Can someone clarify how Rabobank's PremiumSaver bonus interest criteria works?
According to the website, interest is calculated daily, but the criteria for bonus interest is met on a monthly basis.
The website says:
"All you need to do is ensure that you grow your balance by at least $200 by the last business day of the month (excluding interest). For example, if your starting balance for March was $2,500 and you withdraw $800 to pay your car insurance on the 5th of March you will need to deposit at least $1,000 by the last business day of March to ensure that your balance grows by at least $200."
In this example, if I do deposit at least $1000 by the last business day of March, does that allow me to:
- receive all the bonus interest from March (which was already calculated daily)?
- receive bonus interest in April (which will be calculated daily)?
In other words, if I want to receive bonus interest for a particular month, do I need to meet that criteria on that month or on the month prior?
You will get interest for March.
I won't leave the deposit thingy at last day of month though. Transfering money into Rabo took 1 extra day.