• out of stock

ASRock Radeon RX 9070 XT Steel Legend 16GB Graphics Card $1139 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Scorptec


An MSRP deal but MSRP on these have been rare. These are probs best value new gen gpus compariable in performance to the 5070ti which is usually $400+ more

Surcharges: 0% Afterpay & ZipMoney, 1% card & PayPal payments.

Price tracker: https://www.pgrid.com.au/gpus/radeon-rx-9070-xt

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  • +8

    Undervolting this card puts it ahead of 4080 super

    • I have the 5070 TI and I have to say AMD are still better performance per dollar even now….. i paid 1800 bucks on launch for 5070 TI so yeah your getting a bargain for just over a grand for the 9070 XT.

      • Which model did you get? I snagged a windforce for $1619 cheapest I could get and wondering if I should've held out for the 9070XT. But finding the more expensive models don't translate into much more performance (2-3% at stock for 10-15% more price.)

        • MSI Gaming Trio 5070 TI it was the last one left I could get on launch everything sold out at umart with in an hour.

    • I just undervolted my 7900 XTX and was ridiculously easy & still stable. Temps dropped noticeably too.

      I havent bothered looking, can a 4080 Super be undervolted and achieve better results?

      • Better in terms of efficiency, it's largely already at peak performance out of the box.

    • Could one also undervolt the 4080? I get that it's neat to do these things and extract more performance, but it's fair to say it can be done to either.

    • Until you play a game with RT and its fall behind.

      • Yeah but the gap is better. But still Nvidia is preferred if RT is important.

  • +11


    Is the p silent in Scroptec?

  • Thank you.

  • +2

    according to the asrock store recommended wattage is 800w

    • That's a lot of power to generate a few pixels and send some binary inputs online.

    • +3

      A bit overkill tbh. Runs fine on a decent 600w PSU. Max draw of the card itself is about 310w. Will go a lot lower if you undervolt and cap fps with AMD chill, which FYI you should absolutely do. I run a 6800 XT on a PSU that only has 450w on the 12v rail with no issues at all, and that isn't too different to a 9070 XT in terms of power consumption

    • It's because they have to take into account retarded Intel CPU's


      Stick with 7800X3D and go lower

    • +1

      Just paired a amd 7950x3d with a gigabyte Aorus elite 9070xt ( 340watt version of the card). All running on a Corsair rm750e gold. Every thing is running perfectly and total power draw of the full system is coming in around the 530-600 watt area. I haven’t tried undervolting the card yet but apparently it nets very good results.

      • 100% undervolt. Just did my XTX and my temps dropped like 15c. Insane

  • +6

    Just to temper expectations: unless they have a lot of these cards, they probably oversold and might cancel your orders.

    • +2

      I’ve gotta agree. This deal was live for 1hr 45 and was available Aus wide delivery at record low price. They must have sold hundreds! Really really hope they did the right thing by its customers.

      • +1

        Just managed to pick mine up that I ordered @7:30am and they are sure they have enough units as they got a huge shipment. Great bargain, thanks OP for posting.

  • Gotta say I got the PowerColor Reaper 9070xt on release. definitely no regrets over getting it instead of an overpriced 5070ti which was original plan.

    • Just got 5070 Ti for 1600 :😞

      • +1

        Sounds like you could of gotten a 4080 super

        • +4

          @Shiroi Okami, Non in stock besides they are similar in gaming perf and 5070 Ti has better video encoder and mfg.

      • not a completely terrible price for it, you had to be lucky to grab one that cheap, when I was looking I couldn't find anything (available) below 1700. Still I would need it closer to $1200-$1300 to justify it given the marginal advantages it brings.

        • Yea, I was looking for 9070 xt as-well, but couldn't find any available (in stock) below 1.3k apart from that pbtech deal which says will ship from May. So just bought the 5070ti, had it been this price, 9070 xt would be the def choice.

      • -1

        Way better for RT

        • +8

          exactly, very marginal benefits.

        • Not even completely true, RT benchmarks are better, but no where near as big as "way better" suggests

    • +1

      Got the same yesterday..finally found it in stock. What's your mem hot spot and GPU hot spot like ? Mine max out a little high at around 98 for mem and 95 for gpu… General core temp is great and in mid 60s. Seems to be the 'norm' with this gen.

      So far not gotten it stable undervolting, last I tried was -50mv .. at stock the performing is really good though.

      • +1

        I have gone a little overboard on cooling with my new system (damaged my RX6800 card and the motherboard in last system as it was mini-itx and didn't vent heat well). haven't been watching GPU closely, but spot checks have seen high 80's to low 90's for mem and 91 for gpu. General Core temp is mid to high 50's.

        To put in perspective though I am using a backmount motherboard 360mm radiator for the CPU even though it is only a 9700x and case fans giving a nice constant airflow across the GPU. My idle temps are insanely low too, not particularly important, but I am not sure I have had a machine where both CPU and GPU idle were just 30 degrees.

        • +1

          ah ok, i went from 6800XT to this, but i have an itx build in an NR200, i'll fiddle with the card tuning a bit see if i can get a stable undervolt. I may have to think of a different way to orient the fans in the case but that'll be a massively painful job ..haha

          Thanks for the info your temps are def where i assumed mine will be, so need to get them lower. Weirdly though my gpu core temp is low .. even lower than my pulse 6800XT which had a bigger cooler, just hotspot for mem and gpu are on the high side (even though within "spec").

      • +1

        I got the reaper too, I find it really loud at stock. Didn't measure mem temps but was hitting over 70 GPU hotspot in Indiana Jones, was unbearably loud so forced to undervolt for now.

        I did -500 frequency, -100mv voltage, -30 power limit and stock mem frequency. Limit fan speed to 35% and capped fps. So far so good. Just need a waterblock cause it's too loud imo.

        • +1

          Interestiung mine is near dead silent. I have literally tilted machine sideways a few times while gaming just to check the fans were actually spinning as I expected more noise. I have heard some people reporting high pitched whining sound at High RPM's

          • +2

            @gromit: What res & frame rate you play at? I'm at ultrawide 1440p capped to 100fps in game. Need to do more testing for sure. Is it fine if gpu hotspot goes up to 90c? I know memory is ok at 95.

            • +3

              @shernjr: yeh this gen seems to have a big delta with the hotspot and core temp, saw it in many reviews it's close to 30, all of it is within spec but never hurts to try and get it lower.

            • +3

              @shernjr: for peak hotspot 90c is fine.

            • +2

              @shernjr: I also play at 1440p, I generally don't bother with capped framerate unless I am having issues with the game for lag or low frames

        • +2

          not finding mine loud, definitely quieter than my 6800XT pulse even though it's much smaller and has a smaller cooler. I'll have to fiddle a bit more with mine but since i have an ITX build in a NR200 might be a bit more difficult to get the temps down.

          • +2

            @scud70: Yea I got some testing to do for sure. Mine's like a jet engine ramping up. It's unbearable.

          • @scud70: yeah options reduce in the mini-itx, it is why I upsized this time around to micro ATX with the MSI PANO M100R. while I loved the size of my old mini itx NZXT H1, the cooling on it just wasn't sufficient and apart from leaving the cover off I had no real options to improve the cooling.

            • @gromit: Yeh that case is tough, you don't get much choice in how you can set it out. I'll change the intake and exhaust fans around see if that makes any improvements along with the undervolt (won't really affect the mem temps much which is the one I'm not too happy with).

        • The fans on my reaper stay at 30% regardless of temps. I tried setting a fan curve but cant get the settings to stick. Default to 30% whenever I close Adrenaline and open it back

          • @Prodev3r: I had that issue for a while on my old Rx6800, I can't recall how I fixed it now though :-( Don't mean to tell you how to suck eggs, but I do assume you clicked apply changes at the top as they are not saved until you do.

            • @gromit: I definitely am. Everything else sticks, fan seems to be defaulted to 30% whenever I open Adrenaline

      • +1

        Got the same card, running an undervolt atm and getting 47/64/77 (GPU/Hotspot/Mem). Ambient temp was 24c in the room.

        -500 frequency
        -30% power limit
        Fast memory timing.

        Losing about 6% in performance as per benchmarks. Card using 100w less, down to 220w from 320w. Runs around 15% cooler.

    • Reaper looks like the MVP this release

      Great price, great performance and (I think) the smallest dimensions for those that care about SFF PC's

      • Day of release, the real MVP was the Red Devil @ $1299

        • I'd be curious how much undervolt & OC potential the Reaper has against the Red Devil and if it warrants the 14% price diff

      • I dunno, Im glad I went with the Sapphire Pulse. It did cost a touch more, but it is quiet and has the biggest cooler I could still fit in to my wifes mini itx (Lian Li A4-H2O) build. Sounds like temps / noise are slightly better with the Pulse. Still though, the Reaper is great and was going to be my first choice until I realised the Pulse would fit in the case. I havent used AMD cards in over 10 years, but so far this has been a great experience.
        Only thing im disappointed with is RT performance in CP2077 and Hogwarts, but I would have had to spend an extra $4k on a 5090 to really be happy, and even then Id be living in fear of a melted connector :)

        • +1

          I think getting any 9070 XT on release is a good buy lol

    • I read that the Reaper, while a really great card, had noise issues and people are actually sharing de-shrouding guides. How was your experience so far? I plan to recommend it to my mate.

      I settled for the Pulse, which has been really good as well. Havent tried undervolting though.

      Like you, I wanted to get a 5070 TI, coming from a 3070. But nVidia needs to learn that not everyone is about AI so they wont be taking my money lol

      • yeah I have heard some people describing it like a jet engine whine. however I am not getting any significant noise from it at all and zero fan whine, might be partly the cooling I have in the case but I actually expected more noise than what I get, it is quieter than my previous RX6800 and runs cooler.

        just as experiment I set fan speed to max, while louder and not something I have heard in games yet (but still reasonable) it still doesn't give me the whine others report or that I have seen on some of the youtube videos of it.

      • Depends on the fan curve. Mines always set at 30% (I am unable to change fan profile but thats another issue). Never gets hot even at load at 30% fan speeds. Cannot hear it.

        At 50% fan speed I can hear the fan and would call it acceptable.

        At 60% it starts sounding like a laptop fan running when charging. Anything above is loud.

    • +5

      Unpopular flex

    • +2

      You either bought it for a second PC, or you are just plain dumb?

  • +1

    Was going to upgrade from my RTX3080 purely for Stable Diffusion performance but reviews show it far behind 5070 ti in all the AI benchmarks.

    • +6

      NvdiAI leads on 30,40,50 series on AI benchmark, Radeon is purely for gaming.

  • +1

    bought one, thanks OP!

  • -3

    4070ti s performance (approx) at $1100 ish is pretty good

  • +22

    It's sad when we get excited about a graphics card costing $1100.

    • +7

      The worst part is, it really is a "good" deal compared to other new GPUs in this performance class.

      Just nuts.

  • Brand name goes a loooooong way. Apple anyone?

  • Do you think this is better than the sapphire pulse? I already have that on preorder but I could get this now.

    • I have same question…

      • +2

        I still think sapphire is a better brand tbh.

    • +1

      I think people on Reddit generally agreed that Sapphire is better, AMD top-tier AIB includes Sapphire, ASrock was not on that list

      • +1

        Correct. But the wait for the preorder is so long and this is cheaper. But it's also gone now so IDC lol

      • +1

        Sapphire and Powercolor are the 2 best AMD AIBs imo.
        Asrock, XFX and Gigabyte are probably in the next tier.

    • Sapphire Pulse is a base MSRP model so missing these features - dual bios, vapor chamber, 6 or 7 heat pipes, RGB lighting so there are better options $1299 or below.

      • I don't mind about those extra things. I'm just not spending 1299 on a card that MSRP is $1139. $1170 is what I paid for my one and that was with free shipping so it's really not that bad especially because I have heard they are a good brand. It seems this one also didn't include those features.

        • Agree with you, Sapphire and Gigabyte distributors seems to have mispriced this gen, their base models are at the same price as Powercolor Hellhound which is a much improved card.

  • +1

    Damn just sold out

  • +9

    If scorptec say it's in stock what they really mean is that its on backorder with a 2 - 3 week wait until stock actually arrives.

    Hey at least they are keeping preorders alive unlike what they did with 5090 preorders 😂

    • Your parcel is being prepared by the sender.

      seems like they have stocks

  • +1

    Scorptec suck. I ordered a 9070 XT on launch day at 1:00, they were still selling the same card for the next 10 minutes but when I called a few days later to find out the status I was told "the system slightly over sold this model" and I was offered one for a few weeks time that would probably still be at the same price.

    They did assure me that they are not forcing order cancellation at this time.

  • +2

    Made an order at 2:30 am, got notified by pcpartpicker. if you are also looking for MSRP model, just set a price alert with 1139 and they will email you when there is a model is in stock online

    • do you think there will be anymore at this price in the future? all i hear is that prices are going up

      • im not sure, but i heard XFX's msrp model will be in scorptech's stock in one week

      • +1

        Yeah Tim from HUB has a good video exploring this. It’s all down to rebates from AMD and likely limiting this to msrp only models this is why there is such a big gap between msrp and other models. Likely if AMD stop the rebates these prices will go away forever.

  • +1

    ASRock is a subsidiary of Asus if anyone is curious

  • Order placed at 8:05am. Let's see if it ships!

    Regardless, thanks OP.

    • Update: "The sender is preparing your parcel."

      Got lucky, double thanks OP!

  • damn it's gone so quick

  • Just letting some people know, the xfx 9070 xt swift could be coming on mon-tuesday. I saw their internal calendar. They said it may not be accurate. Nonetheless something to keep in mind.

    I bought the steel legend already

    • Yeah, I had a back order for the XFX, I swapped it for the Asrock as they had stock ready to ship. I expect they will have a random drop for XFX on the site soon

  • 9070XT recommends a minimum 850W PSU, if I undervolt with reference guides can I go by with a 750W?

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