Switch on Android Phone with Bluetooth Device, or Other Option

Hi all.

I would like to switch my phone screen on without pressing the power button - it's a bit inaccessible when the phone is in a sealed cradle while riding my bike. Getting to the lock screen is enough, getting to the home screen or currently running app preferred. If the same device also has some other controls like volume / skip / etc. even better. I took a gamble with an item on Ali and it does everything I want except turn the screen on.

Anyone know a way around this with a particular bluetooth device, or some app or setting?

Currently have moto g82. Have a g84 waiting to replace it as soon as it dies or I need to.


  • Why do you need this?
    If a notification comes through, doesn't the phone show this? Alternatively, you can go to settings and leave the screen in the on display with a long time out.

    • I like to keep the phone off while riding, just turn it on when I need a map update or want to change podcast, etc.

  • +6

    it does everything I want except turn the screen on.

    What phone do you have?

    My samsung allows me to double tap anywhere on the screen to turn screen on.

    • this..

  • There is no universal solution. Android is a broad church. You will need to be less secretive about your model.
    My phone has tap-to-wake.
    Does your cradle have power? You could use developer options to stay awake while charging.

    You may need a 3rd party app like Automate.

    • Updated post. Phone is connected to ebike USB outlet so yes, has power. Will check developer options 🙏 but really would prefer to have the phone off when not looking at it, to preserve power and to be less of a distraction.

      • +1


        BTW, AI can be helpful for these sort of questions that cannot easily be googled.

        Try the always on. You may find the screens dims when not in use, so can barely be seen outdoors and not a distraction, by day at least.
        But it would let you single-tap to wake.

        • Ta. No tap to wake option on my phone but the peek display setting below seems a workaround.

          • @fantombloo: By "wake" in that context, I meant restore the brightness when it is "always on" but dimmed.

  • +2

    Just go into phone settings and turn on tap to wake.

    I don't have a Motorola phone but this seems to suggest there is the 'tap to wake' option:

    Settings -> Display -> Advanced -> Tap to wake

    • Ta. "Peek display" gets me close to where I wanna be..

  • Doesn't help with your particular phone, but pixels have a developer-mode option that allows unlock on face recognition.

    So essentially hands-free unlock.

    • Yeah read the first comment.

        • and what has that got to do with my comment?

          It's referring to the actual link you sent me. Thank you and have a nice day.

  • Something like this may be able to get your power on although I haven't tried the apps: https://www.howtogeek.com/691890/how-to-perform-actions-by-t…

  • Any android phones can use Google Assistant. I haven't tried Gemini to wake up phone. You need to change the settings for Google Assistant to be always active when you call Google Assistant.

    There are settings for Google Assistant like for Lock Screen (Use Google Assistant without unlocking your phone)
    ✓ Enable "Assistant responses on lock screen" (Allow Assistant to respond when your phone is locked)

    I can say, "Hey, Google" then the phone screen is on (to listen for next instruction). Then unlock the phone through fingerprint or pin or pattern or face recognition if you choose this option.

    This is also very useful when you got accident on the road for example and can't reach your phone. "Hey, Google. Call 000" for example.

    I can also double tap my screen to turn the screen on or use fingerprint to turn on and unlock straightaway (OnePlus). I also use Siri assistant in my iPad (Hey Siri) to turn on the screen without pressing the power button.

  • +1

    If none of the better options work (like screen tap), you could replace the charging cable with a switched usb cable (from AliExpress). Flick this switch off & on to wake the screen

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