BWS: 22% Cashback ($25 Cap) + [Westpac, BOM, BSA, STG] 8%/10% Bonus Cashback ($20 Cap, One Time Use) @ ShopBack


Stack with this deal for a free bottle of Heineken Silver for $50+ orders

but be prepared for Rep following up, and initial lower tracking

Sweetspot is $50 to get the free Heineiken

or $125 to get the 22% and 8%/10% (assuming it tracks EX GST)

Referral Links

Referral: random (3546)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

This is part of Afterpay Day sale for 2025

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  • +1

    Don't waste your time….they can't be trusted !

    • very hit and miss, i agree.
      I would say for me it's a 50:50 strike rate of actually getting the cashback, and that's using the Shopback app on my phone to order

      • I agree the browser never works for me the BWS site is complete garbage

  • Bank Bonus 10% cashback

  • +1

    Hey, BWS seem to have a lot better deals if i purchase through there app, can i use the shopback link while logged in and have it track if i purchase through the bws app?

    • +1


    • Valid question/concern, not sure why you'd get downvoted

    • I hate their practice of forcing you to use a stupid app for a lower price on some things.
      Guess in store they will lower price if pushed but that's not the point

  • Both is cap per order?

  • +2

    Took the gamble and it tracked with accurate cashback.

  • +1

    I received an email offer of "Collect 2000 points when you spend $140 or more on beer at BWS until Sunday, 23 March.*"

  • bank says 10% & then 8% Shopback maths?

    • Obviously, OP only has Westpac card.

      • In my app Westpac, St George, Bank of Melb & SA, all say "10% bonus cashback" on the main page, click into it and it says 8%.

  • +1

    22% plus bonus 8% bank amount tracked within 15min all in one email

    • +1

      Yep same here.

      • Maybe they have fixed their problems with BWS, hope so!!

  • +1

    Does this bonus apply to zero-alcohol beer?

    • Cashback exclusions

      These items are not eligible for Cashback:

      Champagne, Penfolds & Non-Alcoholic purchases (unless stated otherwise)
      Wholesale purchases

      Arent non-alcholic beers actually alcoholic though (0.5%<)?

  • +1

    Never had a problem with ShopBack and BWS, always had problems with Cashrewards and BWS though.

    Thanks for the heads up, good deal!

  • Tracked within 40 mins, together with the bank bonus.

  • Normal cashback and bank bonus tracked in 40mins. Shopbacks been behaving recently

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