• expired

Firepro Dry Powder 1kg Fire Extinguisher $16.79 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ OnePass) @ Bunnings


10c cheaper than previous deal

This extinguisher carries 1kg of dry power extinguishing material with a 2A:10B:E classification. This extinguisher is rated to extinguish paper, wood, cloth, rubber and many plastics, as well as flammable liquids and are suitable for electrical fires. Compliant with Australian and New Zealand standard AS/NZ1841.5. The product is heavy-duty which means it's built to last and there is a pressure gauge at the top of the unit allows you to check the health or if it requires replacing. The dry powder can help you protect lives & your belongings. Fire extinguishers are an important part of your home and work place fire safety. Feel at ease with one of these extinguishers that have a quick-release mounting bracket to be able to easily access the extinguisher in case of an emergency.

Suitable for fire protection in the home (including garage), cars, boats and caravans.
Working order can easily be checked with the in-built preesure gauge
5 year warranty
Australian Standards Rated 2A:10B:E
Comes with high strength metal mounting bracket and usage instructions

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  • +24

    Good for anyone with hymix device .

    • +2

      Question is does it put out fires?

    • +4

      I love OzB memes but man it's crazy to me that this rumour lives on in the absence of any evidence that a Heymix charger has ever caught fire. I am seriously fascinated by the origins of it all. What's the opposite of astroturfing? Did a Heymix competitor pay some people a few years back to start rumours? Was it aliens? I need answers! 🧐

      • -2

        Just read the comments from previous deals. Plenty of spectacular Heymix failures.

        • +9

          This is what all the other comments say. It's the Donald Trump special: "many people are saying <…>"

          None of the comments, including yours, address the "absence of any evidence" point I made. OzB loves Anker yet there are plenty of credible reports with photos of Anker products catching on fire, but I've yet to see a single one for Heymix. Happy for you to point me in the direction of evidence if it exists though.

    • Nothing like a good old fashioned ozbargain sidetrack. Thanks op bought one.

  • -4

    Should EV cars equip with these Fire Extinguishers as standard ?

    • +31

      no because they don't catch on fire every week like combustion engine cars do.

        • +5

          One of my brigades had a battery fire in northern sydney on Wednesday. Extinguished in under 10 minutes.

        • +1

          Combustion engines are ticking time bombs just with a shorter timer on them. it extremely rare for any ev to catch on fire because of a battery issue. most ev fires reported are caused by people lighting them on fire.

          • +2


            most ev fires reported are caused by people lighting them on fire.

            Same for cars with internal combusion engines.

          • +5

            @kungfuman: Not cars. Most firey call outs are for cheap scooters/ bikes with poorly made BMS's.

            Of those, it's all stupidly. Leaving bikes etc on charge over night.

            Should be timers mandatory in all chargers.

            Source: Bro in law is a firey.

            Here's a stat, the only car in our family that caught fire (and we have electric) was a diesel.

            I never knew diesel even burnt.

            Turned out to be a gift and never have to deal with that Merc diesel crap ever again .

            But really, if you have a package of energy (whatever it is) it's a thermal risk.


        • +2

          That moron in Vegas stacked one full of fireworks and all they could get it to do was flare.

          Meanwhile, we have two truck incidents close the Bruce recently due to crators.

          I recommend you read a highschool chemistry text book then try again.

      • -3

        Maybe that's why EVs are banned from car parks lol?


        • +9

          A bit of critical thinking will expose the source of the news came from a US funded anti China "news" station.
          Take it with a pinch of salt

          • +3

            @cmyk: Who is this 'US funded anti China "news" station.'?

          • +1

            @cmyk: Who is this 'US funded anti China "news" station.'?

        • Two hotels in China, who cited the exact same online hysteria that this publication is seeking to spread. I hope you don't put your phone in your pocket.

      • chinese made ev cars in china do it every day. That's how they started call that brand: Burn You Down.

    • +7

      Not much point. I just did EV response training through the RFS and you need around 10,000L to effectively cool the battery.
      Otherwise it’s just going to burn via thermal runaway.

      • +2

        That's not really what it says. 10,000L may be required. There have only been 6 EV battery fires in NSW since 2015, and 2 of them were extingusihed with far less than that.

        • Only 1/3 of EV battery fires in NSW needing less than 10 kL to extinguish. I like them odds.

        • How were they extinguished?

    • +11

      Assuming you commented in good faith. Don't get brain washed by propaganda. Facts are everywhere about ICE is more likely to catch fire than EV.

        • +8

          if you're on ozbargain I would assume you understand how percentages work… lol.

        • +2

          Unfortunately your comment isn't as clever as you thought. (As xil4obear pointed) Maybe read the actual facts rather than misinformation from chat groups? Critical thinking helps too

          • -3

            @cmyk: I thought it was clever because straight away, everyone thought I was talking percentages. Wrong.

        • -3

          I wasn't talking percentages. I was just talking numbers and being factual.

      • +5

        I'm not sure that's the point they're making, if an EV battery goes bang it's a much more significant fire than an ICE catching fire. The problem with their comment is that no portable fire extinguisher is going to effect a battery fire.

        Arguably all cars should come with one, or at least all people should have them in their cars.

      • No bias at all of course. That website is owned by BBC who say in their Sustainability policy:

        When it comes to the content our audiences watch, listen and read, the BBC needs to ensure that it’s reflecting the changes we’re seeing in society towards more sustainable ways of living.


        This encompasses the mindful choices that can be made around sustainable settings or behaviours on screen, as well as the subjects or themes of a production where relevant.

        Approximately 70% of the policy is focussed on climate change propaganda, as opposed to real sustainability or environmental issues.

        Here are some specific mentions of environmental buzz words:
        Climate change: 12 instances
        Carbon: 10 instances
        Net Zero: 5 instances
        Greenhouse gas emissions: 4 instances
        Environmental sustainability: 6 instances
        Plastic use: 2 instances (e.g., "plant-based dishes" in the Great British Menu)
        Conservation: 2 instances (e.g., "conserving habitats and ecosystems")
        Pollution: 1 instance (e.g., "reduce greenhouse gas emissions")
        Habitat loss: 1 instance (e.g., "conserving habitats and ecosystems" in the Minecraft Education partnership)
        Biodiversity: 1 instance (e.g., "birds of prey" in the Hamza: Strictly Birds of Prey program)
        Sustainable living: 1 instance (e.g., "sustainable ways of living" in the DIY SOS program)
        Environmental education: 1 instance (e.g., "Minecraft Education" partnership)

        So basically all BBC content is created in such a way that they can maximise climate propaganda. #trustworthy

        • Are you implying that climate change isn't a big problem that should be talked about?

          • @SpainKing: I'm implying that the linked content can in no way be considered unbiased (re ICE vs EV).

            • @tenpercent: Fair enough, I would say that about nearly any info regarding the issue found on a regular news outlet though. What say you of the climate change issue?

              • @SpainKing:

                I would say that about nearly any info regarding the issue found on a regular news outlet though.

                Totally agree.

    • +6

      Even firefighters struggle to put out EV fires

    • +4

      No, you yourself cannot put out a lithium battery fire. The battery contains its own oxidizer. There is a video on Youtube of a Tesla burning underwater after it rolled into a lake.

      Only thing you can do is evacuate, and most importantly, keep everyone well away from the smoke. Let professionals handle the fire. That's what they're trained to do.

    • +2

      a nuclear power station is pretty safe too. Rarely does it go bang

    • Only if you carry 500 of them

    • +6

      Assuming you commented in good faith. Don't get brain washed by propaganda. Facts are everywhere about ICE is more likely to catch fire than EV. Here's one:

    • +4

      As cmyk said, EV much less likely than ICE to combust. That said, I don't think this would put a dint in an EV fire so in either case I wouldn't bother carrying it in an EV for this scenario.

  • +55

    Helpful info from comments I just read through from the previous deal:

    • expiry is apparently around 5 years
    • shake them every 6 months to stop from caking
    • 1kg is good for small to medium areas, if the fire is any larger you would evacuate anyway.
    • to operate remember TPASS - Twist, Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep.
    • +5

      Great comment mate, thanks for sharing.

    • +1

      Really sorry for a dumb question: which part supposed to be twisted (looking at the photo)? Is that black plastic tip a cap which has to be removed?

    • +4

      5y expiry is only in a place of business. They can last far longer for personal use if looked after and maintained as described.

      • What was the description? Shake every 6 months?

        • That’s right. You just want to make sure the powder remains free flowing. Check the gauge to make sure it’s fully charged, and keep it out of extremes of temperature and the weather.

          • @1989jdm: Shake is fine. But don’t spray even a tiny bit - it will then show too low pressure forever more.

            • +1

              @WhyAmICommenting: That's what she said.

            • +1

              @WhyAmICommenting: Found this out myself. Got one on hard rubbish day. Figured id give it a quick squirt to see how it would go. Reads low and it was the smallest squeeze.

              • @DarwinBoy: Yep, same lol. Heard the pressure escape after sloooowly.

  • +1

    Normal price is $19 so not much of a discount.

    • +10

      I see it as a good incentive to be fire safe. Anytime these 'deals' come up, even if saving just a few dollars, it reminds me to grab one or two, or at least check my current batches and smoke alarms.

      $16.79 will seem like the bargain of a lifetime in the event of a small fire.

    • Mate, this is OzTightArse after all.

    • +1

      Yes, not a fire sale.

  • +5

    Bought one to mount next to my Heymix charger

  • Can someone confirm the process after half-using one? Local fire station to dispose or refill?

    • Yep you’d never bother refilling a $20 powder fire extinguisher. Just drop the old one off and buy a new one.

  • +8

    Perfect for anyone with a RTX 5090 🤣

    • +2

      I'm sceptical that the 3 owners of 5090 cards will come across this message.

    • +3

      Well there's no bargain for the 5090, so we shouldn't have to worry about that here.

  • +3

    Price matching/beating ALDI special tomorrow (Sat 22nd) …. https://www.aldi.com.au/special-buys/special-buys-sat-22-feb…

  • +2

    There is also an extinguisher and fire blanket on sale as an ALDI Special Buy on Saturday. (For the 'rich' people willing to pay an extra 20c to buy in-person!)

  • The ultimate bargain - saves you the cost of building a new house, post cooking the midnight frozen pizza from the Aldi catalogue, after having a few too many Amazon scotches.

  • If U are in Melbourne and at the caravan and camping show I bought a "Quell" extinguisher from safety Dave for $10

  • Heading to Bunnings later. Was about to get one for the shed where 3d priinter, laser engraver and CNC are.
    Good reminder.

  • is this easy to fix without rolling around in the boot?

  • Aldi has the Delta for $16.99

  • Are these for owners of Nvidia RTX 5090 graphics cards? ;P

  • +2

    Get one. My regular repost:

    I had a 1kg in the kitchen that I used when the fat on a badly maintained bbq went up. Replaced it.

    Saw a CFA fire presso at work before a quick practical with extinguishers in the back car park. Went straight to Bunnings and got a 2.5kg.

    Car on fire pulled up near home, right under some pine trees. 2.5kg subdued it for a few minutes but not enough. The flames were about to touch the trees when MFB pulled up. Likely would have lost the house if the trees caught.

    Now I have a 1kg in the kitchen, 2.5kg near main bedroom and 4.5kg around middle of the house.

    We give them a shake on the regular and gentle taps when upside down with rubber mallet.

  • One in the shed, one in the car, one in the garage, one under the bed, one under the kitchen sink, one in the workshop… I bought a few of these over the years. They are all out of pressure. Anyone know where can I get them recharged?

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