Best Genuine nbn 250/25 Plan?

I stupidly recently signed up with DoDo on their 250 plan and what a disappointment. Talk about slow and not even close to that speed.

So am on the lookout for someone else who is reliable and true to their speeds. Can't afford the 1000 plans lol

Looking for recommendations, please?

Thank you :)


  • How much are you currently paying?

    • Useless DoDo is $83.90 a month, but so slow and has lots of dropouts, hence why already looking elsewhere now.

      • Tpg have a 12 month price beat guarantee and will beat dodo's price

        • +1

          Ok, interesting thank you.
          Is TPG any good with speed & reliability though, as have never been wiht them?

      • +1

        Drop outs will not be fixed by changing RSP.

        Slow as in 249 or 24.9?
        What speed do you get via for a few different servers?
        Aer you using a VPN?
        Are you using WIFI or a wired 1GB network?
        Is your router capable of fully supporting the 250 throughput? Not all old modems can support 250 reliably (old = > 5 years old).

        • +1

          I beg to differ with the drop outs. Was with more and had a lot of drops, moved to AGL and had a couple. But been with buddy for around 5 or 6 months. Only the 1 short drop out

        • +1

          First part is completely wrong.

          You will see a change if you switch to a good provider.

          Router can definitely play a part though.

          • @Hirolol: Thanks and yes I have also found different providers can affect dropouts and am over DoDo already.
            My router is a Netgear Nighthawk D7800, not sure if it's time to update.

        • Slow as in lucky to get 100 at times, 140 now and then but certainly not even close to to 250.
          Yes and no for VPN. No, when doing tests as I'm aware using a VPN slows it down. I only use VPN on my Firestick.
          Wired network and router is 1GB supported.

      • -2

        They all mostly use the same NBN infrastructure.
        The problem might not be DoDo but rather the NBN infrastructure around you, the line/wire to your house, the connection port or even the router being used.

        This from DoDo NBN web page:
        With new nbn connections, the maximum speed supported can only be determined after the installation and activation of your service. If your chosen speed is not supported by your installation, you can choose to drop to the maximum speed that is supported, or to cancel your service.

        This applies with all NBN providers!!!!

        The first thing to do is to get onto the DoDo tech team and get them to investigate.

        For OPs benefit read through the DoDo reviews here:

        Im not supporting DoDo
        Ive never liked doDo.
        Ive never used DoDo.
        Just putting the facts out there

  • I pay $99 for Superloop 250. I'm sure it's not the cheapest but it's reliable and speeds never drop. I'm happy.

  • +1

    More Telecom, $69 with CBA mortgage, otherwise maybe $75 with accounts etc.
    I pay $81 for 1000 plan.

    • Thanks but not a CBA customer :(

      • time to open an account

  • I’m forced to be on the Opticomm network and we are with Superloop used to just be possible to have a maximum of 100/40 now 1000/40.

    Used to be very stable, since I’ve upgraded I get a lot of speed drops especially during evenings like painfully slow down to 15 MBps.

  • +2

    I've never heard anything but good things of Leaptel, and my 100/20 connection has never dropped below 100 except for tiny dips according to samknows. Usually sits at 106.

    Also, you might not need to pay for 250/25 if you can make do with 100/20 for a while.
    NBN is increasing speeds in September: 100/20 > 500/50 and 250/25 > 750/50.

    • What did that mean - will users on those speeds get an automatic increase?

        • yeah, in theory. NBN is bumping the speeds at no cost, though they review costs annually or whatever. But I don't think they intend on increasing the wholesale price.

          ISPs can charge what they like, but there seems to be enough competition that I expect it should happen with no change to current prices.

  • +1

    Aussie Broadband or their budget subsidiary Buddy ( are your best bet, particularly at that end of the market.

    Another good option is Launtel.

    Steer clear of Telstra, Optus, TPG - and especially Dodo! I also wouldn't recommend Superloop — internet reliability not as good as the three mentioned above but YMMV.

  • Thank you to everyone, been a great help :)

    I have gone with Leaptel as one big thing they had going for us is that you can change to a lower plan, for us when we go away and then back up again when we get home. That is great instead of having to cancel and start again :)

    I have gone onto the 250 plan and have done some tests and found that it is above that when connected directly to the NBN box, but is only around the 100 mark when back through my network, so looks like that needs updating.

    May I ask here for suggestions on a new router or should I start a new topic?

    Thanks again :)

    • ~What router do you have?~ Already asked this and got …….
      Have you checked the network driver on your PC is for the network chip in your PC instead of the default windows/linux one? Check the driver is the latest.

      • Thanks but don't use a PC, am on a Mac.

  • +1

    Good choice. We're on Leaptel's Turbo plan, which we got at a great rate with a free upgrade from FTTC to FTTP. Leaptel have been exemplary. We were happy customers of ABB, but saw the reviews of Leaptel and ABB couldn't or wouldn't match their much better value BB upgrade plans. On the few occasions we've sought help from Support they have been excellent. I don't see any reason to return to ABB, but we will probably downgrade to a cheaper Leaptel 100 plan once the year of discounted Turbo plan is over.

    We have a TP-Link AX3000 Gigabit router. We've always had the specified download speeds., except in the living room when the wireless connections can slow down somewhat. Still acceptable and no buffering streaming. Our router has no doubt been superseded by now, so if you bought the current TP-Link equivalent or upgraded to a better one should be fine for your needs based on our experience.

    I didn't realise Leaptel allows you to downgrade to a slower plan for periods when away. They did say we could downgrade to the 100 plan at the discounted rate if we did it during the 1 year discounted Turbo plan period, so I should have wised up to changing to a cheaper plan while away. Anyway, ta for the alert on that!

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