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BRISBANE TRANSLINK Free Transport On New Year's Eve Across The Network from 9PM until 5:30AM


Found out on 6pm news.
Do they offer this free transport every year? Not sure.
I think it's a great incentive to leave a car at home.

Free travel across the network
All travel on TransLink services will be free of charge from 9pm on New Year's Eve (31 December) until 5.30am on New Year's morning*.
There is a lot going on in South East Queensland to celebrate the arrival of 2013, and we want to help you get there to celebrate, and get home again safely.

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closed Comments

  • -3

    9PM!! aww thats rough…. In melb its 6pm…. Cumon BNE get with the deal… is it that hard to put on free transport for 1 DAY!!!

    • +1

      This deal covers from the NSW border to Noosa (250km).
      We've had a few free days here & from memory some Melbourne people complained about those as well!
      Sunshine coast usually has 12 days free (Wednesday 26 December 2012 to Sunday 6 January 2013).
      Different places - different deals. (And 6pm on is not '1 DAY'.)

      This deal has been free for last few years.

    • +1

      At least it lasts until 5:30 AM this time… a few years ago, the free travel ended at 1 AM, while the buses and trains were still packed.

    • +15

      Those buses were OzBargained!

  • -1

    Not overly generous… I was up on the Sunshine coast and they were advertising free public transport for almost 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year:


    That's more like it!

    • +1

      "The Free Holiday Buses Program is proudly funded by council’s Public Transport Levy.

      To help accelerate improvements to local public transport services, infrastructure and to promote patronage, council resolved on 21 April 2009 to introduce a Public Transport Levy of $20.00 per rateable property."

      So that's how it's free for the fortnight.

  • Do you have to be off and pay at 5:30 or can you jump on at 5:25 and head for the coast?

    • +1

      Get on before 5:30am on 2nd & just don't touch off & its free!
      But if you need to transfer after 5:30am (usual unless you live near coast) - you pay.

      • But won't you pay the fail to touch off fee?

        • Not sure if you have to touch on - as you don't need a GoCard to get free ride. So no need to touch off.

  • I'm leaving after the 8:30 Fireworks so that's awesome for me, saves me $2! :P

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