Trying to get my head around PayPal and they used to be very sneaky in the past. But I have been successful using my fee free debit card to pay for purchases.
But i can’t remember if this was just to smaller companies etc
But when I selected my card as payment PayPal would say my card would charge me there rate and you would not know what this would be.
And it would show you what PayPal charge with there conversion fee.
Always using my card option I be way less maybe due to no fee card and bank charges less and i would always select the currency I am paying this being euro.
But it’s strange as it’s different to what I’m used to as when I select pay in euro it does say pay in euro charger will be by my card rate and it says what PayPal will charge in Aus with fee.
EUR xxx.xx
Your card issuer may charge foreign transaction fees
Current conversation rates blah blah obviously what PayPal will sting you for.
Unless I have to log in further it’s weird as it says pay with PayPal? And pay in the currency you choice.
I don’t even see my free fee card on this as an option even prior it says pay in euro etc
If I continue and check out with PayPal but I don’t know if it’s still PayPal taking another cut and by charging my card but will add it’s fee on it’s charge.
I am trying to pick the best and least cost for me and have always selected my debit card paid through PayPal and fees was good not the rip of one’s PayPal give you.
I can just use my fee free card and pay through PayPal by adding it but It should already be on there or i could just pay by debit card on ebay and exclude PayPal all together.
But i believe paying is another safety net if things went wrong.
I'm sort of wishing you just purchased (insert item here) from Australia.