nbn - TPG or Superloop?

I am currently with Optus, and they're so annoying in so many ways, so I want to change companies to either TPG or Superloop, with my current 50/20 speed.

We are only 2 ppl and just use internet for browsing, but we do have security cameras and also pool equipment. Currently with Optus on the 50/20 speed and it's perfect.

TPG for 1 year = $850
Superloop for 1 year = $888

Has anyone on here got either or can help me make a decision on these two?


  • +1

    Go with Superloop for 6 months, then you can use the 5 free speed boosts each month…

    In Sep, the new speed tiers will be available and you can review again.

    • And you can bank speedboost days you don’t use

      • Not on all plans.

  • +1

    Recommendation above is not a bad idea especially if you can get a $ off in initial 6 month period. Whichever way you go check if there's referrals available in OzB. I have been with Superloop at three different residences and never had an issue with them to date.

    • It's $67 per month for the first 6 months ($402).

  • +1


  • +1

    I'm not personally with Superloop but have heard good things about them as opposed to everyone I know with TPG where it's just drama. So yeah, go Superloop.

  • -2

    I just signed my parents to TPG 5g home broadband. Seems way cheaper, and service is so far flawless

  • +1

    Superloop, but once initial deal is done you need to call to give 30 days notice - they will then offer you another deal, don't accept if deal for new customers is better.

    • +1

      The cancellation policy is so annoying, I liked being with them (except they don't do 500/100 so I left), that you have to call in, listen to them try push you to retention and wait 30 days is rubbish. I can sign up online immediately, I should be able to disconnect online.

      I won't sign up with them again until they get rid of that. There's plenty of good competition (leaptel are excellent), no need to support bad behaviour.

  • TPG for 1 year = $850
    Superloop for 1 year = $888

    I can see how Superloop (for 50/20 NBN) would be $888 for the first year ($67 x 6 + $81 x 6), but for the life of me, I can't see how you've come up with $850 for the first year on TPG (for 50/20 NBN). I could, however, come up with a figure of less than $850, by getting them to beat Dodo's 12 month promotional price of $826.80 ($68.90 x 12).

    Note that TPG also has a 30 day notice requirement if you're going to cancel or port away.

  • def superloop.

    better customer support and kinda free static IP too

    • How is the static IP free?

      • Mine is included for free with my plan.

    • unless you're running a web service, a static IP is a bad idea, it's like advertising your router to hackers world-wide and much easy to track

  • I have Exetel (which IS Superloop) at two locations. They were fantastic at helping me get a difficult nbn install. Their tech support has been great - I choose my time from their operating hours, select tech support from the menu, and that’s what I get - direct support from an onshore tech - not a call centre script. They also arranged nbn for a relative over 90 in another state, and arranged everything through me and helped him understand what to do at his end. YMMV but i reckon they are worth a try.

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