Buy It for Life, Buy It Once Cry Once 2025 Edition

Hello fellow OzBargainers,

What products do we think are well worth the money and/or fit the 'buy once cry once' category in 2025.

The reason I specify 2025, is some products just aren't made with the quality and care they once had a reputation for. I'm aware there's a prospective guestimate element for products bought today that are still to be battle-tested.

For my buy it once cry once, the list would include:

  • Leatherman multitools
  • Cast iron pan
  • Wusthof knives
  • RM Williams Boots (tbf I bought mine 10 years ago before any of the recent QC failures)
  • Solid hardwood bedframe

For my well-worth-the-money to quality of life/enjoyment improvement ratio, would be:

  • Roborock vacuum with LIDAR
  • DF64 Coffee Grinder
  • ULA Dragonfly Ultra Backpack (I do a lot of backpacking/travel)
  • Universal travel adaptor with USB ports
  • Uniqlo Ultralight Down Jacket

Future purchases I'm considering:

  • Weber Q BBQ
  • Sit/Stand Desk
  • Tools for DIY around the house (need suggestions)

What are your thoughts/suggestions/experiences.


  • +1


    Yeah I agee. Great multi tools and was a painless warranty claim process the 1 time I had to do it.

    • +1

      I miss when Leatherman was affordable back in the days…

      • i agree… i was going to get a leatherman arc for my 'treat yourself' birthday present this year…but just couldnt justify.
        hasnt been an even remotely good deal on that model, and i already have a black and a silver wave+

        • +1

          I currently own the Skeletool CX, Squirt PS4, Micra and Wingman.

          Regret not picking up a Wave+ back in the day…

          • @RichardL: I got a gerber suspension as a cheapy to leave in my work ute and it’s really night and day difference.. leatherman hit the spot - but yeah curse this inflation

  • +3

    Roborock vacuum with LIDAR tops my list too.
    Ozito PXC lawn mower and other garden tools would be up there as well.
    Maybe a 3D printer for being able to print what can't be bought anymore.

    • Oh I forgot to add that I actually do need a lawnmower! Will checkout the Ozito PXC thanks

      • +1

        Make sure you get a 36V one, the basic 18V one is garbage. Steel deck on sale is the gold standard.

    • 3d printer

      i was like…is that really buy it for life? And then I thought…well the a1/a1m is very easily serviceable..and honestly i cant see myself realistically wanting to upgrade as they are already awesome (had always thought i'd get the itch and want a p1s or something with a bigger print bed like 400 x 400 or bigger… .but nah .

    • Masport petrol lawnmower. I'm blown away by it.
      I bought it 6-7 years ago and absolutely flogged it.
      Has been totally neglected, never ever serviced, never changed oil, never cleaned, left it out in the sun and rain many many times and it still starts on first pull, don't even have to pull it hard. Weather hasn't made the plastic crack either. It should have died by now.

      I can't speak for Ozito lawnmower as I personally haven't used it but I can say this, my brother's lawn was way overgrown, he bought the Ozito electric mower and it really struggled. He borrowed mine, piece of cake.

      • If you are the kind of person that mows their lawn 2 or 3 times a year and lets it become a wild lawn in the interim, go for petrol. If you mow 6 or 8 times or more a year, go for battery

  • -1

    i have a louis vuttion wallet from 2013, looks and feels 90% new.
    if you buy a new one now, it will look & feel shit after 6 months.

    i agree with the following:
    -Solid hardwood bedframe
    -Roborock vacuum with LIDAR

    id add in a good quality mower
    eg Ego

    • -1

      I dunno, that bed frame might be able to take a lot of hard work. Real hard work.

    • -1

      Lol, ego is not, period. The aluminium frame feeling flimsy as, almost guaranteed you'll get a dodgy 5ah battery. And why the hell do you have to extend out the handle all the way out to get it operating is beyond me when the telescopic handle will fail within 2-3 years when the plastic clamp gives way.
      My 20+ Honda hru still sturdy like a beast, start first pull and plenty of grunt.

  • +7

    1) good quality ladder (eg. Baileys)
    2) Knipex tools

    • +1

      2) Knipex tools

      Thanks to all the deals on here I have a nice selection. Definitely a great value tool when going cheap.

      • It's been a while since we had Knipex/Wera deals…

  • Quality Home gym equipment

    • Go body weight and you will have top quality equipment

      • Lol righto spaghetti arms

  • A good office chair. I suffered through too many cheapies in my uni days. I now have a 2nd hand Herman Miller from one of those office strip-out companies.

    • Yup couldn't agree more. I bought a second-hand HM Aeron and haven't regretted it one bit.

  • Brushless DC air moving fan, like a Vornado.
    Messenger/laptop bag made of thick saddle quality leather.
    That frozen drink maker I keep seeing on Facebook.
    The xbox with the disc drive.
    A powerful and well made computer.

    • like a Vornado

      Have one and love it

    • That frozen drink maker I keep seeing on Facebook.

      Ninja slushi.. I want one but not at $500

      • I thought so too, but now that the $1 frozen Coke Zero deal at Maccas is over I'm wondering if that changes the value equation. If I could get sugar free cola syrup cheap enough…

  • -1

    A Moccamaster Select to pair with your DF64. Mine has been an absolute workhorse, and I don’t see it giving up anytime soon.

  • +2

    Toyota Camry

    • Following by Corolla.

  • Buy once, set for life: Kamado Joe's Big Joe

  • Blunt umbrella

  • My Zojirushi rice cooker.

  • mine would be:

    All Clad pan - i feel like im a 5 star michelin chef

    Shun knife - these are mini japanese samurai swords

    benchmade pocket knife - this would be like your leatherman, but nothing beats a good edc knife.

    premium king size bed - nothing better then being able to roll over a zillion times, lol.

    RM Williams boots - i pretty much wear this everyday, its an Australian staple.

    Tumi backpack and luggage for work and travel

    La Marzocco commercial Espresso Machine. i got this for cheap, but still expensive in comparison to a store bought one. my mate went out of business during covid and needed cash. wife was pissed when i brought this massive thing home. she is no longer mad because she has a personal barista. lol

    Grinder for the freshly roasted delivered coffee beans

    7 stage water filter, its hard to drink regular water now

  • Akubra hats

  • I agree with good boots but I couldn't stand to wear the office dweeb uniform (no offense to those who do) so I got some wolverine 1000 miles instead of rm Williams. Had them for 6 or 7 years and yeah they are lasting very well. And only $300 at the time.

  • Damn I wish I can think of one but these days products don't last cause….. capitalism

    The only thing I can think of is that my grandmas electric beater lasted 50+ years, been using it until it shat itself last year :(

    Does winrar count?

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