Nokia Fastmile 5G Gateway

Hi i have a Nokia Fastmile 5g Gateway and reset it. Now when i turn it on it doesn't show on a wifi network, this includes 2 Windows 11 pc a Debian pc and a
google tablet and ipad. Its like its invisible, any ideas whats going on?


  • +1

    Always happens on reset… devices will eventually connect to it..

  • +1

    Not much information to go on. By reset, do you mean a factory reset? As in wiped all the settings?

  • Yes,pressed the reset button on the device for about 15 seconds

    • Use the Nokia wifi app? - useful for checking configuration

      Fastmile locks up at least once a week - aside from taking a while to be visible, it also creates a phantom wifi network, refuses connection from established network devices.

      As mentioned above it generally sorts itself out in minutes - worst case restart devices and they connect again first time.

      Try removing the power for 10-15 seconds.

    • The one on the bottom U need a pen or paper clip to press?

  • 1.) did you or someone else originally set this up for you ?

    2.) what does your internal network look like? …
    eg. by default/reset - Nokia Fastway defaults to - (if someone had made changes - then rest of network could be on a different IP or looking for different subnet).

    that is probably my starting point - as to troubleshooting this.

    [EDIT] … lastly - have YOU followed Nokia's OFFICAL instructions from their website?
    eg. connecting directly (VIA ethernet cable) - to configure settings.

    if can connect VIA ethernet to the Gateway login page … then obviously some sort of mis-setting/IP conflict … between gateway + your home network setup.
    Networking 101.

    • Connected via Ethernet cable and it shows as ''not connected'' on all Ethernet ports

      • And what happened when you logged into the gateway admin page … As I suggested???

        ++ IP Settings/etc.

        It makes it hard to help when you give almost no diagnostic info.

      • You need to connect to LAN port NOT WAN port remember (if trying to connect modem to a laptop or pc etc)

  • -4

    Nokia used to be reliable and functional. Now it's just crap. I think AI must design their tech. Certainly not designed by an intelligent human for other humans. Most user unfriendly formats possible

  • I had nokia fastmile 5g and still have too (although sitting in storage now)

    and i never had an issue with it

    when you reset modem then you gotta use the default wifi SSID and password to connect to it

    • which is the same with almost any modem/router available out there (except for some custom that allow you to flash - "saved settings" - but way beyond your EXP.

      that is the purpose of "RESET" - as in it resets to factory settings … including default WIFI settings.
      simply login to gateway (direct VIA cable) … and setup your old WIFI SSID/password.

      am I missing something here.
      if this is too beyond your tech means … then contact whoever set it up for you in first place - as they must-of changed WIFI SSID/password away from default to begin with.

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