Buying into US Stock Market

Hey guys, I have been thinking to invest a wee bit of money into NVDA, SCHD, VOO etc (US index funds) using TRADING 212 app.

Would that be the right approach using TRADING 212 or should I use different platform. Stick to Australian platforms?

Thank you.


  • +5

    Plenty of au exchange options for etfs focussed on us market or subsections of that market.

    No idea on your definition of a "wee bit" of money but unlikely to be worth the extra hurdles and currency exchange hassles compared to just buying a locally available option (eg IVV on ASX, $0 fees on $1k/day buys via CMC Market as an example, dca all the way into recession ;) )

    If you choose to buy direct on us market exchange then ibkr is frequently recommended due to currency exchange and market fees.

    • +1

      One of the biggest risk to the US economy isn't a crashing stock market and the insane teens running DOGE - it's the world lending the US money through Treasury Bonds.
      ATM the US government debt exceeds something like $30+ trillion - largely financed through Treasury Bonds - at least 30% of that is from overseas - if OS govts stopped buying - or started selling…….

      • I remember hearing some years ago how much US treasury bonds China owns. I've always wondered what the implications to themselves would be to just sell the lot…. and whether that is their intention.

      • US government debt exceeds something like $30+ trillion

        More like USD 36,560,000,000,000
        And growing as we speak type.

      • "nuclear missiles" and proved they will drop them.

        The actual numbers are insignificant.

        It's's known…yet here we are.

  • +2

    buying into the US market now?… "laughs in recession"

    • The fed will cut rates before a recession occurs.

      • +6

        whats a rate cut going to do when the people in charge are torching the country from every angle possible

          • +7

            @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: Tell me you don't understand the difference between between tariffs and a countries' internal consumer based taxes without saying so.

            VAT is applied to almost all consumer purchases, like our GST, and are not country targeted, which tariffs are. You do realise that the USA also imposes state based and city based consumer taxes as well?

              • +8

                @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: You believe in this "unfair on American trade deficit" rubbish too

                Australia has a trade deficit with rest of the world. We consume more than we produce so maybe we should have put in tariffs to balance the trade deficit. Aussies must be dumb and so are economists.

                Only way to stop people spending on overseas goods is quotas like the old USSR and we know how that turned out.

                • @netjock: Well to be honest, I think we must be dumb. We don't do much ourselves anymore, and don't do anything about addressing the issues that make us noncompetitive.
                  For cheap crap, I reckon it's great for us. Almost slavery. If countries don't have minimum wages and want to undercut us, thank you very much. We'll do something else and consume the fruits of your cheap labour.
                  But for things of strategic importance, I reckon we should address the issue. I don't want to be that country not able to do anything for ourselves.

                  Wow, I just googled that Trump has a degree in economics, and had to remove what I was going to say about an uneducated person possibly thinking tariffs are an easy fix for everything. I'll say a moron might think that. The problem is such minds won't correlate the fall out with the action.

              • +11


                allowed to charge taxes which are actually tariffs like “VAT” in Europe.

                Your own words., and it is totally incorrect.

                America buys more than what they buy from America creating unfair trade deficits as well, all this together is putting America in an unfair situation.

                I buy more from the supermarket than they buy from me, sO uNfAiR.

                That red mAgA cap is cutting off your cerebral blood flow.

              • +2

                @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: Please - in your own (non-orange) words - explain precisly how the American trade deficit is 'unfair'?

                • -5


                  Tariffs are good as they protect local jobs and manufacturing. Case in point, we have basically no local manufacturing of cars etc.

                  • +3

                    @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: Cool cool. I look forward to you buying your $180k Toyota Camry equivalent manufactured in Australia

                  • +3


                    Tariffs are good as they protect local jobs and manufacturing.

                    Sure, by inflating the cost of goods, making consumers pay a higher price and bringing them inline with higher $ locally produced goods.

                    There can be benefits, like if those tariff $ are used to increase public and social services.

                    But if it's just going to be used to offset the tax rate of the highest earners in the country, it's pretty much a double whammy as you're increasing the cost of goods, and increasing the cost of living to the majority of your population with no improvement in services/government benefits.

                  • +1


                    Case in point, we have basically no local manufacturing of cars etc.

                    And when we did, because of tariff protection, the cars were old tech, inefficient and expensive compared to those produced overseas at that time.

                  • -2

                    @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: I asked you to explain it, not link to some website.

          • +2


            allowed to charge taxes which are actually tariffs like “VAT” in Europe

            so apart from the 5 states that dont have sales tax, exactly how is this different to the US?

          • +1

            @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: What in tarnation.

          • +4

            @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: You really don't understand this stuff do you? Tariffs are by definition discriminatory. Value add taxes are by definition universal.

      • +3

        The problem is that tariffs are going to be inflationary. So if they cut interest rates they will add to an inflationary environment. The Feds will be between a rock and a hard place

    • +1

      Buying US share ATM not so much as catching a falling knife - more like trying to catch an entire cutlery draw (IMO).

  • I'm using Stake. But the market is cooked right now I'm not putting anymore in for a while

    • Stake’s fees are too high.

    • +1

      When did you stop? I'd rather be buying now than last month.
      When will you start again?

      • Stopped when my green turned to red. I know it's a good time to buy the "sales" but I still don't trust the market. Putting money into offset instead at the moment.

        • +1

          I'm just letting my DCAing to continue, coz the last thing I want to do is stop buying coz it's too cheap.
          But if you have limited funds to invest, I get wanting to take a pause. I just don't know how you decide to start again without missing out on the recovery.

  • Schwab (fee free) via Revolut (low exchange fee).

  • +1

    The market is currently in flux

    asx at 7500 is my buy in point.

    • asx at 7500 is my buy in point.

      Based on technical analysis or some value assessment?

      • Looking at long term trends and where we are relative to true value

  • +2

    lol, you've got balls. trump's term has only started

    • +1

      You seen how they are just blaming Biden for all of this because they only been in for 60 odd days.

      Theory is they are going to crash the economy blame it on Biden then deregulate and cut tax then the markets are going to rip and do a victory laps saying they did something impossible.

      I think they have smart people in the administration trying to pull off something big but they don't have a good handle on how market and people react. They might just push everything off a cliff.

      This pitch about how America was richest when there was tariffs (something like late 1800s) is just selling rubbish. Nobody now is alive back then. Even if tariffs funded everything they didn't have medicaid / social security and people died in their 50s.

      The Trump administration have tried to break everything down to very simplistic arguments without explaining how it is going to happen or how it interacts.

      The other day Trump was telling everyone they are going to be so wealthy they won't know what to do with the money. Question is where is this money coming from?

      Apparently, no tax for those earning $150k or under but full tax on those making $1 more. You probably need it to pay for the tariffs. But what about no tax on tips and overtime?

      It is this weird circular arguments, the pieces just don't fit.

      • +2

        The American government will get more tax money from tariffs (a tax on American importers), but the ultimate irony is it will come from ripping off American businesses, of which small businesses will be hit the hardest.

        So much for America First.

      • +1

        the pieces just don't fit.

        Until they do … 90+% of the US are under $150k per annum … it's not like AU where everyone is $150k+ …

        But I love how the lame stream media lovers just regurgitate the medias talking points, like the media hasn't ever been against trump before!

        Without the Fed (which is their plan - stated many times on the campaign trail) and without government spending everything starts to cook privately ;)

        Currently buying up cheap US mining stocks and production type ETFs!

        • +1

          Until they do … 90+% of the US are under $150k per annum

          There is your answer. How logically do you think the tax revenue is going to come from?

          If tariffs are taxes driven by consumption people will switch to local produced goods that raise no tax revenue. The country would go broke.

          That is why every country goes to VAT or GST because it is the broadest based tax.

          It is like 1800s was the glory days of America which was fully funded by tariffs but you know, nobody tried it for 200 years because they are all dumb dumbs and Donald Trump works it out. Maybe he should have spent more time working out real estate because he has underperformed the S&P500.

          • @netjock: A concrete example of the critical thinking skills of the conspiracy theorists, answering the "but where is the money going to come from" question with "oh we are going to stop taxing 9 out of 10 people, when we stop that that's where the extra money will come from".

            They love talking about all the (secret) links between everything in society but you give them a "link these two concepts with a worked example using any logic you want" and you get this sort of weird nonsense.

            You might as well ask them how they would feel if they didn't have breakfast yesterday

        • 90% of australia is under $150k tho?

      • +4

        i am beginning to think he is working for the russians and deliberately trying to destroy the economy. no normal person can be so incompetent as a president

        • -4

          Sounds just like what the main stream media says! They don't lie at all, just keep regurgitating what you hear as fact!

          We have done round 1 of the Russia Russia Russia without any facts and made up evidence, lets try again!!

          • +6


            Lame stream media

            Rightio red cap off to bed, it's time for your afternoon nap

          • @7ekn00:

            Sounds just like what the main stream media says!

            So much for wisdom of the crowds. Lets listen to the fringes. You know the ones that say the earth is flat amongst other things.

        • Maybe he is so stupid he is unwittingly working for the Russians. That would be the best part.

        • i am beginning to think he is working for the russians


      • +1

        As of it'll be for 150k and under. It'll be for those earning 500k plus will pay f all

    • +1

      Market prices these things in advance

  • +1

    VOO is IVV so save yourself the trouble

    SCHD is 101 holdings, you might just by IOO (gobal 100) which IOO is more expensive management fee but it has also out performed SCHD

    NVDA, no opinion on this one.

    • No IVV on Trading212 platform. Is anyone familiar with that platform and using it?

      Definitely after long term investment (around 200k)

      • +1

        Definitely after long term investment (around 200k)

        If you're buying broad market index funds , no idea why you're bothering with trading212 spruking for such $ values.

      • +1

        Big amounts like 200k go with Schwab + Revolut setup as there’s no trading fees and Schwab is a well known top tier brokerage in the US.

      • Trading212 doesn't do ASX it seems (quick read of their website offering). They might just be profiting from the currency spreads.

        You could go CMC stockbroking and just buy $1k a day (commission free) until you drip feed all your money in. CMC commission is like 0.1% on ASX trades so you'd probably can't get FX at 0.1% either side (not sure)

        Plus Australia you got CHESS, overseas it is custodian held. Some OzB people seem to think CHESS is better.

      • The question is why you would want to use that platform?

        There are plenty of platforms to invest in IVV (or other US market ETFs).

        For me, the only investment in US markets is through ASX listed ETFs. FX fees each into profits too much, I don't see the likelihood of outperforming a low cost ETF.

        • which platform would you suggest Mick?

          • @Urko: Not a recommendation, but I use BetaShares Direct to buy BGBL and hold VGS with Vanguard Personal Investor.
            Personally, I would use CMC, but I've had problems setting up accounts in trust names. (It's very easy for a personal account though.)

  • +1

    You could start buying some vgs via vanguard if you wanna dip ya toes in. But just remember time in the market not timing the market and dont invest anymore than your prepared lose.

  • +4

    Is this some sort of shill for Trading 212?

  • Last week was the time to buy in. It jumped 2% on Friday.

    • +1

      lol I think there will be plenty of buying opportunities coming up.

      • +1

        I hope so. I've been holding off over the last 6 months and have a large amount of cash to invest.

        • +1

          I'm in the same boat, almost the same timeframe. I was hesitant to invest, so have been DCAing. 4% down since October, so it turns out you made a better choice.

          I want to be fully invested before this turns around. But I have no idea how long that is going to be.

          • +2

            @SlickMick: Just keep DCA’ing down, where are no where near the bottom however your odds of timing the bottom are slim to none. Best strategy is to DCA in below your cost price when we have big downdrafts like 6-15%.

            Importantly, if it starts recovering with no downdrafts it’s best to reallocate your capital into other shares to prevent increasing your cost basis.

            Above all, with shares there is always a bull market somewhere!

  • +1

    Importantly, if it starts recovering with no downdrafts it’s best to reallocate your capital into other shares to prevent increasing your cost basis.

    Good idea. If it falls another 20% I'll sell a chunk of my IWLD and buy into VGS.

  • -3

    Wait a bit longer.
    Chances are FX rates will be $1 AUD = $2 USD

    Devaluation of the USD could save the US economy. Not much else would.

    • Neg three times already.

      Devaluation of the USD must be imminent.
      Deny deny deny !!!!!
      Louder !!!!!!!!!!!!
      Deny deny deny !!!!!

      • When USD drops AUD will follow

        • Not really.

          The USD will artificially be devalued to reactivate, to reinvigorate the US economy.

          A pitiful weak USD means all imports inside USA will be prohibitively expensive.
          Then the laborious Yanks will again massively make good stuff again, reactivating all domestic economic indicators.
          Meanwhile the US external debt of about +8 trillion dollars will magically be halved. Just brilliant.

          Australia has gold so wisely administered the AUD will be fine.
          Just remember South Africa in the eighties, the gold purse of the world, with the ZAR (Rand) the too-expensive-currency of the day.

          • @LFO:

            wisely administered

            that's the problem. Politicians and bankers are not wise.

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