Samsung S25 Nano-SIM (4FF), Embedded-SIM

So when a phone such as the base model Samsung S25 states that it supports both physical sim & e-sim, does that mean it will support 2 phone numbers in the same way that the physical dual sim units do? That is, support my existing Nano-Sim, but also have support for an additional e-sim with a separate number?

Or is it a case of one or the other, but not both.

I haven't used a dual sim smart phone previously, but it is my understanding that the operating system has to support working with 2 different incoming/outgoing phone numbers.


  • It works for 1 physical sim and 1 esim, to have 2 numbers. I find it pretty handy for getting new numbers for sign-up deals.

    • But both numbers are not active at the same time, right?

      • +2

        They're active at the same time, I can receive sms or calls from either number. Or can send SMS from either, there is a menu where you select which SIM you want to use.

  • So basically any half decent mobile phone (including entry level S25's) support 2 phone numbers. That is handy to know.

    Does it matter whether you have your main number as a physical or e-sim?

    Any other considerations or drawbacks compared to the dual sim physical phones?

    • Does it matter whether you have your main number as a physical or e-sim?

      No, but most people would use the eSIM for disposable secondary numbers that tend to be changed more often (saves on SIM delivery as well, both time and environment).

      Any other considerations or drawbacks compared to the dual sim physical phones?

      If your phone goes kaput, you cannot take the SIM out of your phone and insert it into another one.
      With a physical one, you can always do this as long as you have the physical phone's body, no matter how dead it is.

      How easy it is to get a replacement eSIM is highly dependent on the individual telco's customer service as well as how well they differentiate between a fraudster pretending to lose an eSIM and the real owner.

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