Shopping Trolley $39.99 @ ALDI


Good quality shopping trolley in this price range.

Stair-climbing wheels or regular, smooth-running wheels
Integrated cooler bag
Ultra-light weight: 2.5kg
40L/20kg capacity
Adjustable handle
Foldable for easy storage
Assorted designs
Fabric: polyester
Insulated inner pocket with zipper closure
Removable shopping bag with detachable carry strap
Side umbrella pocket with drainage holes
Available in Black or Print (regular wheels) or Navy or Purple (stair-climbing wheels)

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  • +40

    $2 coin required to unlock it?

  • +31

    Asian auntie trolley cart watch out (i also have one lol call me and unc)

  • +11

    Babe wake up new aldi special buys are out

  • +2

    Is this collapsible for cabin travel?

  • +16

    I know it's useful considering It's a pain having to walk back 20 min from Coles but can't be caught lacking using this in my 20s 😭

    • +2

      Conni Absorbent and Waterproof Bed Pad goes well

    • +9

      Wear a mask and baseball cap and you'll be fine lol

    • +8

      can't be caught using this in my 30s either

    • +31

      Used to avoid doing things like this when i was in my 20s, and now i realise it was so dumb. Who cares what others think, as long as it is comfortable/useful for you. Don't waste time wondering what others are thinking about you, they are too busy wondering what you think about them.

      • +7

        This. I got one because I was so tired of carrying everything under the summer sun. You might be self conscious for the first time and then you'll realise how less tired you are and how much easier the whole trip was

      • +12

        You do you but most of us aren't as brave.

        I remember having to stand in line to get a COVID shot where the line was like 100m, with no shade, fully sunny summer day. There was this young asian guy who had the galls to use his umbrella as shade while the rest of us cooked. He was a smart dude. Not because he's asian you racist but because he put aside his pride or whatever and had the balls to use an umbrella as a shade while the rest of us cooked.

      • Thank you for saying this so I didn't have to!

    • +1

      Im in my 20s and i give no fs

  • +4

    Will 10 packs of toilet paper fit in this? Asking for a friend in Brisbane.

  • +6

    I'm not this old just yet

    • +4

      i bought this before, this helps us carry all our crap we buy when we are at cabramatta instead of holding it

      yes i know its auntie / old grandma whatever but its useful lol

      however thats the only we use it - we dont bring this to westfield lol

      • +2

        Don't worry, this fits right into the feel of Cabramatta 😂

  • +12

    Essential Chinese old people accessory

    • +3

      Just just for Chinese it for Uncle and Auntie from all Asia countries

  • I would rather go before I can't carry my own groceries.

  • +15

    My 80-year-old mother refuses to use these shopping trolleys, she says, they are for old people!

    • +6

      That’s exactly what my 84-year-old dad says. However I see quite a lot of young international students use these trolleys for their weekly grocery shopping trip, around Chemist Warehouse and Costco to hoard stuff.

    • +2

      super hot blonde chick in 20-30's around the corner from me uses one

  • +22

    It's actually surprisingly handy, especially when you have to walk around to do a series of small shops, often it's not practical to push a full sized trolley into smaller shops, and this can go on to escalators.

    When you are done, the whole thing goes into the car, unpack at home.

    It's more important to make my shopping easy than how other people thinks, they are not there to help me carry or unpack.

    • +2

      Super handy for the entourage of little ones

    • +4

      I agree with you. Tossing between convenience and being called Uncle.. Haha

      • Uncle or grandpa? 😂

  • +1

    Are the wheels really that big or just Aliexpress/Temu big?

  • +1

    Perfect, I've been wanting one of these for my heavy shops

  • +2

    no joke, I've seen parents use this instead of stroller for their toddlers…smh

  • +4

    These things have gotten expensive. I bought one at BigW about 5 years ago for $12.
    Beats having bags cutting my circulation off.

  • +1

    My only concern with these is that groceries on the bottom might get crushed

    • +3

      Well, yes. You have to strategically fill it up with the hard or heavy stuff at the bottom.
      Also prevents it from toppling.

  • +4

    Thanks op, will grab this on the way to picking up my pension card later today 😀

  • +1

    With Aldi, is there an easy way to check which store has them?

    • +3

      you’d be able to check tomorrow using

      • Thanks, but is that accurate though? And why tomorrow?

        • +2

          it’s been accurate for me.

          Any why tomorrow?

          “Products can be searched 1 day after appearing in store, and up to 4 weeks after appearing in store.”

  • +2

    TIL this is deemed for old people. So how do people in the city carry 20kg of groceries?
    Do they replace workouts with grocery shopping?

    • Yeah I'm surprised by the comments too. I can't imagine walking around carrying full grocery bags for over 15 minutes.

    • +1

      So how do people in the city carry 20kg of groceries?

      They don't lmao

      If this was the case, then they would have driven.

      • +1

        Lots of young people today cant drive and/or dont have a car. Of course, lots of young people today think nothing of using Uber eats and supermarket home delivery

    • I live in the suburbs, driving is a perk.

    • +1

      If you live near shops you buy smaller amounts that you can carry.

      Personally i pay $20 for coles monthly subscription so its $5 per week for as many home deliveries as i want.

    • If they're anything like people in my suburb, they wheel out their groceries in supermarket trolleys and dump the the trolleys on the nature strip.

    • Those living in the city and in suburban apartment blocks get Coles/Woolworths delivery to their door so the driver carries it for them. It's a pain even going back down to the carpark even with a lift.

  • The large ones with 4 wheels can be had for only $2.


    • +1

      you forgot to bold it jv

    • +1

      Why $2? Why not $1?

      • +2

        You're right sorry. I'll hand in my ozbargain badge right now.

  • +2

    I live on a 3rd floor apartment with no lifts, this might be a game changer

  • +2

    This item is age restricted to 50+

    • correct, I recently turned 50+ and am considering it

  • Also great for those wanting to go through bins for bottles.

  • Buy two, one for each arm.

  • +1

    Granny carts lol. But I don't know why people are saying these are for elderly Chinese people. Grannies have been using these since about the 60s and 70s, well before there was a big influx of Chinese migrants.

  • Wow I remember my nan having one of these!

  • +1

    Not liquid proof! Does not work well as a portable toilet. R&D team have some explaining to do.

  • ok, serious question, 1 wheel or stair wheel? i dont think I will be using much on stairs, just for shopping then into car and no stairs at home…
    would the single wheel be superior to the stair wheels in non-stair situations?

  • This or the IKEA version?

  • Do I need to be enrolled in Arcare to use this?

  • +1

    If it had a built-in seat it would be perfection…

  • I have the stair climbing one but seldom use it. I noticed the wheels look weak I doubt it will last very long, when you turn it pulls on the wheels as there's two in contact with the ground this will eventually break the wheels off, single wheel will probably last longer

  • Will this work with my 4 wheelie walker?

  • 20kg weight capacity though

  • +1

    I use one for weekend long music festivals to lugg in my gear. No shame

  • Cheapo bike and a couple pannier bags is a good car & this replacement.

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