Bambu Lab P1S Combo, P1S 3D Printer and AMS $1309 Delivered @ Bambu Lab via Amazon AU

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This popular offer is back again, similar price point to previous but no bonus filament this time.

Also available direct from Bambu Lab at $1249.00 + $65 delivery (for me).

I'm not into 3D printing myself (I am tempted) previous commentary indicates this is reasonable mid-range printer for PLA/PETG/TPU printing. See this deal for previous commentary.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +3

    Keep being tempted, but struggling with the use case

    • It's amazing seeing what people can make with these machines and I can see it being useful for various custom prints. Just not sure I'll get value out of something which costs this much, especially if I lose interest in it…

      • +6


        I've got one. I love it. But there's no point chasing ROI.

        • +2

          i don't know. I bought one. Ended up creating a design for something that made another product work for me. Ended up starting a business selling that design and has paid for the original print, a secondary one, filament and plenty more in the 8 months I've been selling the product.

          I feel like I managed to chase that ROI pretty well.

    • same, i dunno what id even make, I've looked at all the online libraries but cant find anything that useful

      • +1

        When my dog lost a leg I was able to print a new dog door for her, and a elevated tilted dog bowl stand.
        Printed some custom hooks and clips for kitchen clean stuff that sits inside the door under the sink ( that under sink space is hard to utilise).
        Printing a Tonie's stand for my nephew.

        .. you find its a tool to get a solution to things vs thing you need to make. I don't use it every day. If I was good at wood work and had the tools I could probably have done similar with that .. but this is quicker and materials cost less.

      • +8

        Some of the more useful things I've printed.

        • IKEA Skadis (pegboard) mounts, clips, paper towel rail, headphone hanger, controller mounts, keyring
        • Nespresso Capsule holder for my Pixie machine
        • toys for the kids (duplo / brio / random stuff)
        • I de-shrouded my GPU, then printed a replacement shroud that holds standard PC fans
        • GPU anti sag (it's a Mario pipe)
        • Ring holders for my family members (a cute little dinosaur)
        • Car speaker bracket for mounting standard size speakers
        • Deej volume mixer
        • IKEA replacement parts
        • Oculus Quest 2 prescription lens adapters
        • Steam Deck wall mount
        • Hinges for acrylic panels for our snake enclosure
        • HDD cages for DIY NAS
        • Pi cases
        • SD Card organiser
        • Server rack things
        • +1

          That Deej volume mixer looks awesome – I hadn’t seen anything like it before!

          As someone who always needs a home for my impulse ozbargain finds, I’m all in on:

          • Gridfinity (for my Ikea Alexa Drawers) and
          • Underware (for the underside of my Ikea Trotten Table tops)

          If you're comfortable playing with 3D CAD software, you'll quickly discover endless opportunities for your 3D printer to tackle everyday challenges. And if CAD isn’t your thing, systems like Gridfinity - with its massive community support - will keep you printing for weeks.

          • +2

            @c1ockwork: Wow that underwear under desk cable management looks amazing. I'm going to use that.

            • +1

              @tonyamazing: It's great. But it feels like I'm playing that pipe mania game from the 90s planning it out.

          • +1

            @c1ockwork: Yeah, storage solutions is one of my key uses for my printers.
            I love my things having a place they should be. I have lost so many fewer things since I made them a place to live in my drawer or wall.

    • +3

      The use case argument is a strong one, especially given this is a pretty expensive model (mid to upper range). A lot of the ideas people are giving could also be done on a much cheaper model.

      • +1

        Absolutely. The P1S is an excellent printer, and with the AMS multi-filament setup it's capable of really advanced and cool-looking stuff. But it's way more than most people will be able to get good value from.

        Spending $400-500 gets a 3d printer with similar speed, quality of output and ease of use, and makes a much better value proposition. If you have other hobbies that involve making physical objects, having a machine that can quickly make precise parts is amazing, and surprisingly useful for niche household fixes as well.

      • +1

        If you can get by with single colour, then something like the Elegoo Neptune 4 at the $300 mark would be a good investment.

        However, you need to be good at debugging electrical things and to get the most out of it you should learn basic 3d modelling. I am a mechanical engineer, and have been working in 3D CAD for 20 years, so I find it great for creating replacement parts or new things. But it frustrates me how often things go wrong, maybe assume 10% failure, then you'll be happy with anything less! It doesn't matter what printer you buy, at some stage you will have warping issues, nozzle blockages, parts that don't stick to the build plate, heater issues, moisture issues, etc! The more you spend the more reliable the printer will be, up to a point.

        So be aware that this is a hobby, and you're going to need to learn how to fix things when they go wrong! Or at least follow along with youtube tutorials!

        • Completely agree. I love my neptune 4 pro. Bought mine for $380 which included 2kg of filament. For my use case (printing boardgame inserts) it's more than enough. Klipper and orca slicer together are great. Honestly haven't needed to do much fiddling with it. I did manage to heroically snap my nozzle inside the hot end however which was completely a user error issue.

          I do like the idea of a mms, and am slightly envious of it. The use case of a mms +1k printer vs a $350 printer is even more limited.

      • +1

        Yeah, this is a lot of dosh for a casual interest. I use my Ender 5 Pro with some regularity, but bought that for less than a third of the cost of this model. I don't have a reason to upgrade yet.

        I mostly use it for various car solutions, but off the top of my head:

        -Coffee grinder tray
        -MAF blank
        -Speaker mounts
        -Digital dash mount
        -Kill switch mount
        -USB cable mount

    • +1

      If you're struggling to find the use case. It's probably not for you…
      If you're someone that likes thinking up new ideas, making things and fixing things, a 3d printer is an amazing tool.

      Also if you like fidget toys I guess…

      • If you're someone that likes thinking up new ideas, making things and fixing things, a 3d printer is an amazing tool.

        I find it's more a case of "if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail." If you have a 3d printer, you will use it to make things that are useful to you. If something breaks, you can print something to fix it. If something is missing, you can make another one to replace it. If you see a need for a doo-dad to make something more convenient or hold another thing in place, you can print it. Brackets, holders, pins, adaptors, casings, spacers and the occasional ornament….

        • I find it's more a case of "if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

          Yes, and sometimes that can be taken a bit too far… There are many examples of things that are 3d printed where it is not the best or even easiest option, or could at least use some non-3d printed hardware to improve.

      • And if you have kids, there's tonnes of stuff. Extra bits for train sets, duplo, gravitrax…just google Flexi Factory, they have some great models.

  • For Prime members, try code RP30HOME2 for possible additional discount, not sure if this item qualifies though.

    In the "Computers" category, so no bueno

    • Cheers, I'll remove.

  • +1

    a1 is better

    • +1


      • +2

        Lots of reasons i run both every day. the a1s are better in my eyes due to the quick change nozzle, hardened gears from factory, ease of use, the touchscreen interface not as much vfa on the a1s and a lot easier to maintain. if you need to print abs just chuck a cardboard box on it. if you need to print exotics get an x1c :) also the ams lite is the superior system for bulk filaments/colour changes.

        • Do you find the surface quality better on the P1S since its core xy? Ive had a lot of bed slingers in the past and the quality is really meh and non presentable. Need a second production printer but Im unsure of bedslingers.

          • +1

            @yamborghini: I honestly find the a1 better in nearly every way other than when i need to print abs.

            • @bob98: Ugh, I never want to go back to printing ABS on a bedslinger under a cardboard box. It sucks so much.

              Agreed in general though, if I just wanted to print PLA like most people seem to, I'd get an A1.

    • +6

      Cheers for the compliment ;-)

      But, assuming you mean the printer (, why is the A1 better?

      • +2

        HAHA didnt even notice your name. check above comment :) i print for a living.

        • +1

          Cheers for the info above, I'll do some more reading before I buy anything.

        • Do you mind if I ask how do you make money from 3D printing?
          I have a P1s and would love to make some side income to justify having a 3D printer to the missus :D

    • ahh no technical reason why it should be better. A1 is the small version with no cabinet and hence no air treatment. You can't regulate temperature as well as a P1S etc…

      • +2

        Technically the P1S is better and I think it has a very slight edge in print quality most notably for overhangs in my case.

        But I rather print on the A1. It's just better to use in a heap of small ways, easier to place the bed, check prints, change filaments (without ams), navigate the menus and do any maintenance on.

        Also the A1 has the same sized bed plate, the A1 mini is smaller.

        • Not to mention automatic flow rate calibration

    • A1 is really good but it is bed slinger. The surface quality can't meet the core xy's

      • +1

        A1 is a better surface finish. it has less vfas than the p and x series due to there belt and pulley setup. trust me im selling the p1s and keeping the a1s i cant stand the finish the p1s gives me plus the interface feels like something from the late 1800s haha.

      • +2

        The surface quality can't meet the core xy's

        I have not found this to be the case.

  • +19

    No one going to bring the drama around the company locking down the software?

    • +7

      You can have that honour.

    • +2

      Thanks for flagging, I didnt know about this, some decent info about it on reddit etc.

    • I have tried asking on reddit abiut it, but what other printers match the P1s of simplicity and print quality?

      I've got other diy kits but I just want something sinple as I don't have much time any more

      • I've been very happy with my Qidi. They kind of aim to be the open source version of Bambu, ie fast, simple and high quality prints out of the box.

        They don't quite have the level of software polish that the Bambu has (Eg with the mobile app), but the desktop experience is equally as good in my experience.

      • I got a FlashForge Adventurer 5M when it was on sale about 6 months ago. It's a CoreXY design like the P1, similar bed size and super easy to use. It does its own calibration and levelling and I've never had to tweak a single setting. The very first print was excellent and failures are super rare.

        I would probably recommend getting the Pro model with camera and enclosure, which are very nice to have and not that much more expensive - still way cheaper than the base model Bambu

        Also it has a proper LAN mode, so no cloud-based shenanigans.

    • +2


      I hate that I have to use cloud services to send a print job. I know there's LAN mode, but from what I remember, it's gimped.

      I hate that there's a whole lot of bad practices and bad mojo around the company.

      But I came from an Anycubic Vyper, and that thing was a pain in the arse. These Bambu printers are (mostly) set and forget. Failed prints are usually down to environmental reasons (human error, bad filament, etc).

      If I could flash the firmware with something like Klipper I'd do it in a heart beat.

      • I moved to Klipper 6 months back, never h going back.

        • on P1S? or X1C? or something different?

      • +1

        I felt the same when I got an A1 only to discover that so many features were not available in LAN Only Mode. To solve this I built an iOS App that allows you to have full access to your printer in LAN Only Mode, please see below for a YouTube Demo and a link to the TestFlight Beta:

        YouTube Demo

        TestFlight Public Beta

  • If you’re on the fence just do it, you deserve it.

    (I’d prob recommend the a1 tho unless you specifically need/want the enclosed chamber and or enclosed ams)

  • +10

    There's been largely negative feedback from 3d printing community about the changes that Bambu labs wanted to make to run these printers (even though they walked back some of the proposed changes) so DYOR before jumping in.

    • +3

      Should be some middle ground between security and safety. Being online is a huge convenience but people have to admit there is risk even if it hasn't been presented yet.
      Feels like a lot of knee jerking. Headline's would be different if some hacker found a way to stream the cameras (even if they are internal only) and print rude objects or overheated and 'possible' start fires with the things. So I can see why leaving it open is not great, perhaps there's a better way to do it, this doesn't mean you have to extrapolate it further then that.

      • +4

        Issue isn't that Bambu is adding more security but the implementation. Rather than choosing the ubiquitous and proven oAuth 2 and implementing it on the printer itself they specifically chose to implement another app with the intention to block 3rd party products and slicers like Orca, all in the name of security.

        Verge specifically asked them if they evaluated and rejected other options for enhancing security and Bambu replied "yes". To understand how absurd it is, think of you had to download 2 apps on your phone/computer just to send a print to your HP printer.

        Also, there's no middle ground. Developer mode is just lan only mode with no updates and not being able to use bambu handy app, which is regression in functionality.

        I wanted to buy an A1 myself but I'll wait for other manufacturers to catch up. Elegoo century carbon has promise, let's see

        • They way I think of it, Bambu are like the Apple of 3d printers.
          Cosumer level product, closed ecosystem (you're tied into using their own software for example).

          If you like to tinker around, or plan upgrade parts of your printer, and if you see 3d printing more as a 'hobby' than a utility, then maybe another printer is for you.

          But for someone who just wants to print and wants to do it out of the box without stuffing around with hairspray or glue sticks, it might be worth considering a Bambu. The pushback against Bambu has been mostly from enthusiasts, but it probably won't effect a lot of others. You won't have to choose which slicer software to use, or decide what/where to buy filaments…

          • +3

            @terlalu: I personally don't mind Bambu taking an Apple approch and/or choosing to implement/removing services or features for new printers. Changing how current printers work, which have been sold to people, is the issue. Also, changing the wordings of blogs and terms & conditions and then gaslighting the community is slimly behaviour.

            I understand that Bambu has grown a lot to care about enthusiast community. Bambu has built itself using the hardwork of the community while giving back nothing. They've repackaged open-source software and firmware and closed-source them, which isn't the spirit of open-source. The only reason they had to open-source thier slicer is because they were called out by Prusa for stealing from Prusaslicer.

            Something that people don't seem to understand is that the changes are aimed to solve Bambu's servers security and not the end user's. It's all about reducing their server running cost.

            Everyone to thier own on which company they choose to support. To Bambu's credit they've shown the incumbents how to put together a good products and I hope others can take it forward while maintaining the open-source spirit.

      • +1

        Imagine waking up one day to your 3D printer containing a giant flaming 3D printed penis.

        • +3

          Well I'd hope I would since that's what I printed


    I have one on order from the last deal and delivery keep sending pushed back and back and back. ordered 28/12, delivery was early feb, now mid march and I'm expecting it to be pushed back again

    bambu won't help as they point to amazon as the distribution agent

    • +1

      That sounds terrible. Purchase one from Amazon last week and it arrived in two days. See if you can cancel it and put a new order in

      • -1

        that is my second order after putting one down late nov 24 when the other deal popped up, lol

    • You might've had a rare case .

      I ordered off Amazon last weekend and was delivered Thursday so 4 days to get to me.

  • have an x1c, i have print so many baking accessories for the wife, plus some stupid things 😅. Machine probably about to pay itself off. I started with a cheap
    ender (around $250) but after getting thw bambu wont be buying another brand for a while.

  • +1

    New bambu printer is coming soon. Have a look what it looks like before buying one if you are not in hurry. The new one might be flagship or enterprise but worth to have a look before buying current bambu printer.

    • +2

      unless your printing for a living its probably not justified.

      • yeh but prices for current printers might drop once a new one gets released.
        If you're not in a hurry, you could wait a few weeks in case there's a price drop.

        • yeh but prices for current printers might drop once a new one gets released.

          Not very likely. The new printer is going to be a bigger volume machine. Possibly with IDEX. That plus bigger volume will be more expensive, so it's not going to replace the P1.

          Waiting for the next new printer to be released is a bit of a mugs game- there is always something new just around the corner, and that keeps getting delayed (iirc the Prusa XL was delayed by 6+ months, the new Bambu was supposed to be out last year).

          In that time, you don't have a printer. Waiting only really works if you already have a printer.

    • this one doesnt come with the AMS

    • That doesnt have the AMS system. And bambu charge for shipping whereas amazon is free. So the P1S combo is slightly cheaper on amazon

  • This or Prusa MK4S?
    btw, not only about concerning Chinese product first.
    *which I know many would rule out Chinese Government related companies first.

    • +1

      The Prusa is by all accounts great kit, but it's really hard to justify their pricing unless you are really into supporting non-chinese manufacturing, open source and upgradability. If you have the budget, and only want to print PLA, PETG and TPU (which is all the Prusa will really do as it's an open bed-slinger), then it will be great (noting you have to put it together yourself, which I don't think is a bad thing for your understanding of the printer.
      But IMO, if you only want to print basic filament, then there are the same or better options for far less money. e.g. the bambu A1, Ender 3 V3.

      • ya, i am considering the MK4S kit one, as anyway going into the 3D printer area, it would be great to put it up myself to learn the component, which can benefit me on troubleshooting and perhaps also upgrades later.
        Open source & security are the other concerns as well, since I dont want anyone gets a record on what i printed, lol.

        But, indeed, there is quite an extra premium to put on the price, which i am hesitating.

    • MK4 is a totally different style of printer- open framed bedslinger. Won't handle ABS/ASA.

      The comparator is the Prusa CoreOne.

      • I just saw it too, but ya, $1,500 the kit, just $200 extra, maybe i will go on that path.
        *Revised… $2,000 in total incl. shipment

        • I guess more accurately it's CoreOne and X1C.

          Another alternative is a secondhand MK3S- these things are considered crazy reliable so I'd trust one (I got mine secondhand).

          • +1

            @rumblytangara: True, Prusa seems to be the gold standard.
            In that case, maybe I would go on to that path instead of Bambu, due to reliability and look easier to replace parts.
            Going to order after settling my home renovation next month, getting excited XD

  • Buying a Bambu, is their online store or Amazon fine in terms of warranty and support? Coming from Creality so I want some that's easy to get sorted if anything pops up.

    • Perhaps Here will help decide?

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