Amelia Hasting's Friends and Nature Play Mat $137.40 (40% off) + $20 Delivery @ Whatsie


Found this discount code on Facebook—works only on the Luxe Padded Play-Mats. It takes 40% off, bringing the price down to $137.40, which is a solid deal!

To apply it, go to checkout, and enter the 40% off code. This should remove the default $40 discount.

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  • +10

    Member Since
    18 min ago

  • +3

    Mmmm microplastics galore

    • Your kids gnawing on the edge of this or something? If you're concerned about microplastics, there's probably a billion bigger problems to figure out.

      • Remember this post in 10 yrs time.

        • I will mate, I'm asking that if you're not buying a play mat because of 'microplastic risk', you better not be going out to eat, drinking or eating off any form of plastic whatsoever, drive a car (tyres and breathing all that shit in), wearing literally any synthetic fabrics (breathing all that shit in) or basically living in civilisation.

          Whether you like it or not, this playmat is NOT moving the dial for your kids. Yes, you can say that "we'll buy a wool rug instead", but if you are pretending to take this shit seriously then go buy pure cotton outfits with no synthetics for the kids because that'd make a world more difference.

          Hell I'd reckon that not letting the kids use a sippy straw for a week would make more of a microplastics difference than a lifetime of a plastic playmat.

  • +5

    "Generous play area measuring 𝟮𝗺 x 𝟭.𝟰𝗺 provides ample space for unrestricted play and exploration"

    • Lmao

    • LOL my kid needs a 5x5 room for unrestricted play and exploration

    • Room for just Rose and not Jack (Titanic reference)

  • +2

    Amazon has 30mm thick playmats (2m x 1.5m) for $99

    Where's the deal?

    • +1

      None here that’s for sure

    • I couldn’t see any wipeable ones on Amazon for a similar price. Lots of fabric foam available. Could you link me please? Was just about to purchase a second mat for the downstairs area.

  • +1

    When in stock, the Soft Play Mat for $59 @ Kmart is all you need.

    • -3

      Kmart mat I wasn’t impressed with, it felt so thin!

      • "Ultimate comfort with a 𝟭𝟱𝗺𝗺 layer of cushioning, ensuring a soft and supportive surface for your child's every move"
        Kmart one is 30mm thick

      • Kmart is double the thickness but less than half your discounted price.

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