall seeing many if any junkies in Vancouver. Down the road in Seattle however the statement might be accurate.

    • Ever been to LA or New York?

      • Richmond or any inner suburb around Melbourne?

    • Get the idea you're in the wrong place? The super bargain one way tickets to the mighty US of A are in the next aisle.

    • 20 years ago St Kilda beach had syringe boxes every 10 metres and you couldn’t walk on it in bare feet.

      Places change. Vancouver was great 10 years ago, has gone downhill the past few but you just need to avoid the dodgy areas, like any city.

  • If flights were for dec-feb period i would consider….

    • Peak season. QF will be $2k up. Try chinese carrier

      • I managed $1650 return with AirCanda ex MEL (via BNE) including luggage for Jan/Feb. Great for ski season but post the Christmas peak.

  • +1

    Not a fan of QF but this is a good deals.

    • Yeah I wouldn't fly Qantas.

  • Picked up direct from Qantas for $1400 to YVR ystd. AC also dropped their fares but for the same price range, Qantas is much better

    • AC staff seemed grumpy when I went Jan 2023. I think they were in the middle of a pay dispute.

  • +1

    Some good prices here. Syd to Vanc in November sounds appealing. Would it be better to fly with Air Canada instead of Qantas for a similar price, I'm thinking?

    • -1

      AC is terrible! Makes qantas look amazing

    • I've flown the Aus>Can leg with both, they're both very similar.

      • previously qantas's IFE and food are both superior. AC food is generally quite small and bad. used to stock up on tim tams/kit kats on LH qantas flights. seats configuration are probably quite similar both on 787's

      • Hows the flight in general. We have never flown such a long flight ever and bit worried, specially flying with the kids

        • What makes it so special?

  • Wide variety of dates

    married trollers!

    • -1 due to troll comment. You can tell by the disabled location, last seen, and private message feature, and relatively recent join date.

      • Married trollers know themselves mate, it is obvious you are too distant to the story, and who cares your neg, your comments!

  • -6


  • -1

    If canada was (not ever going to happen) they might be about the 44th state…. it seems all those maga heartlands are a tad unhappy with the mighty turnip, and all his sycophants are too scared to turn up at town hall meetings.
    American civl war V2? though I'm not sure what states would come out for trump…. delaware maybe?

  • Ended up booking Air Canada for not much more as they have direct flights from BNE. Thanks :)

  • We are flying BNE to SEA on AC next week. Booked the tickets back in Nov last year $1,040 return

  • +1

    No love for Europe from Qantas. Thanks for nothing Joyce.

  • -3

    Long haul economy lol

  • Got an event to go to in June in the mountains near Vancouver so this is a fantastic find. 2 return seats booked for $3k is a steal.

    • A few (6-7ish?) years ago you could get East Coast Aus to West Coast US for under $1000 on QF. I suppose times have changed.

      • oh no has something happened to the global economy in the last 6 or 7 years

        • It grew to never before seen heights?

  • Loved Vancouver, probably the best Canadian city I visited

    Montreal is definitely up there though, felt like I was in Europe getting a train from Ottawa and suddenly feeling like I was in the heart of France

    Obligatory (profanity) Toronto, other than the hockey Hall of Fame and being close to Niagara would give it a miss

    • Nah Toronto is great..

      You’ve got the ROM, can easily spend a day there, Casa Loma is worth a look for a famous, ye olde home, there’s Kensington Market, the distillery district and as you mention Niagara Falls - not forgetting Niagara on the Lake..

      And of course the CN Tower, and if you are there at the right time of year, you could strap on the skates and go skating in Nathan Phillips Square, or take in a game of hockey at the Scotia Bank Arena watching the soon to be Stanley Cup champions…

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