Huggies Newborn / Ultra Dry Nappies (Size 1,2,3,4,5,6) - One Month Supply $60 (S&S $54 / $51 with Prime) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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My wife and I are expecting our first baby in May, so I've been keeping an eye on Size 1 for a while!
Found a few other sizes on sale as well!

Subscribe & Save discount for Prime members: 15%

Size 1:

Size 2:…

Size 3:
Size 4:
Size 5:

Size 3:
Size 6:

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +2

    Congrats OP! Time to top up.

    • Thank you! I’ve bought 2 boxes of size 1 so far.
      The gender is a surprise, so I can’t get the boys or girls nappies yet!

      • +2

        If you don't mind spending extra, get the Huggies Ultimate. It's got better absorption and unisex

        • How does Ultimate compare to Pro Max?

      • +2

        just a head up that they will probably outgrow size 1 in a few days, max 2 weeks so it's unlikely you will use up two boxes.

        • +3

          Can confirm two boxes of size 1 is an overkill.

          • @nightelves: Might return one of the boxes then! Thank you for the advice.

            I'll look into the Huggies Ultimate as well

            • @TestIgnoreMe: Depends on how big your baby is born and fast they put on weight though. YMMV

              • +1

                @John Kimble: @TestIgnoreMe I disagree with the others, may be valid in situations but not a blanket fact. We used size 1 for a while… Even with normal growth/weight gain.
                And don't expect Huggies "one month supply" to actually last a whole month.

                Also, after trialing many brands, including many domestic Japanese brands, we found that Moony (Japanese brand) were the best due to their wider coverage to reduce blowouts, and Babylove are our go-to in Australia for the same reason (and they appear more comfortable, visually)

      • +2

        I was about to mention the same. Don't stock too many Size 1. Also, about Ultimate, we have been using Ultimate for nights only. Food for thoughts.

        We got a boy and a gal so generally speaking, boys nappies are okay for gals, but NOT the other way around. 2cents only.

    • Nappies or baby?

    • Shit-yeah!

  • +1

    What is the difference between Girls and Boys nappies?

    • +2

      I assume where the absorbtion is targeted.

      • Yeah that's it, it's where the soaking pads are centred

      • +2

        Shame. Girls size 4 are $15 more expensive 😭

  • +1

    Thanks. In similar boat… need more baby deals

  • Legend, I've been hanging out for a discount on size 4, thanks!

  • +4

    I find Huggies are great for night time leakage protection, however Aldi nappies have served us perfectly well twice for day time nappies for both a boy and a girl.

    Good luck!

    • Agreed, aldi nappies are cheaper for day time use. Especially when the little one poops five mins after the first nappy change of the day.

  • Is aldi cheaper? Anyone have any experience with the Aldi ones compared to this?

    • Found Aldi ones leaked more for me vs huggies.

      • +2

        That was our experience with first kid, but second kid the ALDI have actually been a much better fit and been better on her skin. Depends on the kid.

    • We use the rascals brand ones from Coles and recommend them

  • +1

    Costco having a sale from 31/3-13/4. Saves $12 on RRP which I believe is $60.

    Size 1 224
    Size 2 200

    Which works out to be cheaper than Amazon if you have a Costco membership.

    • How do you check that? I only get the catalogues a day before

    • Will only those 2 sizes be on sale?

  • Any good deals for boys size 2?

    • I thought they were unisex until size 3 from recent memory.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Our second due in May as well so perfect timing. Good luck with it all. Life won't be the same :)

  • Size 2s now also on special -

  • Shame there's nothing smaller then size 1. Will have to wait for my 3 month old daughter to finally grow into them.

  • Woolies reduces to $30 from $39 frequently. But this price on Amazon is even better.

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