Looking for any deals or recommendations for Wet Dry Separation Swimming Duffel Bag for teenager. Thanks.
Wet Dry Separation Swimming Duffel Bag

bluespider on 20/02/2025 - 22:39
Get a dry sack and put it in your regular bag
I was thinking of just using disposable plastic bags. Or maybe have a second bag as the wet bag. For wet gym clothes/towels.
We have this one from Amazon.
Seperate compartment for shoes and a dry compartment for wet cloths.We have this one also, not bad. A bit small, but we uses one bag for two kids for their swimming lessons.
We have one for each kid and its pretty good. The wet section is a bit small to fit 2x sets of swimming cloths.
Like for swimmers and stuff? Just chuck a Kmart swim bag in any other bag. For example