Hey guys,
from the post: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/89328
I found this guy selling the 840 Series and purchased one from him… http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261147…
Upon Delivery it seems he made a mistake on my order and sent me a 500GB SSD AND 4TB WD External Unit…
now i have not informed him yet and he has not contacted me either about his error… i wont open the 4TB HDD as the guy was really helpful in considering the SSD… but…
now the question remains should i return the unit or just wait for him to contact me?
its from USA? lucky you i think you will keep it at the end (high shipping cost to return, didnt realised at all, etc)
just wait for him to contact you :) they must have a lot 4TB of order from australia from previous deal black monday