Hipsters: Do They Still Exists?



Video link to Parody: The Bedroom Philosopher: Northcote (So Hungover)

Hipsters, and not the 1960s type. the 2007 to 2010s ones where they all dress up and be really wanky.

What have they evolve to in 2025?


  • +4

    Correct grammar in an OzBargain thread title: does it still exists? What have it (d)evolve to in 2025?

    • It never existed.

    • This top comment looks like a prime location for Dr Phil/Hewhoknows to try and claim…

  • +4
    • you'd have to be a hipster(mentally unstable) to pay $40 for 3 pairs of cotton undies… WTF

      • That's really not that expensive… How much are you paying for your underwear?

        • +2

          $10 kmart for 5 pairs. Still going strong after 8 years

  • +1

    hipsters, good undies!!

  • -1


    • +8

      Jv and hipster are not two words I associate together.

      • +3

        From the archives jv in 2022. A true Melbourne side lane artist.

  • +3

    Why do you care

  • +3

    Who else makes my bespoke coffee, when visiting Melbourne?

  • I remember asking for an ice latte at the cafe at my local art gallery cafe about a decade ago and getting blank stares. So much suffering. I can now get it at McDonalds albeit I have to select no sugar syrup because it's not the standard. So still suffering.

  • +1

    Maybe the bloke on my local community FB group who came out and asked:

    'HELP NEEDED: Chino Surgery Required

    I’m also sick of rolling them up like I’m preparing for a flood. I don’t like my pants and shoes meeting up—I like to keep them at a healthy distance. Let them have some space, some breathing room, a bit of mystery…'

    • +6

      I don't know if hipsters are the woke. Being woke is popular with young people so young people accept what most young people accept. And why not let minorities express their freedoms in peace, it's broadly a good thing isn't it?

        • -1

          waht are plegbss?

        • +1

          Better to have the plebs fighting among themselves about such important issues as personal pronouns

          By pleb, are you referring to yourself? It seems you're the only one who's trying to pick a fight on this topic…

          • @Ughhh: pleb
            A commoner; a plebeian.

          • -2

            @Ughhh: I'm not picking a fight. I shared my thoughts on the topic. I'm not sorry if they don't align with your world view.

          • @Ughhh: Woke politics is not - controversial…?

            • -1

              @dmac: Woke spoke is the psychological number plate of wannabe incel,young (or stretched scrotum) conservative,right wing,white male living with parent,Mum dressed, solo operating,(no mates) climate denying,bullied at school ,wedgie victim, internet trolls. Ask Matt Canavan and Barnaby Joyce.They made it into an art.

        • what does woke mean exactly?

          • +1

            @jrowls: It means aware of injustice particularly racial and came out of the African American community in the 1930s.

        • +1

          You and people like you don't like "woke" because then people will see what you really are.

    • -1

      You're record is scratched. Also an op shop relic.

      • +2

        You're record


  • +25

    This was on Twitter a few days back.

    Best answer: "Everything hipsters were into 15 years ago went mainstream. You can buy raw denim at Uniqlo. Target has vinyl records. Your corner store has craft beer. Right wing chuds dress like urban lesbians and graphic designers did in 2010. Everyone drinks fancy coffee now. They won."

    • by fighting this, we've inadvertently become the neo-hipsters..
      boardshorts, soundcloud/youtube, cheep beer and instant coffee

  • +6

    Yes. Weird seeing little kids being hipsters, nobody ever told them that trying to be a hipster isn't hip. I suppose it's a vibe people buy into and maybe better than having no vibe at all? Decorating your house with crates of vinyl records, dressing fashionably, spending time reading about the history of pop culture.. there's worse ways to live.

  • -4

    Yes, obnoxious fools still exist.
    Just in more different flavours nowadays.

  • +10

    Why are we getting these pointless posts?

  • More importantly ,is there any intelligent life left on earth?
    Where to look.

    • +3

      not here

      • I'd say you were too hard on yourself. But I'd be lying

        • what do you know?

        • I think that was a general “not here”.

  • +3

    Hipsters most certainly do still exist i would say numbers have actually increased. Though not as identifiable by their fashion choices of the past.

    "The hipster subculture is closely linked to indie and alternative music scenes. Members often gravitate towards independent artists and genres that are perceived as authentic or countercultural. This association extends to various forms of art, literature, and lifestyle choices that prioritize creativity over commercialism.

    In terms of demographics, hipsters are frequently described as predominantly upper-middle-class white young adults who tend to gentrify urban neighborhoods".

  • +1

    Oh, OP… Jeez…

  • I love the bedroom philosopher video!
    I'm pretty sure I saw the ukulele performer live once too.

  • +3

    This video is just as relevant today as it was back in 2010.


  • +6

    Hipsters and metrosexuals just evolved into being normal. Remember metrosexuals were men that moisturized and wore a nice polo top. Now mens skincare is big business lol

    • I never got into makeup but I’ve been using moisturiser for years. My man uses my moisturiser as well because it makes his skin feel good. I have never been able to understand the weird rules from the mob that tries to police men’s behaviour. Apart from anything else why on earth do they give a shit about what other guys do?

      • -1

        Apparently I’ve offended one of the control freaks WCON.

        • Hahaha. The negger has fallen into my trap. WCON.

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