Lansky Professional Knife Sharpener $105 at


Lansky Professional Knife Sharpener $105 + Shipping @
Deal Details
Limited Time Offer - One Week Only!
The Lansky Professional Controlled-Angle Sharpening System is now available at a special price:

Price: $105 (was $117.90)
Discount: $12.90 off (11% discount)

The Professional system includes 5 different honing grits for achieving the perfect edge on any knife:

Extra Coarse (70 grit)
Coarse (120 grit)
Medium (280 grit)
Fine (600 grit)
Ultra Fine (1000 grit)

Perfect for kitchen knives, hunting knives, pocket knives and more. The controlled-angle system ensures consistent results even for beginners.
How to redeem:

Add the Lansky Professional (LKCPR) to your cart
Enter coupon code SAVELANSKYPRO at checkout
Enjoy your discounted professional knife sharpener!

Deal expires in one week - get in quick!

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  • +2

    every pro knife sharpener i've known uses a stone and a steel

  • +1

    Looks like this isn't really for specialised kitchen use. The 20° is fine for most knives, but a high quality chefs knife will usually be set to 15°, which this doesn't appear to support.

    Also, while 1000 grit is fine for most use cases, if you really need a razor sharp edge for sushi or the like, you'd want something finer like 2000+

    • +1

      1000 isn't really great for kitchen knives. Or rather 1000 for sharpening is ok, but need a "polishing" stone at 5000 or so for a smooth cut.

  • Is this really what professionals use?

    • no

    • +1

      Worked in the abattoirs , everyone uses these. I had to sharpen 3-6 knives a day.
      Only guys that didn't used that spend thousands on commercial belts/wheels

      Fwiw, at home I just run my knifes over a stone and give them a steel and it does the job

      • If you have to do multiple knives at once these are great, the setup time is short and you just follow the process and get it done quick and easy

      • +1

        I ended up buying an Ezesharp after using them in the abattoirs:…

        It really relies on good quality stones to work well though. I always thought the Lansky looked like a toy in comparison, tho I have never used one

    • Sometimes.
      I know a few butchers and professional hunters that use these or the gatco version and touch up on a steel between uses.

  • I'm on the hunt for a good deal on the Tormek, either the T4 or T2 versions. I'll basically only use it for kitchen knives and the occasional tool here and there.

    Keen to see if anyone has seen a good deal recently.

  • +1

    Save your money and buy a $20 stone from eBay or temu.

  • much better and cheaper ways to sharpen out there

  • +2

    Good onya mum.

  • -2

    Junk post

  • +1

    I have one of these and they are great.

    I've used whetstones, grinding wheels all sorts of stuff and this kit has been the best.

    It will make sure that the stone is delivered at the right angle each pass, I've had kitchen knives basically destroyed restored to service in about 15 minutes.

    If you are a professional chef and require absolutely the most sharp edge possible and you have the time and patience to go through the stages of a stone this probably isn't for you, for the 99% of other this will deliver an excellent result in a straightforward easy way each time.

    Have a look around for different pricing and reviews but I paid about this price and it was well worth it.

  • +2

    I had one of these for several years before throwing it away, I was originally scared that I would not be able to hold the edge manually on whetstones. But the fact is whetstones are much easier than Lansky…

    The little vice that holds the knife is really awkward, it scratches the knife too. And then the hole system is really awkward to use too, and if you don't use it all the time the initial set up is a time waste. (Requires time waste before one can get started I mean, not just a splash and go like with whetstones).

    Whetstones are so much better, it is a nice relaxing experience and after a little while you learn to hold the edge naturally, just need minimal practice.

    • Agree, I threw mine away.. this is really only good for small knives.. anything big is awkward and doesnt work well.

  • I have one of these and its junk. Went to the Ruixin system around 10yrs ago and its worked well. Upgraded to the Toohr #3 recently and its amazing and a big upgrade to the deficiencies of the Ruixin

  • i dno what everyone complains about, but this thing is Fantastic, For sharpening Pocket knives!

    try and use a whetstone with that lol

    and it leaves em pretty Damm sharp as well.

    but yes. larger knives, whetstones 100%

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