ING Savings Maximiser 5.40% p.a. Interest on Balance up to $100,000 ($1,000 Monthly Deposit, Grow Balance & Spend Requirements)

We don't want to see an interest rate drop on a savings account to be posted as a "deal", do we? So here is the forum post for ING Savings Maximiser interest rate cut announcement.

As first noted by Ziggy28 in the long running (9 June 2023 - 27 February 2025) 5.50% deal post,

"ING’s Savings Maximiser account will see just a 10-basis point cut to its highest variable rate to 5.40% p.a., down from 5.50% p.a., effective Friday 28 February. But the online bank will change the fundamentals of the account, raising the bonus interest rate by 40 basis points to 5.35% p.a. (up from 4.95% p.a.). At the same time, it’s taken the axe to the standard base rate, slashing it by 50 basis points from 0.55% p.a. to 0.05% p.a."

Effective from 28/02/2025

5.40% p.a. variable rate (made up of the standard variable rate of 0.05% p.a. and 5.35% p.a. additional variable rate) for customers who also have an Orange Everyday Bank account and do these things each month.

  1. Deposit at least $1,000 from an external source to any personal ING account in their name (excluding Living Super and Orange One)
  2. Make 5 or more settled (not pending) eligible ING card purchases
  3. Grow their nominated Savings Maximiser balance (excluding interest earned for the current month).

When all 3 criteria are met in a calendar month, the benefits and additional variable rate will apply in the next calendar month. Available on one account for balances up to $100,000.

The standard variable rate of 0.05% p.a. is a decrease from 0.55% p.a.
The additional variable rate of 5.35% p.a. is an increased from 4.95% p.a.

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  • +2

    Ing has now the highest rate 'considering with all the hoops to get it, it should be that way.

    To those who has just open Ing, note the interest is earnt for next month balance not the first month. So if you do those things on March, you still get only 0.05% for March.

    • I think you'll find they pay bonus interest in the first month for new customers. After that you need to meet conditions each month to get the bonus interest in the following month.

  • +6

    ubank for me. Zero hoops and it's fully automated, so I don't have to do a thing.

    • Scheduled payment of $500 from Bankwest to ubank on the 1st
    • Scheduled payment of $500 from ubank to Bankwest on the 2nd

    Job done.

    • +1

      Yep. Way too many hoops. You gain 0.15% per year, but miss a month and lose 5.4% that month (0.45% yearly equivalent).

      Pretty likely to miss out by accident and be behind a simpler account with lower earnings.

    • -6

      Cool, my ING is automated as well.

      Have a think.

      • +2

        How do you automate this?

        Make 5 or more settled (not pending) eligible ING card purchases

        • -3

          Buy 5x $1 Amazon gift card at the beginning of the month. Not automated, I need to do this manually, but it should not take more than 5 minutes.

          • +2

            @foxmulder: But then you have to deal with 5x$1 Amazon gift cards every month. What do you use them for?

            • -2

              @Mad Max: I use Amazon regularly, thus it's no issue. I'm guessing you're not prime member? If this is the case, activate gift cards then keep the balance there as gift card doesn't have expiry date, then buy things like indomie goreng, Nissin noodles, supplements, moccona, toilet paper - just enough for free delivery.

              • +1

                @foxmulder: Thank you.
                No, not prime member. And not buying on Amazon either, so far.
                I may start comparing their prices.

                • +1

                  @Mad Max: Shopback giveaway vouchers 5 times. Same money out and in.

      • Enlighten us with your automation process for card transactions.

  • Got a targeted offer from ING to open a Maxi account with $100 and keep it there for a month and they would also pay $100 into the account the following month. Anyone else done this ?

    • was that via email?

      • Might have been in the app offers page. Ironically I only opened my ING account many years ago when they offered new customers $100 to open. I needed a new bicycle at the time and this was free money. Today my ING account is my main transaction account.

  • +2

    ING direct the interest thieving bank. yeah, nah thx.

    • Why? And why not?

  • +2

    Anyone with a brain wants to keep all their spare cash in the highest interest rate possible. It doesn't make sense if you dumped all this money in there and then need to pay a large bill like rego or a holiday for the year, then you haven't increased from your last month, failing the majority of the interest, ending up worse off than U Banks .015% less a rate.

    • +1

      Couldn't agree more. ING may have a slightly higher interest rates (barely) but the terms that need to be met to receive that interest are far more restrictive than ubanks.

    • Both works well for me. Enough in ubank for expected drawdowns, the rest in ING. Easy enough to make an occasional withdrawal from ING without losing interest by using a second savings maximiser account.

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