Shanghai for 10 Days - Budget?

Travelling to China in end of May/June for 10 days, what should I be looking budget wise/daily budget including hotel? Also recommend any tips/visa requirements to China etc?

Thank you.


  • Whats your budget?

    • -1

      $200 aud a day, would that be enough?

      • What did ChatGPT say?

      • $200/day per person? out of that, how much is allocated for the hotel? Did you do any homework on standard room rates via or something?

  • -3

    About $8 a day

    • That's what we spent in China in the 90s. But even then, Shanghai cost a lot more.

  • +3

    Visa free up to 30 days for Australian passport holders, recommend you set up either alipay or wechat pay before you go, for data you can get an e-sim with global data (this allows you to bypass china's internet restrictions/ alternatively you can use a VPN).

    You'd want to either use apple maps or "Amap" aka Gaode for navigation.

    Check out some prices on or Ctrip app. Shanghai can be as affordable or expensive as you like.

    May/June will be "plum rain" season expect a lot of rain and 90%+ humidity.

  • +3

    do u like to live in hilton hotel or hilton motel
    5 star resturant or street food
    taxi or walk from airport
    fly to china or swim to china?
    karaoke or busk on the street for money

  • AI Overview

    Learn more
    For a smoother trip to China, consider learning some basic Mandarin phrases, carrying your hotel's business card, and being aware of the Great Firewall and its impact on internet access.

    Here's a more detailed breakdown of tips for traveling to China:
    Before You Go:

    Visa: Determine if you need a Chinese visa and apply well in advance. 

    Research: Research your destination and plan your itinerary.

    Language: Learn some basic Mandarin phrases like "Ni hao" (hello) and "Xie xie" (thank you).

    Internet Access: Be aware that the Great Firewall restricts access to certain websites and social media platforms. Consider using a VPN.

    Currency: Exchange money before you leave, as it can be difficult to exchange money in China.

    Medications: If you take regular medication, bring a sufficient supply as you may not be able to find your specific brand in Chinese pharmacies.

    Health: Be aware of potential health risks, such as food poisoning and waterborne illnesses, and take necessary precautions.

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