US$3.10 off US$31, US$5.00 off US$49.60, US$18.60 off US$186 Spend on Selected Big Save Products @ AliExpress

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A small coupon sale on selected Big Save products at AliExpress. These can be found in the Big Save section on the homepage or in the app. Screenshot of codes showing where they work.

Big Save products are eligible for free returns in 90 days and easy refunds if the package is lost, damaged or no delivery in 30 business days.

The minimum spend excludes GST and shipping. Each coupon is 1 per account and they won't stack with the new user "Welcome Offer".

Discount (US$) Minimum Spend (US$) Coupon Code
US$ 3.10 US$ 31 BSAU03
US$ 5 US$ 49.60 BSAU05
US$ 18.60 US$ 186 BSAU20

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  • I'm not getting the Big Save deal at all, closed the app and reopened.

    • App > Big Save > Extra 28% Off

    • And now its working?

    • +1

      I've found Big Save items and the codes don't work for me, it says for specific items and not all Big Save.

      AliExpress coupons have always been frustrating.

  • -4

    BS savings when they charge you what ever GST they want. I have no idea how 10% tax can become 30%. Who does the rorted tax go to? Gerry Harvey?

    • If you’re talking about how the tax becomes 30%, are you using coins to purchase them?
      The tax calculated is on the RRP sales price, not the price based on after using coins

      • No coins. I think they calculate the tax before discounts. If the listing is for $5 with oringal price of $10 you will pay $1 tax instead of $0.50. I have contacted Aliexpress and reported the bug. The response was to contact the seller. They said the seller sets the tax, which is BS.

        This has been discussed before.

        • +2

          Yup - I’m aware of this. I recently bought something for $0.16 shipped, and was charged $0.77 for tax


  • Free retuns - I used to get prepaid labels to an address in Aus for all free returns. Now it's asking me to send them to an address in China at my own cost and that postage will be refunded once they receive my parcel. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    • Nope - returned 2 parcels today via AusPost to a warehouse in Sydney

      Was your item considered a Choice?

      • +1


        One was Choice, one wasn't, but both were marked as free returns.

    • +1

      Are you sending an excessive amount back? I believe the number of free returns is limited.

      • Yeh it says 5 per month. I don't know if that goes by order date or return request date, but either way it was return #1 and #2 for the month.

  • +1

    Sorry, this code is for specific items only.
    Even though I have selected the big saving item :(.

    • Maybe had to be a choice item under big save?
      Can be tricky haha

  • Unfortunately doesn't seem to work for all bigsave items

    • Correct it only works on the sale page.

      • It should work for all items under the bigsave section right? Or only a subset of items under bigsave?

        • Seems to be only the ones on the coupons page in my testing and collecting each.

          App > Big Save > extra $28 off banner

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