Apple MacBook Air 13.6" M4 - 10 Core CPU, 8 Core GPU, 256GB SSD, 16GB RAM $1549 Delivered @ Apple Education Store


Base model has 16GB RAM (finally?!). Can run three displays (finally?!).

Personally I feel like it’s the game changer the base M4 Mac Mini was.

Cheaper again at AOC here.

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    • Should have bought from Costco

    • +1

      If you bought from Apple they do have a change of mind return policy within 14 days. Sounds like you might be out of that window anyway.

    • didnt someone say above you can return it within a month with apple for free?

      • Extended returns are over christmas/new year for gifts etc

  • -1

    I always thought the air was generally supposed to be cheaper than the pro but this is more expensive

    • +3

      Isn't the cheapest 'Pro' $2349?

      • +1

        Hahaha oh god, sorry I just woke up and had a complete brain fart. Read it as 2,400 for the air. Thank you

  • Good hardware but how easy is it for someone using Windows to switch to MacOS?

    • +1

      i was holding out for so long (more than 20 years) due to muscle memory with Windows, and believe that I was still a gamer, but after using mac for about 1 year on a work device and realising im no longer a gamer, i've converted :(

    • +8

      Get ready to pay for dongles and software but better performance and battery.

    • +7

      It can take a bit of getting used to - biggest differences I faced are:
      - Apps aren't "closed" when you hit the x button like in Windows, they are still open in the background (indicated in the dock). You can decide whether you want to quit them completely on a Mac. Maybe it doesn't matter. But it seems like a different paradigm to me.
      - Switching my muscle memory to use CMD instead of Ctrl for shortcuts

      I'd imagine most would get used to it after a few months of use, depending on how long it takes them to learn.

      I can't speak to the gaming experience. If you mainly use browser based apps then it isn't too different.

      • Do they have window snapping yet? I helped set one up a while back and installed some extra software to make it functional.

        • +3

          I believe the latest OS update has improved window snapping, but I personally use 3rd party free apps.

        • The quick answer is Yes but like lazybones I use 3rd party apps — might see if I still need them when I get Sequoia.

    • +5

      It isn't 'easy', it's a bit of a pain… (but worth it?), because it isn't really intuitive, it's 'apple intuitive'. Examples:

      • Closing windows - clicking on the "X" (it's not even an 'X') doesn't actually close program.
      • Maximising windows - It maximises the window, but they go into full-screen mode, ON A NEW DESKTOP rather than the one you're already in.
      • The convenience or concept of 'Windows snap' - doesn't exist. It's either max full screen on a new desktop, or arduous fiddling around to get it just right.
      • Gotta get used to the new copy/paste keyboard shortcut.
      • File structure is weird as F. Where are your 'documents' / 'downloads' / 'music' / 'videos' folder etc. Where are your programs getting 'installed' if that's even a thing with Macs. Eventually you just give up trying to sort your files, and have everything on the Desktop.
      • +1

        Eventually you just give up trying to sort your files, and have everything on the Desktop.

        So, just like the majority of Windows users then? I've been supporting Windows and Mac users for over 20 years and this isn't a uniquely Mac thing… majority of data gets put on the Desktop or left in Downloads and then they wonder why they run out of storage space.

        • +1

          yes correct. But the difference is that it that it is 'easy' to sort out your files in Windows, whereas with MacOS…

    • +1

      Been using Mac for many years for work, and Windows for personal use. Personal takeaway is it's missing heaps of features that come default with Windows, but there are open source utilities to make up for it. E.g. Rectangle for Microsoft-like window snapping, BetterDisplay for proper monitor resolution scaling, DockDoor for menu bar application previews, Maccy for clipboard history. Honestly I find the base OS is missing a lot of features.

      Also almost all keyboard shortcuts are different. I find Windows in general has more quality of life features, but Mac has better hardware. If you're doing software development or video editing or the like, Mac is a great choice.
      if you're mostly using the Office suite, it's much better on Windows.

      Also as the other user said, Macs version of Windows Explorer is TERRIBLE. And so too is their version of Task Manager

      • +6

        Windows Explorer is way better than finder for sure, just something about the 2-pane Tree/Contents view that … um… Just. Works.

        That said, latest Mac OS has window snapping and Mac has something that i wish windows had - the ability to have multiple virtual screens, and swipe between them easily.

        If it helps any new mac user, my quality of life recommendation is for 2 specific settings. 3 finger drag, multi screen.

        Here is how you do it:

        1. Ignore trackpad gestures (for now)
        2. Set trackpad dragging to 3 fingers (in Settings -> Accessibility -> Pointer control)
          (this will make dragging things with the mouse really nice, using 3 fingers. And all the 3-Finger trackpad gestures now become 4 finger gestures)
        3. In Settings -> Trackpad -> More Gestures, set 'Swipe between full screen applications' to Swipe Left or Right with Four Fingers
        4. Still in Trackpad-More Gestures, set Mission Control to Swipe Up with Four Fingers
        5. Now swipe up to make Mission Control appear, go to the top right where the + is, and add one or 2 more 'screens'. Each one of those screens can have its own background, or set of backgrounds. You can swipe between them with 4 fingers.

        A note regarding window snapping: Holding an application window on the edge of screen will allow you to move it to another screen. But with that, snapping windows on the edges (new feature) is annoying because MacOS will think you're trying to drag that window to the next screen. You'll need to hold [Option] key to make MacOS stay on that screen, so you can snap the window into that corner or on to that edge. Otherwise if you want to move a window across screens, just let it jump to the next screen.

        From here play around and see what works for you. I'm sloppy with my trackpad usage and often accidentally do stuff i don't want, so I keep most extra gesture type features disabled.

        • +1

          The virtual screens are a Godsend.

    • +1

      I use windows for personal use/gaming.

      I use Mac for work.

      I've used Windows for work as well in the past.

      Generally speaking if you're even partly savvy with using any type of tech, you'll just pick it up over time and both OS's will just be 'natural' to use for you.

      Occasionally I try to smash alt (instead of ctrl) for things in Windows, because I'm using to the CMD location (i probably work more on my mac laptop than I use my personal PC), but other than that I'm comfortable and confident in both.

      As others have said Windows File Explorer is way better than Finder.

      Finder just really grates me. And Apple really tries to hide where system files live though 99% of the time you don't need to care about this.

      If I had to pick one OS forever, it'd probably still be Windows, JUST for the gaming element. If I never gamed anymore/never planned to ever again, I'd go for a Mac. Generally speaking, as they say, 'it just works' (there's always exceptions, but you certainly feel less like you need to know exactly what Windows is doing, why something is lagging or what processes are running). For a pickup and use device, Mac feels just easier to use (again, once you get used to the interface and the differences in the minimise, maximise and close functions etc)

  • silly question - do i need a edu email to checkout and complete purchase?

  • +4

    Knew this would hit top in OzB. RIP to all the people who said the 13" M3 16 GB was a great price at $1500 or the 15" at $1800.

  • -5

    What is the point of the education store if you don't have to prove you're a student?

    • -1

      Imagine getting negged for this comment without a reply. Standard fanboy behaviour. Keep riding it you knob jockeys.

    • +1

      most ppl dont know this

    • Don't you know? It's discrimination to have to prove your identity. Just take our word for it.

      • +5

        They removed the ID check for all them who 'identify as a student'

    • +4

      It's their marketing strategy. They don't want to discount their products for no reason, so they allow discounts on certain products under the banner of education.

      They choose not to verify student status to stay price competitive and be more accessible. At the end of the day, consumers either buy an Apple product or a competing product, selling at a discount while increasing market footprint is better than no sale at all.

      Also, their education discount is usually a modest 10%-15%, nothing crazy, the sort of discount you can occasionally get from authorised retailers anyway. Last year with M3 launch they included a $240 Apple gift card, but that doesn't happen all the time.

      If they wanted, they can easily add a verification step like they do with Apple Music to check eligibility, but they haven't. So it's clearly a marketing decision.

  • +2

    Don't forget 2% TopCashback and 20x Reward Points bringing it down to ~$1367.00.

  • -6

    still 60hz screen? lol

  • Is there any reason to buy an M4 Macbook Pro over an M4 Macbook Air that makes it worth the price difference?

    • Not really. The Air has always been their best-selling line for Macbooks for a reason. But if anything, thermal throttling is why people would choose the Pro over the Air. You get real-er performance with the Pro than with the Air.

      • +5

        Better screen, better speakers, more ports. Down side heavier and bigger

    • +1

      The Pro has at least one cooling fan, two if you buy a Max processor. That gives a lot more performance, particularly if used closed with external monitors, because you are less thermally limited.

      I doubt the differences between Thunderbolt 4 and 5 are compelling.

      I bought a Pro Max. Also, I wanted an HDMI port; I have a lot of HDMI gear.

      • re Thunderbolt 4 vs 5 — Perplexity has this to say temp link

        Your suspicion is correct that Thunderbolt 5 can enable external drives to approach the speeds of internal SSDs. Thunderbolt 5's increased bandwidth allows for faster data transfer rates that are comparable to those of internal NVMe SSDs. However, internal SSDs generally have lower latency and higher IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second), which can be advantageous for applications requiring rapid transaction speeds

    • +1

      I care about the pro-motion screen. I can never come back.

  • I'm using a MBP 13 inch, early 2015, 2.9 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM since 2016. It has been a reliable laptop I've used for more than 8 yrs, except of course battery is not great and couldn't be bothered to get it replaced.

    Thinking now to go with MBA as it is lighter, but upgrade the specs and hope it will last me alod 8 yrs or more! will I be disappointed with MBA M4, 10 core CPU, 10 core GPU, 24GB unified memory?

    • +3

      will I be disappointed with MBA M4, 10 core CPU, 10 core GPU, 24GB unified memory?


      Why would you be? It'll last the 8+ years you're looking for if you take good care of it as you have with your current one.

    • +4

      will I be disappointed with MBA M4, 10 core CPU, 10 core GPU, 24GB unified memory?

      no lol

      insane upgrade

    • +2

      I have the identical model 2015 Mac still in use in our home (as well as a base M1). With the M4 with 24GB, I expect the difference to be night and day.

    • I'm typing this on a MBP 13 inch mid 2017, 2.3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM bought and used since mid 2017. Mine has not skipped a beat! Had the battery replaced in 2021 and will probably replace it this year unless I decide to upgrade. This is tempting as I had a MBA prior to this one and am going O/S at the end of the month, decisions decisions.

      • Dont think anyone can beat me, typing now on my 2012 macbook pro now, still with every original part include this slooooow hdd too, really want to upgrade but cant decide just with Air or pay lot more for Pro, need big screen too, but pro 16 price is just crazy

        • +1

          I'm still using a 2008 MBP 15 inch with 6GB DDR2 and 256GB SSD running Sequoia via OCLP. It runs as well as you'd expect it to!

    • will I be disappointed with MBA M4, 10 core CPU, 10 core GPU, 24GB unified memory?

      No, but personally I would just take the 16 GB, the 24GB adds 16% to the price. Unless you know you need the extra RAM for some specific purpose (LLMs, VMS, …), it doesn't sound like it but if that's the case maybe it's the wrong machine anyway.

      FWIW I have the exact same model 2015 MBP as you although it doesn't get used much now. The M1 Air is already night and day to it, the M4 will be … even more.

  • Plus one for two ‽.

  • OzB was the reason I upgraded to 16gb/512gb when purchasing a M2 MBA (c$2.1-2.4K I think). If I recall, the HD upgrade was due to the 256gb HD being slower or something - I’m assuming this is a non-issue for the new MBA M4? I never needed 512gb. So trading in/selling my M2 16gb/512gb to buy a M4 16gb/256gb carries no downsides?

    • +1

      You fell for the internet idiots before. If you fall again, it's not a coincidence.

      [256Gb vs 512Gb] The only people who make a big deal are YouTube jockeys who run extreme synthetic benchmarks and need something to call out so people can watch their videos.…

  • Do they accept pay pal? Pay in 4?

  • Too late. Already bought a new (Windows) laptop. Probably would have bitten at this price though… - no regrets so far, except a weird screen issue where the glossy screen produces a warped reflection… a magic mirror sort of effect, which is hilarious but also a bit distracting.

    • OLED screens are necessary for daytime use imo

  • Company motto for Apple (according to Sam Tucker): Innovation has taken a vacation.

    • +1

      hehe Sam. I love that he doesnt take sides and is happy to rip into every tech company and chin there is. Thats just incredible

  • +2

    I recommend getting the 512GB version since macOS takes up a lot of space these days

  • wait for someone to be cheaper then offceworks and price beat then stack with 10% off vouchers

  • +1

    $1500 is a sweet spot for the avg person. convinced a bunch of mates to jump on the new airs. have pro's for work but always use airs for personal & on the go. got the highest spec m3 air last year cheap as overseas and its almost taken over completely. apple silicon is beastly.

  • Could you run this closed like a Mac mini.
    But then still have the benefit of it being portable?

    Parents want a new M4 mini. This just seems a better deal?

    • +4

      I mean yeah you can, but then you may as well save money and get a mac mini..? Like do they need it to be portable?

  • Then AOC store does not offer the 'free of airpods"?

  • +1

    Thanks - will get GST back, and can salary sacrifice through work. So even cheaper.

    • how far away can i depart country until the GST claim doesnt work anymore?

      • Usually it’s the distance between your home and the airport.

    • salary sacrifice through work

      To salary sacrifice you need to claim that you’re using it the majority of time for work purposes. Yet your invoice is going to say “student”.

      Sounds like audit trigger to me. Not worth the risk.

  • I got the 2024 MacBook Air 13.6-inch M3 with 16GB RAM and 256GB storage a few weeks ago. Is this a better deal? It's also cheaper than the M3 model was.

    • Yes this is better. Return the m3 and buy this

  • +1

    Truly an apple specced for 2024. Finally.

  • +1

    AOC cheaper at $1487.20

    • +1

      No airpods via AOC.

  • The notch is ugly as fk

  • Should I upgrade from a M3 air for $39? Assuming getting Apple's gift card for Woolies (10%) and sell mine to Mobile Monster for $1155 and Airpods for $200??

    • Yes.

    • I have an M3 air too. Can you run me through how you’re planning on doing this?

      • My plan is to buy Apple gift card from Woolies to get 10% off. This will bring down the cost of $1550 to $1395.
        Sell my air to Mobile Monster for $1155 (I got a voucher for $30 extra), then sell the airpods for $200.

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