• expired

[PS5] RoboCop: Rogue City $12.74 @ PlayStation


Become the legendary part man, part machine, all cop hero and bring justice to the dangerous, crime-ridden streets of Old Detroit.

Uphold the law by any means necessary:
With your powerful Auto-9 or one of the other 20 weapons available, eradicate criminals throughout this explosive first-person adventure. Your cyborg strength and cybernetic abilities can be upgraded as you progress, to make you an even more formidable law enforcement officer.

It's up to you to decide how to fulfil your prime directives:
Explore open areas and complete your objectives according to your own sense of justice. Finding evidence, interrogating suspects and maintaining public order are just some of your daily tasks as a police officer. But don't take decisions lightly: your choices can determine the fate of citizens and the result of your mission.

An original story set in the world of RoboCop:
The city of Old Detroit has been hit by a crime wave, with a new enemy threatening the peace and order. Your investigation leads you right into the heart of a shadowy conspiracy in an original story that takes place between RoboCop 2 and 3, with striking locations to explore and familiar faces to meet. Peter Weller, the original RoboCop actor, is even back on duty to voice the cybercop.

Get ready to…


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  • +1

    Price drop was real quick on this game as expected.

    Tempted to buy it myself, love the movies, but not sure if its my type of game.

    • +25

      Real quick? Came out in November 2023….

      • +5

        Probably means how quickly the price dropped to this record low. The game held price for quite some time, which is typical for a well-received game. Last year the lowest price was $42.47 until Nov/24 when it went to $28.03 a few times over Summer.

        It's unusual for a game to then drop sub $15 so quickly after going under $30, when the reviews for it are good. Usually publishers go through the gears sub-$30, sniffing out buyers at reasonable price-points like $25, $21 and $19. This went straight to bargain bottom, you can't even get a medium Big Mac meal for under $13.

  • +2

    Is it a good game? Worth $12?

    • +11

      I would say so particularly if you are a fan of the movies, seeing its actually Peter Weller as Robocop in the game too.

    • +9

      $12 / 30 min of my life at work … yeah it was worth imo

      • -1

        Where are you working that only pays $24 an hour? Genuine Q, not trying to be annoying.

        • +10

          Was just satire. I’m on a little more than that.

          It’s more a reference of the average ozbargainer/whirlpool user usually saying they’re on like $200k a year.

          • +2

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: I need a job that people talk about on Whirlpool, because as you say everyone earns $200'000 minimum on WP !

            And $12.74 is a 100% no brainer. Buy it creep!

          • @Jimothy Wongingtons: Just out of interest - average FT annual wage for an Australian in Nov 2024 was $106K. Approx 5% of Aussies earn above $180K and 2% above $200K.

        • +1

          $24.10 is the national minimum wage, so pretty much anywhere that pays minimum wage, which seems to be a very large amount of workplaces out there.

    • +2

      For $12 it is, it's fun enough, it's just a bit repetitive. Once you get better gun upgrades it starts to be more entertaining.

    • +4

      Let me buy it first, then that way it's guaranteed to be one of the free monthly games in April for you 😆

  • +8

    That price makes me think it’ll come on PS+ next month.

    • +1

      Exactly what I was thinking. I've been burnt a few times already

    • +3

      My first thought was instant buy, my second thought was this is going to be PS+ game next month isn't it.

    • -1

      Surprised no one’s posted this months free games yet:

      -Dragon Age: The Veilguard
      -Sonic Colors
      -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection

    • What I came here to say. Last chance for them to make sales before giving it away.

      Kinda hope it comes to humble monthly.

  • +6

    I wish they’d add vr support

  • +6

    Hopefully comes to Xbox at this price

  • +5

    Great game, really charming and fun, and this is from someone who has never actually seen RoboCop.

    • +8

      Change that.

    • +6

      Stop what are doing and watch the original Robocop immediately!

    • +5

      You should definitely watch the original RoboCop (1987) film, it's a classic.

      If you're a Terminator fan I highly recommend you also buy Teyon's other game Terminator: Resistance, as well as its Annihilation Line DLC — they are a true love letter to the franchise.

    • +2

      Oh wow. Robocop, terminator 2 (better than 1) and Jaws are my old school ones to watch!

    • Brah 🤦 watch the original, then 2 if you want to binge more cop.

      Don't bother with the 3rd one.

      The remake is ok as well but gets hate

  • +1

    Wonder if it will be the headliner for next months Humble Bundle..

  • +1

    Best review of the game.



    I'll buy that for a dollar

  • Good game well worth it at that price!!! Played it on steam deck.

  • +1

    Did you know that Barbara is Clarence Boddickers wife in real life?

    Also. The first level is worth $12 alone.
    But sadly not really a classic game overall.

    • It's just to fullfill our kid urges of wanting to be RoboCop.

      The best I had was the RoboCop arcade, this would be even better

  • +1

    Great game solid 9 16hr + campaign

  • Been hanging for this.

    BUT I am unable to buy it?
    The order and pay button is greyed out, on the desktop shop, the ps app.

    Can I only buy it from the console?

    • I just bought it on the app without issue

      • I bought it successfully from the PSN store on the console itself :/

    • Make sure you enter your password in the checkout? Playstation makes you check the T&Cs and re-enter your password online, even if you are already logged in.

  • Was this ever given a physical release? Might pick this up if digital only

    • -1

      $104.25 on Amazon for physical https://amzn.asia/d/4lUjgmz

    • +1

      Had a worldwide physical retail release. AUS print is kinda uncommon, but you can get a region free EU print for $30-60 on eBay.

      • Thank you, digital it is I guess!

  • Good price for a great game.

  • Very good price for a fun game!

  • Great game sub $13 makes it an absolute steal (purchased it on xbox, pc, psn gradually as each had a sale). Its great for Robocop fans, has a few game breaking bugs (had to redo a few LONG sections to due to key events not triggering). Game gets way more fun as you earn and unlock the upgrades.

  • +5

    I’d buy that for a dollar

  • Great game if you love the original movie. I bought it in the last sale and thoroughly enjoyed it.
    It is a short game though so set your expectations for around a 15hr play through.

  • Seems like the perfect companion for the Portal I just got!

  • +1

    Damn need this on PC at this price.

    • It's around $20 on Eneba if that's any help.

  • Sweet….I’ll bite at that price!

  • +1

    The gameplay is quite simple including the skill tree and weapons. It’s overall a fun game and for $12 it is a good buy.

  • Regret buying on Steam for $22 now given I haven't played it … it sits forever in my backlog.

  • +3

    I bought it for $12.74 this afternoon and installed in on my PS5 Pro earlier tonight. I played it for a little bit, and I must say I’m a bit disappointed, because I straight away noticed horrible pixelated glitches that happens during cut scenes. I then Googled the issue and found out that it’s a problem with the PS5 version of Robocop Rogue City that other people have experienced too. I had been eyeing buying a physical disc copy for about $50 instead, I’m glad I didn’t now because it’s barely worth $12 due to the pixelated glitches that I find distracting and horrible.



    • Is it that bad on ps5 pro? I bought it, I had spare credit on psn so it cost me some change and a bit. Will download overnight.

    • I had read that had been fixed but I guess not. I played through it twice and found those glitches to be distracting at first but actually got used to them, odd they still haven't been fixed though.

    • Just think of the pixelation in cutscenes as a stylistic choice, like heavy film grain in the original movie.

      • @AustriaBargain I’m a person that thinks it’s important to preserve the original artistic look of films so heavy film grain doesn’t bother me. The pixelation issue in this game isn’t comparable to that though, it’s a fault/defect with the PS5 version of Robocop Rogue City that they’ve been too lazy to fix, and at this point they probably won’t fix it because the game was released over a year ago. The Xbox Series X version of Robocop Rogue City doesn’t have the pixelation issue in the games cut scenes, so I think I’ll just buy that instead… A $12.27 refund for my purchase of this from Sony would be great too, but I probably won’t bother pursuing it.

        • I'm sure filmmakers would have gotten rid of film grain if they could and still maintain the exposure and clarity or whatever, most filmmakers anyway. But yeah I'll wait for this to come to Gamepass as well I think…

        • Just read that the dev’s have admitted that don’t know how to fix the issue on PS


          Will get the XBOX version

  • Legend find! Was looking for this game but on the fence to spend $50. At this price it’s worth a gander, price of a movie ticket!

    • that’s the oz bargain spirit

    • 1/2 the price of a normal movie ticket now…

      • +1

        ya but im an oz rat i always pay 50% for a movie ticket

  • Thanks, bought it instantly.

  • Meh, probably will wait until this comes to gamepass or ps plus.
    seems a bit undercooked.

    • Good call !

  • +1

    I'd buy that for a 12 dollar!

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